Saturday, July 4, 2020

Protection against Psychic Attack

The following measures are recommended for those who are targets of negative energy, psychic attack or sorcery. They will thereby become stronger and the entities who torture them weaker. However, each case is different and if you know that you are under psychic attack, contact me. My spirit guide and I will recommend you a permanent solution.
1.Wear at all times a piece of mirror on you, so that the negative energy sent to you is reflected away from you. If you don’t want to attract people’s attention, have a silversmith make a medallion with a small piece of mirror on it. You can also glue it onto your belt, bag or jacket. Make sure the mirror side is on the outside.

2. Do the following ritual: Take a white candle and a brown piece of paper (a piece of a grocery bag will do), light the candle and concentrate for a while on your intention, keeping negative feelings and thoughts at bay. Write on the paper “I ask the Light (God) to freeze all negative influences from x (name) upon me, be they physical, mental, psychic or spiritual, as long as it doesn’t clash with my soul mission”. Take a plastic bag, fill it with water, add some holy water and some sea salt into it, dip the paper in, close it hermetically and put it in the freezer. Should you unfreeze your fridge, do the ritual again.

3. Visualize on a daily basis your whole body being filled with white divine light and finally a huge white light sphere with you in the middle. If you have difficulty visualizing, ask the angels to surround you with their light.

4. As you lie down to sleep, imagine you are covered by Archangel Michael’s golden wings.

5. Place images of Archangel Michael in every room except the bathroom. Any images of angels or saints that you know are light and you feel close to are good, or a cross. Be careful when it comes to saints, as most of them aren’t saints, but dark ET’s.

6. Smudge your home with sage or frank incense and sprinkle it with holy water (you can find some in orthodox churches or make your own –instructions follow towards the end of this article). Make sure you smudge around door and window frames, electronics and drawers, all the while wishing all evil entities to go away. 

7. Paint your home in bright colors, redecorate, put bright color spreads, dress in joyful colors.

8. Put fresh flowers on the table or flower pots on your terrace.

9. Listen to classical or other melodic music. Avoid watching the news or other negative shows. Avoid sad movies; a comedy or a documentary are good choices.

10. Pray (always with positive feelings)

11. Follow a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables and fruit.

12. Sleep with a protective stone under your pillow, like a turquoise, a malachite or a lapis lazuli.

13. Keep yourself busy with creative activities, crafts or art, read uplifting or interesting things.

14. Avoid negative or miserable people, as well as energy vampires. Maintain a positive attitude, hope and optimistic thoughts.

15. Only hang out with people who make you feel good. If there aren’t any, you’re better off alone.

16. Listen to recordings with positive suggestions.

17. Allow sunshine into your home. Take long walks in nature or even in town, if that pleases you.

18. Exercise.

19. Put in your bedroom a bowl with salt and a clear quartz crystal. Change the salt every month or more often, depending on how serious the problem is.

20. Stay away from addictive behavior (alcohol, smoking, drugs, too much food or candy, meaningless sex, too much TV or videogames, etc). A bit of everything is the best choice (but not drugs).

21. Travel, even alone, even to a faraway place with a different civilization.

22. Keep yourself and your home clean and get rid of clutter.

23. Adopt a pet, preferably a cat (cats absorb negative energy).

24. Come in frequent contact with children.

25. If you’re the target of black magic, visualize a shield around you. Strengthen it many times every day and experiment with different metals. Visualize a foamy part on the inside that will absorb strikes. Visualize a mirror on the exterior. You can make a shield for someone else too, or include them in yours. Visualize a mirror on your solar plexus when confronted with an enemy.

26. If you suffer from nightmares, place your shoes or slippers pointing in different directions in front of your bed.

27. Change your hair style or get a haircut or even dye it.

28. A little bit of “shopping therapy” won’t hurt. You can buy small and nice items for very little money.

29. Make a new food or pastry. In short, get out of the rut.

30. Forgive everyone who has harmed you in the past, yourself included.

31. If you’re in danger of being abducted by ET’s do the following ritual: Buy enough copper wire so as to wrap it around your bed and 5 clear quartz crystals. Charge each crystal holding it in your right hand, visualizing the color blue and say 33 times: ”I’m asking for Archangel Michael’s protection to be in this crystal”. Thank him. Wear one crystal on you at all times and place the other 4 at each of all 4 legs of your bed.

32. For those who prefer to say a prayer, I suggest the following one to Archangel Michael:
“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. ”

I must point out that prayers should be recited with engagement, without negative feelings, feeling every word in your heart, otherwise they don´t reach their recipient or they don’t carry enough power. If the prayer sounds too religious to you, you can interpret it more freely.

