Monday, August 31, 2020

List of Possible Deals with Demons

What is a deal with a demon, a Nephilim or a dark ET? We will examine this issue and give instructions to break the deals that have been made in this life and to kill the entities that have come along with them. You will notice that many coincide with the so-called sins of Christianity, but not all, and not always.

With these activities or desires we give dark forces the right to establish a link with a dark entity, which gives us what we have asked for, albeit not always. With serious covenants the entity kills us and our soul becomes enslaved to it after death and is reborn as red. The agreement can also be made in a dream. Here’s a list: (These are all deals I’ve encountered among my clients, acquaintances and cats and deals I’ve made myself, in this life or in past lives):

1. Casting (love) spells, doing white magic.

2. Casting black and high magic spells and spells from grimoires.

3. Accepting spells cast by witch doctors, psychics, mediums, sorcerers, witches or alternative therapists whose work is dark.

4. Thinking about consulting them/getting help from them or actually doing it.

5. Telling someone else to ask for help from them.

6. Telling someone else to cast a spell.

7. Giving someone a spell.

8. Offering, lending or selling shadow/spell books.

9. Doing exercises without asking God for protection in order to develop your powers of clairvoyance and other ESP skills (not always, it also depends on the method, author of the system and teacher).

10. Giving card readings to predict the future or ask for things, or ding/giving readings with negative feelings or without asking God for protection.

11. Playing the Ouija board, searching for answers through dowsing, the pendulum, messages of discarnate entities in the radio, through automatic writing, channeling, etc. (So as not to make a deal you have to ask for answers from your spirit guide and ask that he/she be from the Light).

12. Asking for material or earthly things at all costs, like to have a relationship with someone, a child, money, a good job, fame, professional success, a diploma, health, revenge, to learn a language, to go to a specific country, etc. You should ask to be able to realize your soul plan (and thus you will have what you need).

13. Requesting contact with aliens.

14. Astral traveling (it doesn’t always lead to a deal, but often).

15. Having astral sex.

16. Gambling for money.

17. Falling in love with a red (someone whose guide is a demon and has altered DNA)

18. Having sex with a red

19. Giving, lending, selling things to reds.

20. Receiving, borrowing or buying things from red people or red stores.

21. Following the advice of reds, inviting them, accepting their invitation, going on a trip with them, hitting "Like" on something a red has put on Facebook or a forum.

22. Working for a red, a freemason, a sorcerer or anyone who does damage with their work.

23. Taking or selling drugs.

24. Accusing or convicting an innocent (or even a guilty person).

25. Killing, planning or wishing to kill.

26. Committing suicide, planning or wishing to do so.

27. Wishing to disappear as an essence.

28. Taking or planning revenge, wishing or asking for revenge.

29. Rape, physical violence or serious threats (this includes animals)

30. Stealing.

31. Telling someone else to kill, take drugs, rape, steal, etc.

32. Being baptized in a dark religion, following it or doing its rituals. Now they are all dark, some partially, others totally.

33. Binding demons in hell, i.e. imprisoning them.

34. Asking for services from reds (doctors, lawyers, the police, healers, etc.).

35. Praying with negative feelings.

36. Stopping or rejecting a karmic cleansing (when it is real, i.e. from the Light)

37. Asking someone else to stop or turn down a karmic cleansing.

38. Asking to be the one who will save someone instead of God.

39. Blasphemy.

40. Insulting a dark incarnated ET, toasting with them, considering oneself more clever than them, etc. (Also with a simple red it’s a minor deal, but in that case you won’t get implants, while in the case of an ET you will).

41. Perjury to help a red.

42. Slandering or hurting someone on purpose.

43. Attending a red school, conference or course.

44. Stealing souls.

45. Having an abortion or telling someone to have one.

46. ​​Testing, tempting or blackmailing God or one of His representatives.

47. Imagining having sex with a red or wanting to have it.

48. Putting a curse on someone or something.

49. Laughing with (comic) stories in which someone suffers from demonic attacks, knowing that that’s what it’s about.

50. Giving money to a red beggar.

51. Picking up objects or money off the street that was left by a red.

52. Atheism.

53. Insulting (even animals).

54. Human or animal sacrifices.

55. Putting out offerings of food or drink, for the spirits or goblins.

56. Deciding and firmly believing that you are going to do something or that something will be in a certain way no matter what.

