Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Metaphysical Questions and Answers 14


Subjects: Jabs, the fifth dimension, Scientology, the Secret, positive affirmations, visualization to achieve goals, the Flower of life, tantra, incense, dark movies/comics/songs, the music and movie industry, celebrities and dark signs, Chanel, God´s help, praying, holy water, blessing things, Taoism, Feng Shui, Zen, chimes, El gods, clones, false history, dinosaurs, sins versus deals, weather tampering, the NWO, the elite and the world plan, spiritualism, true divine healing, Freemasonry, plagues and wars, the coronavirus/Ouroboros, the material world.

Q.When will the Light Millennium come? Is the Millenium the 5th Dimension? Will fully jabbed people believe in it? Or will they all die? Jabbed people are still dying…

 A.It will come when all parts of the Armageddon are over. Hopefully soon. People would first have to rise against the Mark of the Beast and have it stop…

The fifth dimension is a dark dimension.

No, the jabbed can‘t feel the Light, especially those who will get the final shot, the seventh one. But who knows how things will be when the Millennium starts.

Let´s hope they won´t.

Q.Well, people have bowed down to it so far, albeit not everybody. How can we stop it? By not getting it, by not supporting the sanitary pass and other measures, by demonstrating? During the peak of the plandemic there were many demonstrations, but I don't know if that is enough to make changes. And the elite is planning a new plandemic…

 A.No, it can‘t stop with just that. Even after the trials that have taken place against those pharmaceutical companies people are still getting the shots, not to mention the flu shot, which also is the Mark of the Beast. Hopefully the Armageddon will be enough. Otherwise if society collapses and everybody dies the survivors will believe and put an end to it.

Q.Oh my gosh, how come the fifth dimension is dark? Most of the spiritual community believes in the 5th Dimension... What will happen to those who go there? 

A.The people who talk about the 4th, 5th and other dimensions do dark work. The entities that deceived them made them think it‘s light. All known dimensions are dark. The light ones are unkown to us.  They are dark because they were made by ET‘s and Freemasons. The people who go there are enslaved by ET‘s. 

Q.I know you have told me most of them are doing dark work..... But they have good intentions and I sometimes hear interesting things  from them. Is it a deal to listen to them? They are good people and it´s sad that they´re  not aware. So most people will die or be enslaved by ET's, that is scary. Is there anything that can be done about it? Otherwise only few of us will be left…

A.Listening to them is not a deal, it actually helps to learn how to discern the truth from the false info. All enslaved and lost souls were taken to the Light in 2021. That action will be repeated in the future. Let´s hope that the Armageddon will be over before everyone dies or is enslaved.


Q.And the same goes for documentaries about dark stuff, like scientology or the Manson story? 


Q.I would like to know if positive affirmations are dark too. What about the secret from Rhonda Byrne with visualization techniques? I used to do those techniques in the past, but not any more. 

A.Positive affirmations can lead to a deal, if one takes them too seriously.

The Secret and Rhonda Byrne's techniques are dark, yes, so it´s a deal to do them.

 Q.Is the flower of life symbol dark?  Tantra doesn't seem light either…

A.Yes, the flower of life and tantra are dark too.

Q.Does incense neutralize spells?

A.Yes, if someone dark visits you or does dark rituals/witchcraft at your place, those won´t work if you have burnt incense and asked for protection.

Q.Oh I see, that´s really good. I use it to remove negative energy in the rooms or for meditation.

A.Yes, it cleanses the energy.

Q.Is watching movies or listening to music of dark people a deal? I´m thinking of Walt Disney films, maybe Pixar and others who used to be red and are still dark.

A.They aren‘t deals, but the goal while reading, watching or listening to them should be to try to tell apart dark things from light. I read Donald Duck comic books in order to detect dark things that need to be broken or figure out how to make them light. If it´s just for entertainment and you accept the dark things in them, then it´s a deal.

Q.I guess Chanel products too? The Chanel logo is masonic. 

A.Chanel is very dark, better not use those products, as they would be on your body, meaning they would affect you directly.

Q:Yeah, it´s all over … I was looking at a CD on the top of my music shelf and when I got closer I saw the Illuminati Eye on a drawing near the singer´s eyes. I was shocked, I didn't know that Vanessa Paradis was part of it too…

A.All celebrities are part of it one way or the other, or they wouldn‘t be celebrities.

