Saturday, November 28, 2020

Astral Warfare Techniques


Extraterrestrials place etheric gadgets into our bodies and by linking them to our brain implants they can control our thoughts, emotions and reactions to a great extent. This is true for those who already have alien implants. ET’s also place implants in phones and computers. By following my instructions in paragraphs 38, 39 and 40 of the text you can break those gadgets with your sword or your other weapons. The aliens will not be able to reattach the same device, they need to find another one, which you also can break. The best thing is however to build a mental or astral factory which automatically smashes those devices. I will publish a list of the many different extraterrestrial gadgets in the future, but for now I´ll give you some tips on astral/mental warfare. You can use them when under attack by ET’s, reds (people who are instruments of the dark forces), sorcerers, demons and Nephilim. They will work for all non-karmic attacks. For karmic ones, you´ll need a karmic cleansing first.

As long as you carry out the techniques fearlessly, with faith and determination, they will become reality on the astral plane. Your purpose must be to serve the Light (God), or otherwise they won’t work. I must add that all these techniques only work on a metaphysical level, they don’t affect people physically or mentally, except to stop them from harming others. Of course reds will always find another way to attack, so these techniques are more for your own spiritual development.

1.Ask God to reveal reds to you.

2.Deactivate implants by cutting off the contact between someone´s brain implant and the decision-making center of their brain.

3.Touch a red’s neck with your sword as a warning.

4.Erase a red’s memory about something (break their memory database which is influenced and controled by their brain implants). You can erase their memory about you or a beloved one, so that they lose the info they had about you. The same goes for their friends' memory and the other entities they ‘re in contact with (demons, Nephilim, ET’s and other reds).

5. Ask Archangel Michael for an armor and a copper-layered sword. Take them and thank him. Put on your armor, take your weapons and ask Archangel Michael to bless them, protect you and your beloved ones and make you invisible and undetectable. Thank him. Ask God for permission to cut time astrally with your sword and go to the past just before making a deal with aliens (at medical examinations, at a channeling with them, in a dream, etc). Break the deal by saying the renunciation of the darkness (number 34 in this article:  ), while thinking about what it was and revoking it, kill the ET who came to you (lead him to the Light) and break the implants he was holding in two with your sword, by making two cuts in the form of a cross. This way you’ll get back the stolen soul fragments and you’ll get rid of your implants. Finally, ask Archangel Michael for a magnet and pull the implant parts that got into your body. You can also make a music key ( with some perfect glass that you ask from God´s Warlord. Ask all 7 archangels to put into it the special frequencies that will dissolve and remove implants. Insist for several minutes on each step (cutting off the implants, killing the ET and pulling the implant parts with the magnet). In some cases you can do the ritual for other people, if you make them break their deal (astrally or consciously). You can also ask Archangel Michel for Zoran´s gift, which is a special liquid that dissolves implants, and use all three things, the liquid, the music key and the magnet.

6.Ask Archangel Michael to place a conversation into the cone of silence to prevent anybody from hearing it.

7.Gather all persons of a group (eg customers, partners, friends, etc.), remove their devices, lead the dark entities that affect them to the Light and disable their implants.

8. Cut off the red energy that moves a red’s shop: it’s a red sphere that surrounds the store and flashes out red signals to other reds who are attracted and offer their financial and social support. It cooperates with the red communication and alarm network and functions as an antenna, receiving and sending out signals.

9.Clean up red energy traps in an area: sweep them off with your sword with quick movements a few inches over the ground, just like with a wheat reaping sickle. These traps are like 3 feet tall poles thrust into the ground and they emit negative energy, like an umbrella or a round fountain at a radius of 18 feet around them. With this technique you will get rid of them without having to find out where they are.

10.Take off the file with your name on it from the ET´s central computer that manages and places devices.

11.For your protection, imagine that you are wearing an armor when you go out or when you encounter a red, but also at home or while you’re asleep, and especially when attacking entities astrally. Make it invisible in order not to attract attention.

12.Cut astrally a red’s tongue to prevent them from affecting you with their words, cut off their hands to stop them from doing dark things for others, their ears so that they can’t hear you, and their eyes so that they can‘t see you.

13.When you kill a red’s demon you can take away from him the secret of their mission, which makes their replacer hesitate to take their place. Picture the secret as an envelope that falls into your hands.