57. Choosing to keep your money instead of lending it to someone who needs it (unless they’re red, but even then you should help them, under certain circumstances).

58. Taking any decision that goes against your soul mission.

59. Prostitution.

60. Getting a sex change operation or wanting to have the biological body of the opposite sex.

61. Lying to yourself

62. Lying with bad intentions.

63. Adultery or wishing it.

64. Betrayal.

65. Refusing to get better at something (a language, a relationship, etc.), insisting on making mistakes.

66. Deciding to cut out all contact with a person when it’s your soul mission to stay in contact with them.

67. Fatalist apathy.

68. Choosing the god that suits you over the true one (or choosing the god who is the opposite of the god you hate).

69. Sending someone to jail or wishing them to go to jail (whether they’re innocent or guilty).

70. Requesting gifts from Santa Claus.

71. Asking for a miracle to happen.

72. Wishing that what’s happening isn’t real, but a nightmare.

73. Asking not to suffer, or to only suffer the amount you can bear.

74. Asking for justice.

75. Using the legal system or the police to harm someone, even to make them pay a fine, whether they’re innocent or guilty.

76. Not accepting someone's sacrifice.

77. Wishing to be young forever or to be young again (that's different from feeling young or taking care of oneself so as to look young).

78. Hating someone or not being able to put up with someone.

79. Asking to be punished.

80. Taking an oath/swearing something.

81. Wishing for the physical Armageddon to take place.

82. Deciding not to listen to somebody.

83. Not accepting corrections.

84. Wanting to always be right.

85. Wanting to impose your opinions or conversation topic on others.

86. Wanting to have the last say in something or have it your way.

87. Wishing something impossible in this universe, like one’s mother hadn’t broken up with one’s father.

88. Asking to travel in time

89. Asking to visit a parallel/alternate universe.

90. Wishing to become something else, like another being (a fairy, a lion, Superman, an angel, whatever).

91. Wishing to be transported to another reality, a dream land or utopia.

92. Asking one’s next incarnation to be in a specific country or at a specific time.

93. Deciding that you have done such a good job in this life that you won’t have to incarnate again.

94. Deciding not to do the work your soul mission is supposed to do (healer, priest, etc).

95. Wishing to die (and mean it).

96. Refusing to share your food if asked to.

97. Refusing to give food to someone who’s hungry when you has food.

98. Wishing to have the same goods as the nabor (food, a car, a job, etc).

99. Wishing not to get ill once old or to die young so as not to be a burden to your children.

100. Wishing to get your mom back (when a child’s mother dies).

101. Wishing to be born (i.e. when a fetus dies).

102. Asking for forgiveness from a red.

103. Being a control freak.

104. Changing your mind and no longer wanting to have children when you are already pregnant and instead give the souls of the fetuses away to your sister, who does want to have children (animals are able to do that).

105. Requesting to leave a place of residence as soon as possible.

106. Wishing that this be the last winter that one spends in a place of residence.

107. Saying that you prefer to die if you can´t practice your sport

108. Deciding to enjoy life with trips, with your friends, visits to museums, etc.

109. Asking to live in the house where you lived in your past life

110. Asking to be a high level sportsman and win in competitions

111. Asking to be a prestigious dancer

111. Asking to be a prestigious dancer

112. Asking to grow more and more (a plant)

113. Wishing or trying to have contact with an imaginary person

114. Rejoycing with other people's misfortune

115. Participating in dark elections

116. Being in favor of the independence of a region when it can be used for dark purposes

117. Being convinced that a region does not belong to a specific country and should be removed, when that would serve dark purposes.

118. Refusing to balance one’s karma

119. Accepting stolen goods as a gift from someone, even if neither of you knows it was stolen.

120. Accepting a gift that was purchased with money from the sale of drugs, even if they’re pills used legally by psychiatrists for their patients. This deal is so serious that darks can send whoever has made it to jail and even let them be tortured and raped to death, depending on their karma, knowledge and mission.

121.Wishing to learn a language, or learn more and more languages, or get a diploma.

122. A tradition that exists in Catalonia of giving away monas (cakes with candy Easter eggs on them) by godparents to godchildren.