Q.It´s pervasive, I´m starting to see a totally different world… Celebrities are just part of a big show and we don't see through it, since they show themselves as beautiful and good people.

The thing is why are they making those symbols, using certain colors and forms? Do they even know? Is it to show that those things really exist? They are out there and yet they are hidden from the world.

Most of the world doesn´t see though it, but we do when we look closely. Does it make them more powerful if they put their symbols or signs on?

A.I think it connects them to the ongoing rituals performed by the elite or their handlers. It´s to keep them brain-washed and obedient. At the same time those signs connect their fans to the rituals. Most of them don´t know the truth, at least not all of it.

Q."Abracadabra" is used for dark purposes... I might have said it loud when I was playing as a child....There is also the Minions with one-eyed children animations… They might also be connected to Freemasonry.

A.Yeah, those are dark all right.

Q.I tried to get through to my son, but he doesn't understand many things. He thinks God is there to help people in desperate situations,  otherwise there is no god. He thinks being in a negative state would not stop God from helping anyone in need. 

But the thing is not everyone is in a positive state of mind, so how can they get help? My son can be  depressed or sad at times, so how can he or people like him reach God? It´s not always easy to feel positive, I used to be like that too. So how can they bring their energy up? They wouldn´t get any support from God until they start being positive, having faith, trusting God.

I told him today that by finding out more about the truth I felt some anxiety thinking about it, but it didn't stay inside me....I asked God to help me stay strong. 

I try to share with him what I believe, but it still doesn't connect with him. He  likes confronting me whether he believes it or not.  

He has been watching lots of sci-fi movies with demons. So he has a clear understanding of spirituality and demons when I talk with him, but his answer is „those are films, not reality“, or „what is the point of living if the world we are living in is controled and we have demons affecting us…“ 

I hope some day he will believe.

A.God does not help in physical matters, so if your son is only interested in that kind of things he better not ask God for help, or else a dark entity will help him, and that has consequences. If we are good people and help others God will help us, we don't need to ask Him for anything. God is not Santa Claus, your son has those two mixed up...

So it doesn't matter if someone is not in a positive mood. If they have earned the help, they'll get it. It´s while praying that one should avoid being in a negative mindset, since this would attract demons. 

I understand that your son confronts you a lot and doesn't listen, kids are like that with their parents. But I bet after those confrontations he thinks „If only I hadn´t reacted so harshly…“

Q.Once you´ve got holy water you can dilute it with tap water and drink it?

 A.That‘s right.

Q.In order to bless the objects at home do we need pure holy water?

 A.All holy water is pure. It doesn´t go bad. That happened only once, after a massive world-wide dark ritual which neutralized all holy water on earth.

Q.So if it´s diluted it can still be used to bless objects?

A.Of course.

Q.Can we make holy water in any church?

 A.Not in an Anglican, Catholic or Calvinist church, as those religions are totally dark.

Q.I don't know which church I could go to 

A.If you live in London there are surely many simple protestant or Lutheran churches, and I know there´s a Greek orthodox one.

Q.So when I find one I need to ask God tp bless the water in the bottle I am holding while walking a few times here and there in the church, right?

A.Yes, but you don´t need to walk around.

Q.I have a few books on Fengshui, are those OK to keep or are they dark?  I also have also some books on Taoism and Zen, is it dark? Is using chimes OK? I have some of those in my flat...... Are these more deals?

A.You don´t need to throw away anything, just bless it and break the deals.Taoism and Zen are dark. Feng Shui is partly dark.  If those chimes are linked to a metaphysical practice, then they are dark too. I have chimes hanging in my home, but they are like toys or ornaments. 

Q.Is ancient Greek history true? Much of our history has been hidden from us…

A.Yeah, but not the way we learned it, the El gods were light and they meant well, they just made many deals. We learn they did many evil deeds, but those were done by their clones…

Q.Oh, I see, and this is true for the entire earth history? 

A.Yes, that's true for the entire earth history -originals being replaced by clones whose bad deeds were blamed on the originals or who were made to look like heroes.

Q.Gosh… All these historians writing lies… Some people have many books of history which they study and they don´t know that we have been lied to. It is like with dinosaurs which are fictitious, they never existed.

 A.Dinosaurs did exist, but they were created by Freemasons and their coworkers who stretched time far back into the past and put them there.

Q.Oh, interesting, I didn't know that.

I remember you told me about deals, that in Christianity it is not deals people believe in, but sins, which is similar, right?

