Friday, October 23, 2020

Metaphysical Questions and Answers 1


Here are some questions addressed to me by my clients. This article is about karma, the Armageddon lives, deals, Zeus and other El gods, parallels, channeling, SRT, the Bible.

Q.I guess what motivates me to question this is that i dont really have faith in spiritual beings such as guides, archangels or god. It could all be a way to make us obey a greater power.. but how do we know that this power is there for our benefit? And then after our death we could go to the light, review the life, accept the failing of the mission, accept a new contract with a heavier burden because the previous contract wasn’t covered at 100 percent and do it all over again. If karma was the amount we have not obeyed the contract karma can never be diminished. Especially if we all have different contracts and mine says I shall satisfy everyone, but my neighbor says he will never be satisfied by anyone.. This way my karma will increase because of the impossibility of my contract.. And then I’ll have to live another life here having agreed to an even worse contract. And I don’t see a positive value in this system.. It will be learning, but it seems to me that we shall learn to serve and obey those who are making the contracts. They decide about our fate.. That doesn’t really convince me to believe in and set my hopes in. 

A.Dark entities do need humans to obey, whereas light ones don't. You are free to do as you wish. The Light only gives advice and suggestions, not orders. Of course if you decline the help the Light is offering you it's a deal. You just have to ask God for signs that you're on the right path and for the ability to interpret them correctly. If you don't believe in angels or spirit guides from the Light then it will be hard for you. Karma will be balanced if you stay on the right path. However, karma in its current form is dark, made up by dark forces and designed to keep us here for ever, either as light and victims or as bosses but dark ourselves.

Q. Well, who decided what the right path is? Because to my understanding that happens in the light and the light always sends you back here.. And i really don’t want to come back here.

A. The right path is the light path, allying oneself with the Creator. Anything else is a deal with demons. The Light sends us back to make up the damage our parallels have done. If we cleanse our karmic entities, reach level 10 and don't die with a deal, we won't have to come back here –i.e. us, this soul. Our parallels will have to go on until they do the same. And no, when we are in the Light we don't have the right to fix anything, we have to do that here, the test is here. 

Q.I go through the Armageddon lives and I have some difficulties to grasp this information. There is so much information and it is so new to me.

You write that we were El Gods. What does an El-God mean? Were we real deities like in ancient Greek myths with superpowers and a “fanbase”? I read the article about El Gods on your website, but I still don’t understand. How come a majestic god became a “little human” like me? 

A.The El gods were the Olympian and Scandinavian gods. We are the parallels of those gods. And yes, they had superpowers on a physical level, they needed them to accomplish their soul mission. Our other parallels were angels. Humans aren’t any less than angels or the Olympian gods, it’s just living in these biological bodies that restrains us and doesn’t allow our full potential to show. Any other deity than the Creator Himself should be written with a small G, gods. In Greek this word came from the word “to run”, as people saw those beings run fast through the sky in their ships. So the word originally doesn’t have a spiritual connotation. 

Q.Were the El gods primarily non-physical, and were they not confined to the psychical body? 

A.We are all non-physical, which means we first get souls and then those souls go into physical bodies, if we are to incarnate on Earth. The same happened with the El gods. So they were confined to their physical bodies while here. But they’re not dead, not the Olympians, those are immortal and have been living on Sirius since 29,000 BC.

Q.You also mention that we were Avatars but in a dark light. Isn't an avatar an incarnation of the one Supreme God like it’s written in a Hindu scripture: “Whenever righteousness wanes and unrighteousness increases I send myself forth…”?

A.No, avatars are dark ET’s. Hindu religions are dark…

Q.Is Gautama Buddha dark, too, then?

A.Not the original one, but there were several other dark Buddhas who created Buddhism. That’s why buddhism is dark.

Q.You mentioned many convents in Tibet, with gurus, monks, etc, are dark. Is Dalai Lama dark too?

-Yes he is.

Q.Speaking in terms of the deals made during in an Armageddon life, you write, for instance: “All deals made by Zeus, other El gods and all their parallels wishing to have the power to control all elements and use this to control the other El gods and humans, and for using this power for dark purposes.”

So are those my deals? If so, how do I renounce them?

A.Yes, yours and many other people’s too, actually all Els’. Just regret having made them and say the prayer, the Renunciation of darkness.

Q.Does it mean I was Zeus and everybody had been Zeus at a certain point of time? 