123. Another tradition, this time in Greece, roasting a lamb on Easter Sunday and eating it.

124. Getting drunk

125. Another Catalan tradition is to give roses to women and books to men. The story tells that St. George saved a princess from a dragon and when he killed the dragon, a rose bush was born from his blood. St. George took a rose and gave it to the princess. Participating in that tradition is an agreement.

126. For Els, falling in love or having sex with a non-El human.

127. Getting a dark tattoo (whose symbol or the thought behind it is dark).

128. Deciding that one can´t do anything to help someone (instead of having faith that God will give them strength if they try)

129. Practicing martial arts (they are all dark except simple self-defense).

130. Drinking alcohol

131.Eating animals (any kind)

132.A Finnish new year tradition (tinan valaaminen) according to which one casts lead into water and tries to read the events of the upcoming year.

133.A Swedish midsummer tradition according to which a young girl sleeps with flowers under her pillow and that will make her dream of her future husband.

134. Homophobia, misogyny, racism and any other feeling of superiority, negative judgment and / or hatred towards a minority or group of people.

135. Never looking back (never regretting anything)

136. Telling someone to eat animal meat, cooking it or selling it

137. Sexual contact, unless there is love/ an educational motivation/ in order to overcome a phobia or trauma/ in order to get energy.

138. Picking up an object left in a place other than the garbage can, when the one who left it did so for another person to pick it up. Helping someone to do the same. It’s a deal even after the owner gives us the authorization if one had the intention of doing that.

139. Smoking, giving someone tobacco, buying tobacco for someone, even if the money belongs to  the other person, recommending or facilitating someone to smoke.

140. Not wanting to make sacrifices.

141. Doing things in exchange for something and not because it feels good/right to do them.

142. Not performing a task or something useful unless it’s urgent.

143. Becoming a member of a secret society (they’re all dark).

144. The wish to arouse / have negative feelings (like terror, in the case of a horror movie).

145. When doing spiritual work, hiding it and lying about it.

146. When doing spiritual work, doing it for the glory or money and not for the common good.

147.The wish to impress or be a hero.

148. The wish to grow spiritually in such a fanatical way that it makes the person selfish and indifferent, unable to put important needs of other people (or even their own needs) above it.

149.Letting one’s parents / relatives control one’s life without standing up to them.

150. Consensual romantic (sexual or only platonic) relationships between children and adults can and usually do impact children so much that they fail to fulfill their soul mission.

151. Bets

152. Masturbation, when it is accompanied by sexual fantasies in which another person participates without having asked for and gotten consent. Without such fantasies it´s not a deal.

153. Not wanting to know more about dark forces but just the basics, only to protect yourself. (You can't protect yourself just by knowing the basics).

154. Exercising more than you need to function well, like only to build up your muscles or win a competition. Sport has to be done for development and personal enjoyment, not to win or impress.

155. Underestimating dark powers.

156. “Holy” communion and other religious rituals (all religions are totally or partially dark).

157. Promising things to God in exchange for favors, health, etc.

158.The lies told on April Fools' Day.

159 Dressing up as a nephilim, dragon, witch, ghost, monster, skeleton, pirate, etc.

160. Engaging in the Halloween Trick or Treat tradition.

161.The macabre traditions of All Saints' Day in some countries.

162.Sterilizing animals and oneself



165.Cutting trees (branches can be cut if needed)

166.Uprooting or burning weeds if the soil is not needed or does not hinder one´s flowers

167.Marriage and many of the rituals and traditions during and after the wedding (including wearing a ring)
168.Acting according to superstitions, trying to control the future - have luck or avoid some evil, such as knocking on wood, crossing one´s fingers, looking for four-leaf clovers, etc.

169.Following dark traditions (unless given another meaning)

170.Hacking computers/files

171.Making a wish while blowing out the candles on one´s birthday cake, when seeing a shooting star, etc.


173.Doubting that God has done what we have asked Him, when it comes to something spiritual.

174.Checking God's work with one´s spiritual guide

175.Underestimating God

176.Following a dark spiritual / alternative practice / therapy (the list is here: )

177.Anger, unhappiness, sadness, rage

178.Wearing an amulet in hopes it protects us (the cross is an exception)

179.Drawing a heart (it represents a snake's head), unless given another meaning.