14.Reds have a golden globe in front of their head and another one behind it. With those globes their entities control them, extract direct information from them and send them orders. You can break those globes with your sword.

15.Tear apart the database with the information reds have in their mind about you until now.

16.Threaten a red astrally with dissolving their mental capacity, if they don’t stop attacking.

17.Give your sword the order to dismantle any machine or grid in the energy field of your home, any traps outside of it or any dark dome over a city.

18.With the use of stealth technology make your sword invisible, especially when you erase memories. Make also your armor invisible and put a misleading hologram depicting the armor and stretching out up to 23 feet around you, so that no dark entities can come close.

19.Place a double bell around someone's head with layers of holy oil, so that ET’s can’t place any machines.

20.Objects such as implants or horseshoes are removed with a magnet. Implants should be removed immediately, if they stay on for too long they will require surgery by spirit guides or special rituals only specialized people can perform.

21.Substitute alien machines with holograms, so that ET´s won’t notice they’re gone.

22.Cut off an individual's energy supporting the oath they have given to a secret organization so that they appear to have betrayed other members, but more generally so that a red can’t absorb  energy from light ones.

23.Cut off the thought reading and transportation beam of the Masonic lodge and place a dispersion filter of the thought radiation. Make it in different colors that reflect the vibrations of your past (so that the ET in charge of the lodge doesn’t pick up your current thoughts, but thoughts from your past).

24.Cut off the copper metal gate with red highlights in front of a shop of a light person. That gate blocks light customers from getting in, because they get the unconscious message that the shop belongs to a red.

25.After each phone conversation, erase the astral archive of your conversation, the memory of anyone who heard it and your tracks. This file could be on earth, in Agharta (the nephilims´ land), in the ocean or on another planet, so break all files.

26.Use your armor as a misleading hologram stretching out up to 23 feet around you, so that no dark entities can come close.

27.There is a ritual for blocking instantly dangerous reds (sorcerers, murderers or people who order others to kill, rape, kidnap, etc). I’m not allowed to put it here, but if you have such a  problem you can contact me. Otherwise ask Archangel Michael to guide you.

28. Take off astrally a red’s phone number from a beloved one’s phone so that this person can’t call the red, neither the other way around.

29.Smash a red’s astral mirror, so that when they think about someone light this person sees their true essence. 

30. After each operation erase your tracks with your sword.

31.Quick energy cleansing: Take someone’s entities to the light, erase their memory of the incident if they’re red, and if they’re light clean them from the false holograms reds have put around them in order to confuse them.

32.Tear down the gate and the command codes generated by rationalism.

33.When you kill a nephilim or an ET erase the astral tracks they leave behind them so that no replacements are sent. We humans leave astral tracks with our presence, while they appear as black holes to their own kind while alive, and when killed they leave astral tracks.

34.Cut astrally/mentally a red’s head off to dissolve their intellect and make them unable to think out any more dark strategies.

35.High degree freemasons are in possession of a key for superior assistance (high level extraterrestrials), for a non-personal use and under exceptional circumstances. When they show it astrally you can steal it from them. You do this after blocking them with Archangel Michael´s ritual.

36.Erase someone´s false memories and false images.

37.Retrieve someone´s stolen memory.

38.Remove with your sword metal chips that have been placed into your (or someone´s else´s) body and cause you pain. Give yourself (or others) mental Light baths to get rid of the dust left.

39.If your sword or mallet are not strong enough to break a machine or the astral files of your conversations, use a bulldozer or a steamroller.

40.For mass destruction of dark astral facilities use dynamite with Light plasma. Picture the classical dynamite, the wire which is connected to the lever, pull it down and let the dynamite blow up.

41.This is how you can reverse slander against you or someone else: With the permission of God, break time with your sword, go back to the moment when the talks against you took place and start by turning into fear the satisfaction the dark master’s servants felt for serving him. Make them be afraid of him. Then turn the doubt of their interlocutors about the slandered person into refusal of accepting it. Finally, make them afraid that the fraud they’re asked to carry out will be uncovered.

42. Create a Light factory. Every energy comes from God and can be converted in the form you like. Build a Light machine that will use several rotating magnetic circles which transform everything reds, entities or aliens have placed on you in the form of malicious energies which diminish your abilities. This machine will create the right frequency and powerful energy that will transmute dark energies on you that lower your abilities into energies that are beneficial for you. Ask Archangel Michael and other archangels to help you build this machine and to provide their Light and energy. Visualize that your machine is constructed and it's working with full capacity. Express full gratitude to them and to God. 