A.Yes, all Els have been Zeus and one of the other Olympians, as well as a Scandinavian god. If one parallel hasn’t been a Scandinavian god, another one has.

Q.Is Zeus a collective entity or a status or something like this?

A.No, he was a soul who made serious deals and lost his soul, becoming a dark ET himself. The Light sent another light soul into his body and the new soul made more serious deals, becoming an ET. And so on and so forth. He must have lost his soul hundreds of times… The same happened to the other Olympians and Scandinavian gods, as well as to Alexander the Great and his soldiers.

Q.So Zeus lost his soul and my (back then) light soul entered his body and mind in order to save his “old” soul. But my soul failed, made even more deals and got lost in the darkness, too. (And so, another light soul entered Zeus’ body and mind and failed, too and that happened for hundreds of times until Zeus died in the astral Armageddon battle.) 

A.Exactly, this is how it worked for them, because the Light had special permission not to let them die before they fulfilled their mission, which was to lead the nephilim to Agartha. Zeus’ body had been in stasis in mountain K2 since 29,000 BC, when he refused to leave Earth. The same happened to the Olympians who followed him –Poseidon, Ares, Hyphaistos and Hermes.

Q.And after dozens of thousands of years my soul (or rather 15% of it, as you wrote that I lost 85% of my soul in the karmic check up mail) is writing this e-mail to you through me. Do I understand it correctly? 

A.Not exactly. The souls that were in Zeus and the other gods were parallels of ours. Each parallel of ours loses their own soul fragments. So this 15% of the soul you have left now has lost the rest in its own past lives, it must only be a handful. For instance, I had lost 95% of my soul in only 3 lives, that’s how new my soul was. And I’m saying was, because I was switched, since I couldn’t take so many attacks from the Armageddon with only 5% soul left.

Q.I have the same questions about Athena and Dionysus. 

A.They did the same things, made serious deals, lost their soul, got a new soul, lost it, etc.

Q.You wrote I was both of them. But was I exclusively, for instance, Dionysus in one particular life and then I died and Dionysus was no more?

A.No, one parallel of yours was Dionysus for maybe just a few months, lost his soul, and then another parallel of yours was Athena for maybe a few months again, lost her soul and became a dark ET… And then another El became Dionysus and Athena, meaning other souls went into those bodies…

Q.Or is this some kind of a collective entity?


Q.Or are Adam and Eve collective entities?

A.No, the same happened to them, they kept making deals and losing their souls. 

Q.There are also deals of Alexander the Great. Why should I break deals of Alexander the Great – was I also Alexander the Great?

A.Yes, because Alexander the Great’s souls were Zeus’ parallel and God’s Warlord before he became God’s Warlord, so we all were AG as parallels of the Zeus we were. And his soldiers made the same deals, and all Els have been a soldier or a general under his command. And they also kept losing their souls and becoming dark ET’s…

Q. I might have asked you a similar question, but this topic is so confusing, so I need to understand. Does it mean my dad has several souls and not one? Who are these souls and what is the difference between parallels and ”lost selves”?

 A.We all have many souls, who are our parallels. Some are dark, some light. The lost selves are more parallels but who aren´t incarnated, they stayed in the low astral level after death but didn´t make a deal with a darkie, they are just stuck, earthbound as we say. Or just wandering around.

Q.Speaking in terms of spirituality I am a born again Christian and I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. So I have left behind lots of beliefs which contradict the Bible, with some exceptions I am conflicted about, such as reincarnation.

A.Keep searching and asking God to help you discover the truth and if you have an open mind and don’t make a deal about this, you’ll find it. I had another client who joined a sect. It was called Church of God and was dark. Under its spell, she quit the cleansing and all contact with me. On the other hand, another client of mine used to be a Born again Christian but changed her mind, after everything she witnessed there and in other religious settings. Although that sect (Born again Christians) isn't dark, the group she was in was, and made her throw away everything she owned that looked dark to them, but of course wasn't in itself, just what it represented or might represent. They also did rituals to enslave demons. They called it binding, but in a light ritual binding means blocking someone’s dark activity. What those people actually did was sending them to hell, where they were kept as prisoners. We had to break those rituals as witchcraft, release the demons, break their deals and send them to the Light. As for the bible, it was tampered with. It was purposefully mistranslated and many passages from Moses’ Law were added. Moses’ Law is dark, as its god isn’t the Creator, but YHYH, Cronos’ son, a nephilim. 