33. Here is another prayer to the archangel: “Archangel Michael in front of me, archangel Michael behind me, archangel Michael on my left, archangel Michael on my right, archangel Michael below me, archangel Michael above me, archangel Michael inside of me, archangel Michael all around me.”

34. To break contracts with dark entities you can use the Renunciation of darkness: 

“-In the name of the Light, may God rebuke you, darkness
-I renounce all activities of darkness.
-I revoke all contracts and agreements, invitations and invocations, rituals and initiations with darkness.
-Throughout eternity, for as long as my soul exists.
-I adhere to the only Creator of the universe, the Creator of love and Light.
-In the name of the Light, so be it.”

35. Purchase some orgons, put one in each corner in your room and under your bed and wear one as a medallion. The medallion will give you 20% more energy and it will dampen the attacks.

36. For those who have sorcery on them from previous lives the following daily 10-minute long meditation-visualization is recommended for a couple of months: Call the seven archangels and visualize them around you sending you divine white light.

37.The following prayer will help improve your karma and reduce karmic attacks:

“Please God neutralize the dark activity of my parallels, lead my lost selves to the Light,  dissipate my etheric clones, gather my lost soul fragments, weaken my entities and cleanse and bless my body and soul.”

38.From defense to attack: Ask Archangel Michael for an armor, a helmet and a copper layered sword and hit with it the demons that attack you or have attacked you in the past. There’s no need to see them, just with your intention you will tune into them. Imagine striking them so that they lose their dark energy and go to the Light. You will know you’re under attack whenever you have a headache or any other physical or emotional pain, an accident or some electrical appliance breaks down. Do it with love, with no negative feelings. You can ask for more weapons, like a flail, light bombs, a lasso, a rope, a harpoon, etc.

39. After getting the sword from the Archangel and sending some entities to the Light, you can build a huge light ball in which you will put your home. From this sphere of divine light you can program copper layered swords (copper is toxic to the Nephilim), light laser beams with copper chips, etc, to shoot off, so that all types of entities that try to attack you can be cleansed and hurled to the Light -Nephilim, demons and aliens, i.e. those who are weaker than you. The stronger ones will be weakened. You can also insert light sponges that will absorb and neutralize the entities´ negative energy and mirrors, so that part of it is returned to them. Program the trap with your thoughts to be activated each time an entity approaches your area with the intent of attacking you or your loved ones. You can design any type of trap you like, it doesn’t need to be a sphere. Renew it every night for a few minutes through visualization and it will work just fine. All my clients have been successful at it. Of course, karmic entities can’t go to the Light like that, for that to happen you will need a karmic cleansing. But by leading other entities to the Light you will go up in soul level and your karma will get more balanced.

40.Imagine wearing an armor when going out, dealing with reds (dark people), or even at home or while asleep. Reds will flee and lights will somehow respect you more. It will also protect you from non-karmic accidents. 

41.Take first thing in the morning a sip of holy water on an empty stomach. It will make you more resistant to attacks.

42.You can make your own holy water and oil in the following way: pour some water/oil in a bottle, go to a church, cross it three times in the air while holding and ask God to bless it. Then you can keep filling it with more water or oil and that will be blessed too. Unfortunately the church won´t work if it´s Catholic or Protestant, only if it´s Orthodox. If there is none in your city, you can look for a monastery not affiliated with the official religions.

43 You can bless any other object the same way.

44. Rub some holy oil on sore spots.

45.Another helpful technique in order to appease pain is to ask and visualize a group of angels sending divine healing light to the sore spot. 15 to 20 minutes is usually enough.

46.Put a 6 inches tall object under your bed on the side of your pillow. You will wake up with more energy and occasional morning headaches will disappear or get weaker.

47.Don’t forget to say grace before each meal. After thanking God for the food you’re about to enjoy, ask Him to bless it. This way any toxic element will be neutralized and you won’t get poisoned. You can also add some holy water to it.

48.This prayer will help you maintain good contact with God and your guardian angel:
My God, please protect me and help me discover the Truth. Help me distinguish between Truth and deceit, between Truth and lies. Send me signs so that I know how to stay on the light path and discernment to know which signs are of the Light and which ones from darkness.
You have to pray without negative feelings, trying to be in a neutral state of mind, with faith and optimism.

Disclaimer: There are no guarantees of specific results on a physical level and results can vary per case, as they also depend on people themselves, their karma, dedication and persistence.

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