44. Ask Archangels to send you their Light encapsulated in some form of chip. Put those chips in your factory, weapons, machines, etc. 

45.Automatic alien device destruction:

a.Create a Light beam-making machine.

b.Program the control center in the factory to automatically send a beam whenever an alien machine is sent at you. Then program the next steps.

c.When the aliens send you a machine, it’s hit by the beam, which picks up the frequency of the machine and goes back to the factory.

d.There, this frequency goes into a mechanism that produces a replicate of the machine, a Light version of it.

e.The replica is sent automatically at the alien machine, destroys it and goes to the alien planet, striking their control centers and automatic machine makers.

f. Feedback of what happens is sent back to your factory and command center which analyzes the damages caused to them and which method should be used for specific cases and specific machines, regarding the time needed and other specifics. 

46.Make a similar machine for the red energy that reds send to you and your home. The beam gathers the frequency, duplicates it as reversed in the factory and sends it back, destroying the red energy and making it Light, and finally reaches its sender in an enhanced form.

47.You can do the same for all other dark items sent to you, like nails or chips.

48.Build a machine that automatically attacks attacking entities. It's like a sphere with mirrors which neutralize their bad influence on us (inside there´s a Light sponge absorbing negative influences) and at the same time and in that same direction a Light laser beam with copper dust goes off hitting the entities.

49.You can also install a healing mechanism that sends to you when needed the right healing light (colors, essential oils, etc).

50.It´s enough to visualize the mechanisms a few minutes every day for them to work optimally.

51.Upgrade your machines to react to the reds’ energy and intrusion. 

52.Also upgrade another automatic machine to look after your belongings, apartments, houses, cars, appliances.

53.You can remove all so called viruses (malicious energies reducing your potential and abilities) reds implant on you, build a high frequency energy modulator. The high frequency modulation will alter all energy patterns on you planted by reds or whomever and will transform them into basic Light energy.  

 Lying Platform

7 inner circles lined one inside the other      Outer circle

                                                     High power magnets

a.This machine is a big scanner, similar to an MRI machine. Imagine you lie on a platform, similar to the ones in hospitals. The machine has a big outer circle which is moving along a horizontal axis. Inside of this circle are powerful magnets that change their voltage and magnetization (+ or -) at a fast speed. Imagine all needed appliances (wires, switches, everything) to be implemented here. The magnets in the outer circle change their magnetization one after the other within another 7 inner circles placed one inside the other horizontally, so that they rotate fast. At the outer layer of the 7 inner circles there are also magnets.  This enables these 7 circles to rotate. The closest circle to you rotates clockwise, the second one counterclockwise, the third one clockwise, the fourth one counterclockwise, the fifth one clockwise, the sixth one counterclockwise and the seventh one clockwise. The powerful rotation of the 7 inner circles creates a high frequency magnetic field and all energetic patterns (viruses) implanted in you by reds and other pests are modulated/converted into plain Light -energy which is good for you. All negative mind patterns, subconscious problems, etc, will disappear. 

b.Adjust the modulator with its high frequency light beam to turn off all programming and program patterns from any aggressor (aliens, reds, entities, White Brotherhood, etc) and transform them to Light. C.Instruct the modulator to program your subconscious mind so that you will not accept anything that is not from the Light. Refuse all programming, energies, patterns or any other interference, from any source which is not God´s Light.

d. Program a positive Light programming which will enhance your spiritual and other abilities, intelligence, mindset .It will of course only work for non karmic energies/programs and patterns.

e.This machine can work at will or automatically. Program into it an exponential increase of the power of the Light. If it´s too complicated to you ask Archangel Michael to make you a copy of mine.

54.This is the way to prevent energy theft from you: Create a sensor or camera to alarm you about an energy theft of any kind. Your machine will teleport or move very fast to the place of the crime. Pipes will spring forth from inside the machine and spray liquid helium on the reds´ leaching mechanism. Their mechanism will freeze right away because of the liquid helium and will break down to pieces and dust. No infection will be left inside of you. Right after that is done, powerful Light liquid plasma balls and powerful plasma Lasers from a moving Pacman-like platform are fired to the reds, striking them at their most vulnerable places, cutting their connection to their grid and to the red energy supply. 

