Thursday, February 22, 2024

God, the Antigod and the False light

Lucifer, Satan, the devil, Samael, the fallen archangel of harmony… Do all these names correspond to one entity or are we talking about different ones? This is what I found out in channelings, the Armageddon, meditations and masonic readings about Creation and man´s primordial enemy.

How God emerged 

The first thing that existed was energy. The energy looked at itself and examined in which way it could be pleased with itself. That way the energy acquired consciousness. The feeling of love arose. It felt good and right. As the energy examined it and felt it, it expanded. The more it expanded, the better the energy felt. When it got large enough, it wanted to know what love was. It analyzed it and pinpointed what it was and what it wasn‘t. If any attention was laid upon what it wasn‘t, the available energy shrunk and vice versa. The subcategories of love (like compassion, justice, kindness, happiness, truth, etc) were made to expand by focusing on them. The energy went on like this until it became aware of all limitations. It decided it didn‘t ever want to step outside of those limitations. That‘s when God emerged. So it can be said that God made Himself. º1

Where did that initial energy come from which God was made of and was able to reinforce and expand?

-It came from the future, when God had already decided to expand love.

God thought that as He had made Himself, another energy could decide otherwise, especially now that He existed; some other energy could emerge and be wanting to steal His energy. So He made up a plan in order for everyone to know what the limitations were and to decide for themselves not to want to step outside of them. That plan was Creation.

Creation started in an open and flat space God created for that purpose. This place was called a monad. Inside the monad God gave characteristics and missions to His parts, as well as self-ruling. One part would plan souls and another one would execute those plans. The former was called planning/creative/feminine part and the latter executive/masculine part. In between them was a neutral, harmonizing part. And Creation started.

The life in which Freemasons sent the virus to the Monad:

-Switzerland, Lausanne, 1456 BC.  Z, M, Ch and K were university students. K studied philosophy and history, M theology, Z math and astronomy, Ch biology. They all wanted to know more things, hidden things. They also diverged from what religion taught, since its dogma was oppressive and narrow, showing a restrictive and punishing god. They thought it was all a pack of lies and wanted to discover the truth. They heard about Freemasonry and that it had hidden knowledge, but that the only way to have access to it was to become a member. The reason was that society wasn´t ready for it, since the Church ruled and sent everyone who dissented to the stake. They joined the order and rose quickly on the masonic scale. The four friends thought the rituals were silly and that their purpose was to make sure the members were tough enough and able to keep secrets. M wanted to investigate whether God was real and what He was. Z wanted to create a detailed, scientific report on the Truth. Ch wanted to discover the secret of life. K wanted to experience other realities and find out what lay outside of God. He didn’t believe the church’s version that nothing existed outside of God. They decided that the best course of action was to send part of their consciousness to God, before Creation. This way they would know if He really existed and learn how Life was created. Ch did a ritual in which he put his intention on it. A soul fragment of his became something like a drone and went back to the Creator before Creation. He served as a channel and reported what he saw to the others. But since Freemasonry was a dark order, that was a deal and the four friends didn’t see the entire truth. They initially got a lot of it, but as they believed in the lies they also got, their deals increased in number and so did the lies they got in return. This is how Ch’s soul fragment became dark and turned into the virus that infected God. As a result, God’s planning/creative part started hiding its plans from the rest of God and eventually detached itself from God and the Monad. Ch and God´s designing part became dark and thus emerged the Antigod and Darkness. K  got what he wanted; that there was indeed something outside of God. Ch experienced that area and ultimately became that area. M got to know a false image of God and Z recorded false information.

After that life in which Freemasons sent a virus to the initial Monad we found many more past lives  in which other Freemasons had done the same thing, thereby taking many more monads for themselves. 


-France, 1610. A group of early-time Illuminati-Freemason mystics wanted to find out how God had emerged. One of them had a vision of a seed. They wished for the seed to be inside of them and their wish was fulfilled. A dark entity had helped them to steal Protogod, the first ever manifestation of God. This seed was God´s initial step to emerge, before actually emerging. Consequently, that seed became dark. The mystics had great powers which they attributed to having God inside of them. When they died they became the entity by the name Protogod. He was the god of mystics, but he also helped secret orders, monks and some priests.

The fission of the Monad

The initial Monad's name was O En, the One. God got split into two parts, the feminine and the masculine one. How did this happen?

-Paris, 1488. K was the leader of 100 Freemasons, 101 in total, who created fission, an entity, with their soul fragments. That entity split the Monad in two and became the primordial Lucifer. When something light gets split, it gets weakened and darkness can make its way into it.

Those 100 soul fragments rose in soul level on the dark scale, split themselves, since they were Fission, and became the 200 elohim who blended with women. Their leader, Shemieza, did the same thing.