180.Having plastic surgery for beauty

181.Making the sign of victory (V), the mudra, the one eye sign, the peace sign

182.Eating at a memorial service

183.Organ removal (unless it´s for health issues)

184.Transplants (there are exceptions)

185.Having one´s wisdom teeth removed (unless they endanger one´s health)

186.Putting an oil lamp at a grave

187.Adding human hair if it comes from another human.

188.Searching for the treasure at the end of the rainbow. It´s a trap set up by gnomes/ leprechauns. The same goes for any real or fictional treasure that was stolen or that carries negative energy.

189.Spreading salt on the doormat to chase away unwanted people instead of asking God for it.

190.Playing the victim to attract compassion.

191.Wishing for a couple to break up

192.Selling or playing video games that promote dark things like violence, schizophrenia, terror, murder, etc.

193.Praying to or asking favors from dark virgin Maries/saints.

194.Speaking in tongues (not always)

195.Xenoglossy (in hypnosis)

196.Circumcision and clitorectomy

197.Various methods of removing the evil eye involving divination, superstition or dark saints

198.Listening to dark music - rock, reggae, hip hop, electronic, heavy metal, etc., or other music with a dark meaning.

199.Breaking the wishes given to us in good faith but that aren’t compatible with our soul mission.

200.Thinking you can save someone else or humanity

201.Begging God (it’s not the same as praying to Him)

202.Thinking that you can end the Armageddon yourself, when the only one who can do that is God.

203.Thinking that God wants you to wage the Armageddon without astral sight

204.Playing God

205.Practices/ceremonies where physical laws are transcended, like walking barefoot on fire without getting burnt, telekinesis, etc.

206.Inserting one’s biometric data (iridoscopy extract/ fingerprints) in one’s cell phone as a security lock, to unlock the screen, access one’s e-mail, etc.

207.Astral / internet / physical espionage with bugs, hidden cameras, etc.

208.Advising someone something dark, like committing suicide, etc.

209.Putting drugs / sleeping pills into someone's drink.

210.Allowing your pet to touch you while you masturbate οr have sex with someone else.

211. Deciding that one will come out clean in the karmic check-up or that the therapist will be wrong.

212. Buying / selling leather or silk items. If you already have them, you have to break the deal and bless them with holy water.

213.Believing that God wanted two people to go up against all dark Creation.

214.Believing that astrology controls our luck or our destiny instead of our actions and decisions.

215. Imprisoning animals in a cage instead of letting them go about freely.

216.Using violence / torture / pain as a control measure on animals (electric shock with a special collar to stop them from barking, keeping them chained without food or drink or under extreme temperatures, etc.)

217.Forcing animals to fight against each other (to death or not)

218.Bullfights and the San Fermín celebration (where bulls are let loose to attack people)

219. Placing microchips in animals.

220. Using or selling cosmetics that contain monatomic gold, adrenochrome, and other dark substances.

221.Buying, consuming or selling products containing blood from aborted and sacrificed fetuses (after the end of the Armageddon this is no longer a deal). I have a list here:

222.Pulling out the petals of daisies to see if someone loves you

223.Getting a piercing anywhere on your body.

224.Not accepting your sexual orientation

225.Wishing your baby was born with a specific sex

226.Pushing someone to make a specific decision or do something specific.

227.Recommending as good something that one knows is bad (for health, etc.).

228.Adding toxic fertilizers to trees and plants to make them grow faster.

229.Making wild animals do what you want (circus, etc).

230.Not cutting off a friendship relationship / partner although one knows it’s toxic.

231.Accepting to marry somebody without loving them, under pressure from parents / relatives

232.Parents deciding what their children will study and doing everything possible to achieve it.

233.Doing a job that one hates because out of need or necessity.

234.Giving in to blackmail

235.Oppressing your partner or any other person or group


237.Sabotaging other people’s lives.

238.Not accepting your body (but it's good to try to improve it with good nutrition and exercise)

239.Not acting upon one’s intuition.

240.In vitro fertilization.

241.Bulimia and anorexia.

242.Calling somebody a sinner

243.Wanting to attract attention (and thereby admiration, sympathy, etc)


245. Trying to cast out demons or heal in the name of Jesus Christ (there is no such right)

246. Convenience marriages.

247.Receiving alternative therapies from someone who has engaged in some dark metaphysical practice (all their practices become automatically dark).