55.Build a golden Faraday cage around you (for protection against radiations, EMT and even partially against Haarp (40% less influence).

56.You can have more than one machine to perform the same task, in case one doesn´t work to its full potential. You can make a drilling machine and a circular motor chain saw to cut the reds´ connections to the red installations. Then freeze their beam attacking you, transform it into a Light ice spike and have it return to them.

57. This will lower your electricity consumption: Add 20 inches of insulation around your apartment and place it inside of a thermal machine (for heating and cooling) with an addition for ideal humidity, ideal air ionization, ideal energies for people. This will allow you to gain 24% heat in the winter and lose 16% heat in the summer.

58.This will give you protection against soul loss: Create a white sphere full of God´s Light inside your chest. Place planet Earth in it. Include both the planet and the firmament (water, air, sky and sun). It will represent the 4 elements - earth, water, air and fire. 

59.For further protection against soul loss ask Archangel  Michael for a protective medallion with his stamp on it. Ask his medallion to protect your soul from all dangers. Place it on your chest with a Light chain around your neck, fully pledging your full allegiance to the Light. 

60.Scalar wave generators for protection from mass attacks of entities or/and reds: It is a metal panel on which 4 scalar waves generators are placed in this pattern: 

       _   _

   _    _ 

The detectors register the number of entities/reds, and the area they are occupying. Our command center activates 4 different scalar wave generators in the required sequences. By emitting 4 different scalar wave beams with different frequencies taken from the Light, on the area where entities/reds are, a very powerful hot light plasma is created and it destroys everything dark attacking you. If there is an attacking beam of red energy from a red group, another scalar wave generator activates and sends a powerful scalar beam that reverses the red energy into Light impulses like powerful spikes attacking the reds who sent out that energy. From the panel endings, there are 2 scalar generators creating powerful exploding plasma grenades and very powerful light impulses that are used if something is not turned Light fully, or if an attack comes from many people. As usual, everything is broadcast to your command center and analyzed.

61.Make a machine for protection against HAARP radiation and all other radiations trying to harm you, program you, make you sick. Put 7 scalar wave generators with different frequencies on a circular panel, By a specific combination of scalar beams, a very powerful Light dome is created over you protecting you from radiation of any kind.

62.In front of each one of your firing machines place a special Light enhancing convex type lens. This will focus and multiply the Light energy of your weapons . A convex lens is the same at both ends:  

63.Breaking alien programming:  

ET´s program humans in 9 ways. Here´s a list of them and how to break them:

a. Energy programming (placing energies that are a burden to us in many ways). 

-How to solve: With our High frequency modulator machine.

b. Chemicals that throw us off balance (hormones, brain chemicals, etc).

-How to solve:  Ask/program the water in your body (water is extremely powerful) to dissolve and to remove from you all chemicals they have been placed in you.

c. They program and control our nervous system and impulses traveling through it. That changes us, breaks our positive behavior and habits. 

-How to solve: Your factory will build a specific decoding/mapping machine which is connected to your nervous system. Every alien code will be removed and new beneficial Light codes will be placed in your nervous system. 

d. Higher self block: some sort of alien insulating matter is placed inside of us.

-How to solve: Ask Archangel Michael to remove everything blocking you from your higher self.

e. Control of our brain waves with lenses and other stuff, disrupting every type of brain waves (alpha, beta gamma, theta ), diminishing our cognitive skills, logic, perception. That is also done by reducing the flow of energy coming to our brain.   

-How to solve: Ask Archangel Michael to break every ring in your spine and brain which lowers the energy flow into your brain. Also ask to break everything disturbing your brain waves.

f.Filters on our senses which block us from seeing the full spectrum of things.

-How to solve: Ask Archangel Michael to break every filter on all your senses, which diminishes your true perception.

g. Lowering our frequency/vibration with negative emotions by pulling dark, negative energy from our trauma spots. Every trauma in every life is a generator of negative energy. 

-How to solve: Ask Light to send Light plasma into those trauma spots and neutralize those negative spots that emit negative energy.

h. Prevention of grounding and connection to earth by placing brackets between you and earth (something like ^ , but upside down).

-How to solve: Ask Archangel Michael to break the brackets placed between us and earth.

i. Prevention of our connection to God (with these brackets ^).