These fragments, after creating Lucifer, splitting and making the 200 elohim, grew bigger and split again eternally, creating new souls - Freemasons. 

The theft of divine love

-Switzerland, 1799. Freemasons went to the highest part of the Monad, where divine love was. They stole it and by being stolen it was inverted. Inverted love is poison, so it became poison. As love builds, poison destroys. 

The Freemason whose idea was to steal divine love was Koalani´s parallel. Reyna´s parallel put it into practice by designing the ritual.

The Father also went to that part of the (fallen) Monad which he considered his own and used it to make the first elohae. º2

The first Monad:

Here is a more detailed description of what happened inside the first monad when it fell:

Once the virus hit the first monad, God left the Monad and created a new one. The designing part was infected by the virus and wanted to hide its plans. The executive part was also infected and wanted to execute those plans against the other part´s wishes. The designing part left the Monad, shielded its layers by building a shadow and became the Antigod who would thereafter dwell in Darkness, the place that emerged outside of God. The executive part had the recollection of God, but the virus made him think he was God. So he called himself the Father. The Father created the Son and the holy spirit to assist him in his plan.º3 The Father also created the first Elohae and asked him to start Creation. He went on to create elohim, angels, humans, animals, etc. º4 The Father sent his Son to Darkness to get the trapped souls out of it. He got many of them and healed them. The rest refused to get out and the Father reacted by taking measures against the Antigod/Shadow/Darkness. The Antigod reacted and a war broke out. The Father, carried away by his eagerness to save all souls created anger, hatred, vengefulness, warfare and most other known evils.

The souls who accepted to be taken out of darkness are in the masonic light (the fallen Monad), whereas those who didn´t are still trapped inside of darkness. º5 The Son proceded to implanting part of himself in darkness and many souls and soul designs started being pulled out of darkness and incarnating on this plane. According to their decisions here they can become light and go to the true Light, they can adopt masonic ideals and go to the masonic light or they can choose pure evil and go to darkness. Of course, the masonic light is just as dark as darkness, but its representatives think otherwise. They seek development, progress, growth, prosperity and knowledge, but also power. They have the motto „the end justifies the means“ and they are as destructive and evil as the Antigod, if it helps them achieve their goals. Their ultimate goal is to kill God and take His place. º6

The following text comes from a channeling with Miquel´s guide, one of my coworkers, the first Elohae´s parallel. The recording was mysteriously erased from my voice recorder, so all the info was lost except for what I could recall. Back then I didn´t have the information I later on discovered and we were at a crucial point in the Armageddon, where everything was turning dark. So this was an attempt to send Samael and Lilith to the Light. I failed, but we gained more time.

In a nutshell, I told Samael, Lilith, Azazel and other high-ranked darks that there had to be some high-level demon who had deceived them all. I then went looking for it. I talked with M´s guide and asked about the first Elohae and what his deals were. There was a long list. The first soul the Elohae had created was my parallel. He hid the existence of God from her because he wanted God to only love him. So she thought he was God. She told him to create other souls. This was acting like a guide, so it was a deal. Instead of creating them with God's essence he used his own and hers, by merging their souls, like in sex. This was how one of the antigods was created. He then created water and inserted his energy into it, upon which clones emerged. By that time she figured out he was limited and that there had to be another, invisible God. However, instead of reaching to the real God, she imitated the first Elohae: she mixed her essence with the water and clones of hers were created. She didn´t tell him about it, but he found out. By that time she thought she was very smart and liked herself so much that she took an oath not to ever change, but stay the same soul for ever. A closed circuit was created and the entire Creation was put inside. This was broken in the Armageddon, like many other loops the elite loves to put us in.

 The guide said our parallels should have tried to feel, love and know God instead of doing things on their own, without asking. I asked God to create light pathways all over Creation, so that everybody could sense Him -if that was the right thing to do of course. We made a machine that destroyed the antigod made of our parallels and I went back to Samael and company. I told them I had found out who the bastard was (that's how I called the demon who had deceived them, as I knew they would like the word and get curious). I told them it was a monster who had trapped their energy and altered it, erasing their memory. I added that that monster posed as the Creator and that they had to ask to feel the real Creator, the unknown one. I eventually made Samael do that and after a few minutes he was so moved that he cried. I cried too and they all followed those pathways into the Light.º7

Creation of Lucifer

-Pae´s (one of my cats) past life

Pae had one parallel who was a sorcerer and wished for utmost power and another one who as a consequence of that deal was sacrificed in order to serve as energy for the creation of Lucifer, the entity with utmost power.

Pae´s mother was a witch and did a ritual together with 12 other women. The 12 women formed a circle, the leading witch placed herself in the center with her two-year old baby and after uttering some incantations she threw him alive into the fire. The purpose of the ritual was to create a supreme god, a god above all others. After that Lucifer was created, using as an energy basis the soul of the poor boy. Later on countless other sorcerers and witches sacrificed babies, children and adults to please Lucifer, making him more and more powerful.

