The dark forces rule the earth in many ways and one of them is the production of clones in underground facilities. These clones are manufactured with stolen DNA taken from blood tests in hospitals that co-operate with these labs. Of course, none of the employees at the hospitals know what really happens and where those samples end up. The purpose of the clone making is to take the place of the original person, who gets murdered. This is often done for people who have discovered the activity of the dark elite and have physical evidence, or people whose soul mission is to be or already are psychic or spiritual healers. Generally, anyone the dark elite wants to stop and cannot do it in any other way. The souls inserted into the clones are one of the original person’s souls from past lives, that have made a deal with a dark entity. If you have no dark or lost souls or deals from any previous lives they cannot make your clone. They could, however, use a look alike, but if you don’t have any parallel selves killing people they can’t kill you.