A.Not really, as the notion of sin lays guilt on people. Moreover, many so-called sins are not necessarily deals, like premarital sex, homosexual sex, masturbation, metaphysical practices, etc…

Q.Is the elite tampering with the weather?

A.Yes. Every time something major is broken in the Armageddon Freemasons use one of their weather machines to draw energy from the air and recreate stuff, so it suddenly gets much colder.

Q.Oh nooo…When are they going to stop doing that? 

A.They'll never stop if they´re not stopped.. They have plans, a totalitarian NWO is scheduled to start on July 4 2025. ..

Q.What does this plan consist of? I hope it´s not serious…

A.Total dictatorship, like George Orwell predicted. So it is very serious. 

Q.Where did you find out about breaking deals and how did you know that it was the right path to take in spirituality rather than other ways?

A.I learned it from spirit guides, in hypnotherapy and channeling sessions.

Q.I don´t think there are many people who believe that some elite group has evil plans on earth. I was talking to a friend today, I mentioned Freemasons, but I stopped there, as she said that they don't have secret places, they are open in what they are doing, that people had been talking about them for years.....She also said that her brother is a Freemason, a lawyer. I didn't say another word after that… It´s useless when people are not open to other ideas.

A.If her brother is a Freemason she‘s under mind control, she can‘t see clearly

Q.What about spiritists like Alan Kardec and Chico Xavier? What do you think about it? Is it dark when the dead want to communicate with their relatives or vice versa?

A.I don‘t know this Xavier guy, but Alan Kardec‘s work was dark. And spiritism or spiritualism is dark. Spiritualists don‘t communicate with the dead, but with ET‘s impersonating them. Plus when the dead wish to send us a message they do so on their own, in our dreams or by some sign in our daily lives. It can be done in a channeling or under hypnosis, but it must be with a therapist whose work is light and who knows which precautions to take.

Q.I see, so no-one else was doing it? You created this method?

A.No, this is not a method of mine, it´s the Truth, it´s divine healing. I just let the Light do its work and guide me into doing my part right.

Q.But why is this the first time that the Light gets to introduce its method with the astral Armageddon and its team who‘s trying to save the Earth from all these plagues, like viruses, Mark of the Beast shots, drugs, wars, genocides, you name it?

A.The corona virus and other viruses have been introduced countless times in history. The Mark of the Beast, was imposed three times on humanity in the past and wasn‘t broken by an Armageddon team.

Q.And could my mission be to find out all this and help out? But how can I do that?

A.Yes, and in fact you are doing that already, by sending me info.

Q.I see, they did it again with the Spanish flu, the black plague, war after war throughout history....

Have Freemasons always existed? So this generation isn´t the only one to have created the coronavirus?

A.Yes, they have always existed. Check my article on God and the antigod. https://koalanispiritualwarfare.blogspot.com/2024/02/god-antigod-and-false-light.html

It isn‘t. Freemasons made the coronavirus in the past, it was introduced back in 91,000 BC.


Q.So the elite creates viruses and wars to eliminate people? Why do the elites or the ET‘s want to exterminate humans? Does the coronavirus even exist?

A.They need souls for energy and a low population so that they can govern us easily.

The coronavirus does exist, at least as an entity, it´s the Ouroboros. As for the jabs, the deaths occur because of the graphene oxide and nanotechnology in them, as well as other poisons.

Q.But why wasn‘t there an Armageddon team up until now to stop this vicious circle?

A.There was, it just failed.

Q.Who were they?

A.The Armageddon team consisted of the past lives and parallels of its current members.

Q.So Freemasons control this world?

A.Freemasons are the creators of the material world.

Q.I thought the corona virus itself didn't exist. I know that the vaccine contains graphene, nanoparticles, spike proteins, etc... And soon the 5G technology will enhance the problem.

A.Well, it exists as an entity and it can manifest as any virus it wishes. Viruses per se don‘t exist either, they are nanotechnology.

Q.So what would we be outside of this world? Just spirit? Do we really need to have a material world? 

A.Yes, spirit. Of course we don´t, but a material world suits the elite‘s needs. They have us trapped inside of physical bodies, with needs they can fulfill, controling us and our reality, bodies that are cut off from God and from communicating directly with Him.

Q.I understand. So the coronavirus was shown in the media like a deadly virus pandemic, but it was all a lie, we were rather facing a winter flu, huh? 

A.More or less...


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