Q.I do not have any powers to channel information but I believe the New Testament was not manipulated. All the original New Testament books were found by archeologists and they have the same content we have now in the Bible. Besides, if the New Testament was irrelevant why would new translations corrupt the King James Version replacing “Kingdom of Heaven” with “New World Order” etc… I have invested lots of time into this issue and I haven’t any proof that the New Testament was manipulated apart of mistranslation in newer versions. If you have some information; I’d be glad if you sent me a link.

A.I always knew the bible was unreliable and tampered with, since it doesn’t make much sense, it’s not consistent. I do have valuable info of someone who analyzed the New Testament and pointed out hundreds of sentences picked up from Moses’ Law, Demosthenes Liakopoulos, a Greek researcher. It´s not in a link but a paper book, in Greek. The book’s title is Matrix Dominion 2, but I doubt it’s available any more. It’s part of a series of 4 books.

Q.I have prayed to Jesus before considering him an ascended master sitting at a celestial table together with Buddha, Saint Germain, El Moria and several other Blavatskian deities. There’s a huge difference between these two beings: Jesus the Ascended Master and Jesus, Lord and Savior. The first one is a magnificent… fallen angel.

A.Ascended masters are dark ET's. And Helena Blavatsky’s work was dark. Buddha had a deal. As to the so-called Lord, that's YHYH.

Q.Yes, since you told me about that I excluded all the ascended masters and so I had only two ascended masters in my imagination: Archangel Michael and Jesus Christ.

A.OK, there are three Ascended Masters I know of who are light, the two you just mentioned and Saint Germain. But there´s a dark St Germain, like there’s a dark archangel Michael and many dark Jesuses. However, we shouldn’t call Jesus Christ an ascended master, since he’s God’s son, God’s expression.

Q.I came to the realization that Jesus Christ is above Archangel Michael.

A.Of course, as God’s son He surely is. But His job is different. The archangel is for fighting, Jesus isn´t.

Q.Not that I devalue the Archangel. It is my personal experience that Archangel Michael helps me more in the name of Jesus Christ.  

A.Of course you can pray to both.

Q.I also distrust Archangel Michael. There are numerous reports in the internet about people being helped by the Archangel but when these people ask him to show his real form with an unshakable intention, it turns out that this beautiful, huge angel is a hologram behind which an ugly evil reptile alien hides. This alien does really help but it takes a lot more in return. I do believe these reports though I have been praying to Archangel Michael for dozens of years on a daily basis.

A.All those channelers who supposedly channel Archangel Michael and come up with beautiful words about Earth, love, etc, are false archangel Michaels, dark ET's who put implants into the attendants of those channelings and steal their souls. Archangels’ job isn’t to speak to us but fight for us and protect us. Raphael is for healing, to the extent our karma permits it.

Q.Yes, the question that bothers me is how do I connect to the right, real Archangel, while praying.

A.If your intent is light and you don´t have negative feelings, you will reach out to the real archangel.

Q.There are so many reports about impostors who showed them as Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael and then they showed their real ugly face….

A.Yes, but real angels and archangels don´t show their face, you can´t ask them to do so. They can send you a sign though, like light.

Q.You also wrote that you get your answers via channeling and therefore you work with an unseen entity. You were once in the search for answers, like myself. So what did you do to test this being? I mean on your site you speak about meeting dozens of false healers, so I assume you became very cautious about seen and unseen healers. So why do you trust it?

A.The rules are simple. No dark entity is allowed to say they're from the divine Light if they're not, otherwise they are killed that same moment. So I always ask darkies to go away and only have my guide from the Light answer my questions.

Q.If they weren’t allowed to lie about who they are why are there so many impostors?

A.Because demons always come first, whether you ask for a guide from the Light or not. The trick is to ask whomever came if they come from the divine Light. If they say yes, they get instantaneously killed and are led to the Light. So they never say that. Instead they say they are light beings, from light, or they don´t answer, change the subject, etc. Note the expression “from light”, instead “from THE Light”. There’s only ONE true Light, the other lights are fake, made by ET’s. So the use of the definite article is imperative. So this is the way to test them, ask them whether they come from the Light, the divine Light, and wait for their answer. Nobody does that though. I acquired this knowledge in my numerous past-life-therapy sessions and ever since I always made sure to ask them.

Q.Demon guides come instead, just like the ascended masters and the false archangels mentioned above. They lie to billions to billions of naïve people and I have been one of them for 12 years. Or is it your prerogative, since you are a worker of light which somebody “under” demons (like me) cannot have?