-How to solve: Ask Archangel Michael to break the brackets placed between you and God.

63. Build a Light firewall around you (or just ask Archangel Michael to do it) so that everything that is not from the Light to be blocked. After building the Light firewall around you, program it to block access to you from anything which is not connected to the Light (information, energy, etc). This will also protect your soul. After that, destroy with your sword (or ask Archangel Michael to do it) anything negative on you that has been working without your authorization. 

64. Dark forces gain advantage over us in 9 ways: 

a.They try to make our soul as uncomfortable as possible in our body. They bombard our soul with scalar technology across time and space with negative messages, energies, threats, etc, without leaving any traces.

-How to stop it: Ask archangels (Michael and others) to break their emitter, wherever it is and to stop their constant negative attack to our soul. This will however only work if enough people in each city or area clean their karma or work on this matter. 

b. They impose various holograms upon us that bring about delusion and detachment from reality.

-How to stop it: Ask archangels (Michael and others) to break the emitter wherever it is.This will only work if enough people in each city or area clean their karma.

c.They block our connection with the earth and universal memory.

-How to stop it: Ask Archangel Michael to destroy everything they use for that purpose. This would be feasible for everyone if a great part of the earth inhabitants got karmically cleansed. But for yourself you can ask for it in your prayers.

d.They block our connection to the basic elements, earth, air, water, fire and ether.

-How to stop it: Ask Archangel Michael to destroy everything they use for that purpose. It will only work for non-karmic matters.

e.They have installed some kind of web to block our insight about various things.

 -How to stop it: Ask Archangel Michael to destroy it all. This will work for those who are under karmic cleansing or you can ask for it in your prayers.

f.They block our ability to transmute energy.

-How to stop it: Ask Archangel Michael to destroy everything they use for that purpose. This will work according to the karma you have cleansed.

g.They block us from receiving beneficial key frequencies from the universe.

-How to stop it: Ask Archangel Michael to destroy everything they use for that purpose. This will work if you pray for it often enough.

h.They have imposed some kind of a funnel over us to lower our reception of universal energies.

-How to stop it: Ask Archangel Michael to destroy it. It will work if you pray for it.

i. They impose negative thought patterns, brain and other controls over us.

-How to solve it: build a Light firewall allowing access to Light sources only and cut off brain and other controls over you. You can do this yourself or with the help of Archangel Michael. This will work for non karmic issues, as everything else.

In short, you need praying to:

- Stop informational and energetic attacks on your soul.  

- Stop holograms, delusions and alteration of your reality.

- Get access to universal insight and memory banks.

- Receive key beneficial frequencies from the universe

- Receive beneficial universal energies (you can use it for the manifestation of your goals, for healing, inner transmutation, etc).

-Get connected to the earth, be grounded.

65. Build a high frequency sound generator, based on the Light´s knowledge of sacred geometry (shapes, ratios, colors, etc), natural elements (air, water, fire, earth, ether), natural materials (crystals, metals alloys, etc), frequencies and wave postulates. 

Then insert in your generator cone-shaped metal objects. They can be in various sizes. Let the Light tell you what size fits best for different purposes. Then with your intent you will insert a high frequency sound into the generator and with the cone-shaped objects you will focus the energy of the sound towards destroying red networks, creating massive waves to fight dark forces when you are under attack, performing healings, etc. The sound from the sound generator will enter into those cone-shaped objects, it will be focused and accelerated and you will have great power at your disposal.  

66.Make a device which combines sound and light in order to stop attacks from hybrids and robots. Machine description:

-1 High frequency sound generator

-1 High frequency Light generator

Place many cone-shaped metal objects into a rotating circle (3,2 feet in diameter). One cone will be emitting sound, another one will be emitting light, the next one will be emitting sound, etc, until the completion of the circle. The cones will create a combined beam of light and sound in the center of the circle where something like a satellite dish will be receiving the light and sound beams. There, the combined beam will be amplified and sent where it needs to (objects, group of entities, etc).

This dish sends light and sound to people’s brain centers: the decision-making center, thought and processing center and the thymic center. This device will also stimulate a stopped brain function into starting working again.

Podemos modificarlo para más anomalías cerebrales causadas por los ETs, como mandando que pare continuamente la programación alienígena que causa incapacidad de pensar de otra forma.