So Lucifer wasn´t a soul who originated in the Monad, but was created by humans. And he became the supreme devil, the bearer of the false light, the god of dark ET´s, high magicians and secret orders.

Lucifer’s farms

Between 42,000 and 41,000 BC Lucifer gained the right to have human farms. Humans were born in cocoons, hanging from trees. They were all born as adults, so there were no families or children. They lived exactly 100 years. They didn’t work and every single day of their life they were transported to another building across the entire earth, thereby making friendships impossible. They received no education and they had no activity. They only met the same people at the most 3 times in their lives. Those who protested were punished There were 11 Princes of Darkness and 11 Princesses of Darkness ruling over 11 areas. They were giants and looked more or less like Phantom Blot (without his black cloak)

There were also 1,000 Archangels of Darkness (incarnated demons) who reigned in 1,000 kingdoms.

In 41,000 BC Lilith swept over the entire earth like a typhoon and killed everybody, humans, Princes, Princesses and Archangels of Darkness. A reset took place and humans started getting born naturally again. However a new reign of terror started and lasted for another millennium, as Lilith´s bahomeh (gigantic vampire bats) attacked humans and drained their life force, leaving them dry and lifeless.

Many more dark experiments were done, especially with clone-making, leading to other dystopian eras. Those eras were not only in our remote past, but also quite recent. Our memories about them were nevertheless erased with each reset and new start. The dark elite is planning a new reset soon, if the astral Armageddon doesn´t end.

Apart from Lucifer, three more entities have served as the devil in people´s consciousness: Satan, Samael and the fallen Archangel of harmony. Satan and Samael were humans who wished to become like the devil, so after dying they became just that.

The fallen archangel of harmony was called Amarantin before he turned dark. His deals are well-known: he was jealous of the mission humans were called to carry out as guardians of Creation and rose against God. By now we know that that god was not the Light god, but the masonic god. In any case, extreme envy, arrogance and vanity are serious enough deals so as to make an archangel fall and become malevolent.

Garden of Eve

There were two Gardens of Eve. The first one was light and was located in what is now North-America. Eve had parallelswho had been initiated into luciferianism in previous lives, thereby becoming prone to masonic programming. She was called to procreate with Adam, but she was convinced by Freemasons that it would hurt like hell. She refused to have sexual intercourse with Adam and that was the end of that garden. Clones were made of hers and Adam´s and were placed in a new Garden of Eve in the Middle-East. The clones did procreate and gave birth to a dark generation. The god of that garden was Yaldabaoth, Samael´s son. Adam and Eve were already dark, but by eating from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil they accepted to also experience evil.

Yaldabaoth is also known as Yahwe or the Lord. All religions and sects have dark entities as gods, so one could say that there are many more devils out there.


1.In the physical world we don´t know what the limits between light and dark are, so unfortunately we need to step beyond them in order to become aware of what they are. And since they always change according to the situation, the time, the person, etc, the combinations are infinite and our experimentation -and mistakes- never end. According to our mistakes are the rights darks gain over us and the karma we pay.

2.The first elohae and the Son are different from the other elohim. The elohim are both male and female, so they have both qualities of the Monad in them. The Son and the first elohae are three times male, like the Father. This means that they have the ability to design and execute. The original dark and unholy Trinity was the trinity of the Father, the Son and the first elohae. The church switched the first elohae with a supposedly holy spirit, since the elite that created Christianity didn´t want humans to know about the existence of the first elohae. The first Elohae created humans, and the Elite wanted us to believe that God was the one who created us. That way we would never question the details of Creation or Creation itself. 

3.This is Christianity´s Holy Trinity, a dark and false representation of God, since it represents a fallen, dark energy. The light version of the Holy Trinity is God´s designing part, God´s executive part and the Holy Spirit (the harmonizing part between those two).

4. We are all children of the executive arm of a deluded, dark god who thinks he´s the real god, just because he found himself in that initial monad.

5.When the Monad fell it folded upon itself and from being flat it turned into a sphere. This is why the elite insists on trying to turn Earth into a sphere and lies to us about its shape. A flat surface is open and free to grow and expand whereas a spherical one is closed, trapped and condemned to staying stagnant for ever.

6.The masonic light stands between Darkness and the real Light. It serves as a way for the trapped souls to be liberated from the yoke of absolute darkness in order for them to have a chance to reach the real Light. This is of course how God makes use of the masonic light, it´s not an intrinsic wish of the entities inside the fallen monad.

7.The entities who went to the Light in that session were just a set of clones that those high-rank entities had, not the original ones like we thought back then. Later on many higher parallels of theirs were taken to the Light in the Armageddon.

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