A.No, it’s not my prerogative, and although this work is my soul mission, I can get fooled too. In fact, when I started doing hypnosis sessions, I did get fooled many times. But in those cases I just did regressions, no spirit releasement therapy, so it wasn´t so important. I started out doing regressions for people for them to see past lives and after that I tried to get some answers about those lives from their guide. Instead I got darkies many times around, until I recognized the signs. Dark guides and light guides acted differently. Darks will flatter us, they are arrogant, they lack empathy, they are indifferent, they never go too deep in each matter, they don’t give satisfactory answers, etc.  Remember to call it THE Light, not light. With an article and a capital letter.

Q.What about reds who are recently my friends and acquaintances? You wrote that all people have become light and so I have no karmic reds anymore. To be honest, I cannot believe this. I still feel immense attacks from certain people. I would even say, the attacks became even more intense lately. 

A.No, not all reds have become light yet. Many reds have, but light people with a serious deal have become red. Reds have stayed red if they have serious deals. As the cleansing goes further, attacks get worse. Actually they are worse at the start and the end of the therapy. The therapy includes the rituals for the sacrificed souls and the retaliate demons, which you haven't done yet. Lights get more attacked than reds, especially during the Armageddon. You are a karmic red to those who harmed you in your past lives.

Q.Also, since my parents do not speak English, I would like to recommend them a healer from their own country. His name is X and he is your colleague in terms of his methods. What he does is putting people under hypnosis and removes devices, blockages, entities, nullifies contracts/deals etc… There are differences between what you do and he, but the common method is very similar. He has uploaded tons of hypnosis sessions with people.

His sessions go like this… of course there is much more to his sessions and they last for hours, but this is an outline.

What bothers you? The hypnotized says “fear”

Remember when you got it. The hypnotized says, well I was drowning when I was a kid, so I felt afraid.

How does this fear look like? Like a black ball of dirt…

Look up who is behind this ball? It’s a demon (alien etc…)

He has a helper who he asks to put the demon in a „can“ so he will not attack.

Let me speak with the demon through you. Ok

Hello demon. Hello. Do you have a contract with this person? Yes. What is it?

He was abusive in the past life.

Dear hypnotized, go to the life when you were abusive. What do you see?

I see I terrified my own family.

Look who was inside you when you were being abusive.

It was a demon.

So a demon contributed to a large extent to you being aggressive, constantly forcing you to get irritated and abusive on an unseen level? Yes.

Therefore your part of the negative karma is only at a tiny extent.

Hey first demon, you see. It was the work of your race what led him to be abusive. Therefore your contract is invalid.

Dear hypnotized, regret what you did and imagine a fire and put the contract there. Ok.

Dear demon, you now go to a place that I command you to go to, as I am a son of God and have the power to command you to go to a place (Galactic Core or something) where you will be transformed into light or else I will kill you right now.

A.Right. My Spanish forum is filled with hypnosis and channeling sessions like this one. They are all carbon copies, because most therapists don´t think for themselves, they just copy blindly somebody else´s method. Their channeling and hypnosis sessions may look similar to mine to the untrained eye, but what makes the difference are the details. Let’s analyze all this:

a.First mistake: he doesn´t ask for protection from God or the archangels or even his client’s guardian angel..

b.Second mistake: He doesn´t bring his or his client´s spirit guide to start with. He speaks directly to the demon and the client, without any supervision.

c.Third mistake: he commands the demon. This is called arrogance and is a serious deal. We have no right to command others to do anything. Demons must be respected and treated with love and compassion, like all beings.

d.Fourth mistake: He does try to get the client to break his deal, but I don’t think the deal can be broken just like that, by saying OK when the therapist tells him to regret, without a prayer or anything. 

e.Fifth mistake: He doesn’t help the demon break his own deal. If the demon doesn´t break his deal, he can´t go to the Light. 

f.Sixth mistake: He claims the demon’s deal is invalid, because his superiors are responsible for it. This is not how it works. The demon, his superiors and the abusive person are just as responsible, so their deals are valid until they repent.

g.Sixth mistake: He says the client’s karmic burden is minimal because the demon made him do whatever he did in his past life. This is not really true, because although he was possessed or at least influenced by the demon, he could have resisted by deciding his behavior was inacceptable and asked God for help in order to stop acting like that.

h.Seventh mistake: He sends the demon to Galactic Core or Center, which is a dark place. 

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