67. To help someone remember or realize something that has been forgotten due to mind control or drugs: Go with your guide and that person to the Akashic records and request to see the forgotten incident. If your acquaintance has made a deal let them repeat the renunciation of darkness in order to break the deal. You can do it without their conscious knowledge.

68.Ask for God´s permission to break time with your sword, go back just before the moment an electric appliance started malfunctioning, break the astral darts that fell upon it with your sword and block their attacks by putting the appliance in a Light gate that you will visualize.

69.Place a portal of Copper and Light in the shape of a Greek L (Λ) and copper microchips containing the energy of the seven archangels around your home, your building, your phones, your router and computer so as to block access of nephilim and other entities. Then ask God’s Warlord to give you perfect glass (a substance only he has) and seal them with it. Proceed to killing if necessary the nephilim that have entered or are lurking outside. Also break the dark energy  from any objects in your home that symbolize or represent the nephilim and their influence (heavy metal CD’s, totems and any other religious objects from the Indian, Asian, Polynesian and North- and South American cultures). Break the connections between your telephones and the nephilims’ network because these connections serve as invitations. Similarly, break the possible codes in your telephones and computer. Pour outside of your home flour with copper chips all over it so as to make the whole area inaccessible to the nephilim. 

70.You can help people with any health problem by imagining their etheric body having black pulsating craters and cleansing them (you break them off with your sword so that they disappear).

71.Break off with your sword the false guise of a red, revealing their true nature.

72.You can ask Archangel Michael to lead an individual who’s under mind control or under attack by dark entities to a protected location where they will heal, ie be reset to their normal levels, where they were before.

73.In order to get rid of intrusive thoughts and feelings about a red cut your connection with them (imagine it as a network of red lines).

74.In order to cancel a dark ritual that someone made without the knowledge of the victim, who was misled by a red: Go with God’s permission back to the past, break with your sword the object or the drink the victim took and the spell that the red said to themselves in that moment and the sexual act that might have followed, as long as the victim was under the influence of drugs and therefore was an involuntarily participant. Kill the demons that were sent with each spell as well as the red’s demons. Restore with your sword the victim’s memory of the event. If they made sacrifices with their spells, go with Archangel Michael’s protection to Agharta and set the imprisoned souls of the sacrificed people or animals free, as well as the victim’s stolen soul fragments or other souls associated with them.

75.In order to break a spell go back to the past with God’s permission and break the spell, the altar, the connection with the victim, tie up the witch with the help of Archangel Michael and ask him to set free the victim's soul fragments.

76. Make a decoder that destroys the shell covering the true frequency of a red and make the true frequency of the red’s dark activities and their background so that their physical persecution can start.

77.To prevent making copies of your telephone conversations: Along with the instructions in point  25 erase the so-called recovery codes, transmission (dispersion of information in all directions) codes, analysis codes, (your own) immobilization codes and hologram codes (so that they won’t spot you).

78.After breaking their altars and black magic spells and tying up the sorcerers, break off the signal they have sent out in other directions asking other sorcerers to make spells.

79.Break off the safety valve in the mind of a red which makes them appear calm.

80.Seal off someone’s memories with perfect glass that you ask from God’s Warlord so that no one can erase them.

81.Cut off the chakra connections between a light and a red, so that the light one can’t get connected with the red and the red one can’t transmit any dark energy to the light one. Then seal off the chakras of the red with perfect glass. Also seal the light’s mind and ears with silver, copper and perfect glass so that the red can’t exert mind control over the light.

82.To make a red feel threatened, ask Archangel Michael to send them the cry "kappi” (pronounced kahpi).

83.Make a grid with codes to keep all sounds inside, so that the people seated next to you won’t hear your conversation.

84.To stop someone from seeing or hearing discarnate entities, tell them to imagine closing a gate in their mind just like shutting a door. Then ask God’s Warlord for some perfect glass and seal it off. These gates are created by using drugs or hallucinogenic substances.

85.Similarly, close a gate at home and seal it with perfect glass. Indoor gates are created by repeated black magic rituals or communication with dark entities over a long period of time.

86. Break off the traps that have been placed inside a person's brain to keep off specific functions and finally erase the tracks of the mind control and that person’s memories of their attacks.

87.To secure communication with your spirit guide ask God’s Warlord to seal it with perfect glass. You can also build a secure place with Archangel Michael’s protection.