248.Knowing that something is a deal, but keep doing it and breaking it indefinitely.

249.Place carved and illuminated pumpkins on Halloween. They attract demons.


251.Too much pride.

252.Playing cards (they have been cleansed since the end of Armageddon)

253.Burying a dead animal in a city park or a flowerpot. They have to be buried in a natural forest. And not near the courthouse. (Since the end of the Armageddon this is no longer a deal)

254.Commanding demons to leave / to go to the Light / to be destroyed (commanding is a deal)

255.Living without working or studying, without making the effort to be productive, depending on state money.

256.Not wanting to know negative things about the future or in general, believing that they can‘t be avoided or changed, or that one can’t learn from them.

257. Not wanting to have responsibilities

258.Considering the Armageddon as a burden rather than something interesting and an honor.

259.Donating blood.

260.Getting the covid-19 injection (this deal can‘t be broken while one is alive). Τhis injection is the Mark of the Beast.

261.These drugs, vaccines, injections, etc, are also the Mark of the Beast, so taking them is another unbreakable deal:

a.Monoclonal antibody therapy

b.All pills sold as a cure for covid-19

c.The flu vaccine since 2021

d.The new cancer vaccine

e.The new cholesterol vaccine.



h.As of the beginning of 2022, practically all vaccines for children, pregnant women, travelers, adults, pets, the new HIV vaccine, etc.



k.Certain dental anesthetic injections

i.Certain insulin injections

j.Durex condoms

262.Programming an object with an intention or wish.

263.Having doubts about the karmic cleansing or whether God´s servants know how to do their job correctly.

264.Fishing and hunting

265.Doing heroic acts to achieve something, such as admiration or to keep a partner.

266.Expecting something from someone who can’t give it.

267.Giving or lending money while expecting someone's love in return.

268.Getting carried away by romance (having unrealistic expectations)

269.Seeing oneself as a victim, worthy of pity.

270.Seeing oneself as a hero, worthy of admiration

271.Having guilt or trying to instill it in someone

272.Wishing one‘s plastic animals or other toys would become alive.

273.Asking to start a family.

274.Working on one‘s self-development while expecting to get a reward from the Light.

275.Buying or breeding animals to earn money.


277.Horse riding

278.Horse racing


280.Kissing images of dark saints/bowing to dark gods

281.Worrying about what people will say

282.Exaggeration, even if trying to help.

283.Not bearing to owe anything to anyone.

284.Not trusting anyone.

285.Making an insurance against personal accidents, loss of a part of the body, paralysis, death.

286.Sports in which the opponent is struck or attacked (boxing, fencing, wrestling, martial arts).

In order to get rid of all these deals you have surely made throughout your lives, it’s good to start writing a list as things come to your mind. I would say that 500 deals is an average number, lumping each minor category together as one deal. You can put minor deals (like exchanges or cooperations with reds) in a time-space spiral and break them all at once. The most serious ones, such as spells or readings by dark seers and healers, should be broken individually. To break  a deal  you have to repent of what has been done, considered or wished and say the Renunciation of darkness (number 34: )

Then you have to kill the demons from these deals, following the instructions under number 38 in the same article. They can also be put into a time- space and killed at the same time. Instructions on how to do that can be found in point 5 in  .

When a deal is made with an ET, even if it’s minor, you’ll get implants and you’ll have to do a special ritual to take them off. You will find it under point 5 in the article I just mentioned. You have to repeat it two or three times until all the implants come out, but if the planet is a master planet, write to me and I’ll tell you what else to do. However, big implants usually can’t be taken off with this ritual, you’ll need a karmic cleansing.

Minor agreements don’t have major karmic consequences, i.e., they won’t prevent you from going to the Light after death. But the most serious ones, such as killing, asking for revenge, doing witchcraft, etc., will. They’ll give the demon the right to take your soul and reincarnate you as red, turning you into their instrument. Until October 2016, when a deal was stricken with an ET, one’s soul was enslaved after a while, taken to the alien planet, the ET got into one’s body and lived one’s life. Now they have lost the possibility to do all that, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll go to the Light after death, as a demon will get the contract.


Disclaimer: There are no guarantees of specific results on a physical level and results can vary per case, as they also depend on people themselves, their karma, dedication and persistence.


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