88.To minimize mind control by incarnated ET´s place yourself in a violet tetrahedron which is inside of a violet octahedron. Also visualize yourself wearing an oxygen mask.

89.You can stop the pain incarnated aliens send to your chakras by cutting off the rays that are sent to them and making a net of perfect glass you get from God’s Warlord. Put the net over your chakras and you’ll be protected. Sometimes they include codes, so you need to smash their control centers and codes.

90.Build a quartz antenna starting a little higher than you and going through your body, ending about 3 feet into the earth. That way the red energy is being removed from you and uploaded into the earth.

91.Build an astral 4 inch thick helmet made of monoatomic gold and visualize wearing it. It will help you with headaches, it will stop various attacks on your brain, it will prevent memory loss, memory rewriting and dark influence of your thoughts. The protection it can provide can reach 58%.

92. Make a soul protection machine. Put a panel with 3 different scalar wave generators with different frequencies. By a specific combination of scalar beams a very powerful Light dome is created over your soul, protecting it from getting fragmented. 

93. Ask God´s Warlord to give you perfect glass and with that make music forks like this:

. This material is perfect for imposing a particular vibration/frequency on everything. Create a fork or forks and then ask the archangels to attune those forks in the frequency that you need for healing, physical removal of reds from your vicinity, attacks from dark forces, even for the dissolution of implants, especially if they´re recent. Perfect glass can also be used as a unit for data storage.

94.You can use the technique of the spiral when under attack, asking your guide to put all attacks into one time-place frequency. This way their intensity will diminish considerably.

91.We all are Light soldiers and according to old gospels and bibles we can ask for the following items:

1. The Girdle of Truth (belt)

2. The Breastplate of Righteousness (body shield)

3. Shoes of the Gospel

4. The Shield of Faith (shield)

5. The Helmet of Salvation

6. The Sword of the Spirit

These can be used at your battles. The helmet diminishes the influence of dark entities during your communication with your guide.

92.Extraterrestrial witchcraft can involve beams which insert fibres, white spots, scaffolds and detector beetles into your bloodstream. They absorb energy, make you sick and poison your blood. Break all beams, control centers and codes and clean yourself from those items.

93. Create a Light computer that can execute automatically a list of actions you´re already performed at least once. First make the computer and then the list of your saved macros. An example of an action or ritual is sending souls of killed people to the Light. This will save you time.

94.For protection against imposed alien frequencies on us :

a. Create a head cloth ( and put it on your head. 

b. Ask Cherubim angels to impose their frequency upon that head cloth. That will protect your brain from their frequency beams.

c. Create a rotating circle platform with 3 photon cannons placed at 120 degrees on that circle. Ask Cherubim angels to give you powerful high frequency for your cannons. This platform works automatically and with every attack it fires bullets at the ET´s, their machines, their stocks, etc. If they attack from another dimension making cracks in our reality, this light beam will stitch those cracks. This machine is under protection of angels, and if it somehow gets damaged, it´s automatically repaired. This will prevent them from sucking energy from you.

d. This head cloth also reflects its frequency to your brain and removing all machines, time space worms, programming from your brain.

95.Device that transforms the harmful energy of electronics in our home. Too complicated to explain, just ask Archangel Michael to make a copy for you from Koalani´s astral factory.

96.Device that stops the influence of the red energy in our body and mind. Too complicated to explain, just ask Archangel Michael to make a copy for you from Koalani´s astral factory.

97. Construimos  un espacio anti-gravedad en torno a nosotros con códigos que cambian cuando un demonio nos empuja  para hacernos caer o pegarnos y he puesto la programamos para que se ponga en marcha automáticamente.

98.To break mind control and hypnotic suggestions: Hit the mind control and hypnotic suggestion waves and frequencies with your sword.

99. Ask Archangel Raphael to set an acupuncture set on you where it’s needed as well a Light ball for healing.

100.Build a transformer that destroys the shell covering the true frequency of reds and lets the true frequency of their dark activities appear, along with their entire history, so that their dark activity is halted. For this purpose you will use a similar machine like the radar beam which detects alien machines, makes copies which hit them and destroy their centers. This machine reverses the mind control reds exert over us and will make them give you information from the red network. Ask them general questions as a test, while having in mind something specific, and they will give you the info you need without even realizing it.

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