Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Metaphysical Questions and Answers 13

Subjects: False flag events, ways of targeting free thinking countries, Jesus´ miraculous cures, Rosicrucians, reds´ spiritual future, money from reds, deals made in connection with burials and funerals, Jesus´ mission and deals, the purpose of reincarnation, accepting money from darks, dark religions, God´s theoretical destruction, dark alternative therapies, soul retrieval, how to help sceptics, repetitive deals.

Q.I wanted to ask you about terrorism, like the 9/11 attack, where so many people died. I know that many people believe it was a terrorist attack, like the ones that happened in France, Belgium, Spain, etc. However they are all inside job arranged by the government. What is your view on this?

A.Yes, I agree. We have a huge collection of false flag events in the Swedish forum:

These are all manufactured events with actors, clones and also real victims. They serve as rituals, but also as psyops. The destruction of US Palestine was for instance a ritual that allowed the destruction of Gaza, Palestine.

Q.I have seen videos about the South of France and Italy, which have been severely afflicted by extreme weather phenomena recently. It seems that these two countries were targeted a lot more regarding vaccines which were mandatory in most jobs, a health pass that was needed to take public transport, go to the restaurant, etc...

A.Maybe that was because there are a lot of free thinkers in those countries and they have a vast population.

Q.I guess so, yeah. There might be many free thinkers in your country too, so it doesn‘t seem fair. 

In France many don‘t want to take the jab, in Italy I don't know. But here in the UK most of the population got it. In some way I am glad I‘m here, as I feel free, it hasn't been that strict. Let's see what happens in the future, if there‘s a new pandemic.

A.They are stricter in countries where people protest the most, but it depends on many factors. Each people's culture and characteristics are used to elaborate a special approach for each one. Like in the UK, in Norway most people got the jab and it wasn´t so strict.

In Greece the lock-down was very strict when it came to closing down small businesses, as shops were closed for many months, gyms too.  Moreover, Greece has been targeted non-stop ever since the 2008 financial crisis, not to mention the huge wild fires we get every summer. So here economy is the main sector of attack.

Q. I don't know where Jesus received his training, but I heard that some of it took place in the Giza Pyramid. Didn‘t Jesus have magnetic powers? Why did the bible mention he cured the sick, the blind, the disabled, etc, isn‘t it true?

 A.Nope. Jesus’ clone performed all those healings and miracles, with ET technology. As for magnetic powers, I´m not sure what those are. But ET´s can perform acts that look like supernatural to us thanks to their technology.

Q.Jesus had a clone? How did it happen?

A.I guess darks gained the right to make clones of him because of the dark metaphysical training he received and the numerous deals he made because of it.

Q. Talking about dark metaphysical training, I just remembered I was part of the Rosicrucians when I was married. My ex husband was a member, so I joined. I followed that cult for a very short period (a few months). I never went to any secret meetings, as I was a beginner. It‘s dark, isn't?

A.The Rosicrucian order is similar to Freemasonry, so it‘s a very powerful connection to darkness, whether one participates in rituals or not… You were surely included in their rituals.

Q.Oh gosh, what do I need to do? I am glad I remembered it before the end of the karmic cleansing. I was so naive at the time. We don‘t realise that what we do can have serious impact on our life. I could still be included in the rituals, Would it be enough to add it to my list of deals or do I need to do something extra?

A.You need to break the deals of marrying a Rosicrucian, becoming a member of that order and the sexual interaction with your husband, as this counts as a ritual. Also break the rituals with your sword and take off the implants you surely got.

Q.My parents don´t believe me when I tell them about dark things, Freemasons, etc. My dad´s behavior is often toxic and my mother´s self-destructive. Do you think they need to reincarnate a few more times before they learn?

A.If they broke their deals they wouldn‘t behave like that, so there‘s really nothing to learn… Of course it´s hard for reds to do that…

Q.So do you mean as red they will never learn in future reincarnations? They will always be reborn red? Normally we are born in order to grow from our mistakes and  become better. Or is this only for people who are light?

A.I didn´t say that, just that they need to be willing to break their deals in order to see the truth, evolve and not repeat the same mistakes. And since the dark influence is stronger on reds, it´s harder for them.

No, they won´t always be reborn as reds. Ik they do substantial dark work they won´t need to incarnate any more, they will serve darkness astrally. If they break their deals and turn to God in some lifetime they will become light.

No, it´s not just for light people, but it´s easier for them.

Q.I remembered that in the list of deals to break it´s listed as a deal accepting money from reds. Is this correct? But what if it is an inheritance? Otherwise what do we do with the money if we can't accept it?

A.It´s a general rule which includes inheriting money. But if we use the money for light purposes, like helping others or constructing something useful for society, we make the money light and it´s not a deal. Obviously, part of it can be used on oneself, as long it doesn´t involve luxury. Moreover, inheriting real estate is a deal, but not land or forest.

Q. It also says we can't incinerate. Why not? And that one shouldn´t be buried randomly. Should we just be buried in a forest and not in a graveyard? And we shouldn´t eat at a funeral? Why is that? It is what people do after the funeral, there is always a funeral reception afterwards where people have food.

A.Fire and burning bodies are connected to sacrificial rituals and the resulting essence is used for dark purposes.

No, that point is about animals. Pets shouldn´t be buried in parks, but rather woods or private land. The reason is that parks are made artificially and burials are illegal there, so it´s like connecting the remains of an animal to something illegal or a public place, so it´s a dark ritual. A cementary is made for that specific purpose, so it´s no deal to have pets or humans buried there.

Eating after attending someone´s funeral  is a ritual. Death and food are part of cannibalistic rituals, so eating at a funeral symbolizes that and the elite makes sure to include them in their rituals, making them part of them.  Then some people eat at funerals to celebrate that they are alive in contrast to the person they just regreted losing… So in a way it‘s a deal.

All this (incineration, burials, memorial services) has been cleansed now, but as long as the Armageddon is not over, satanic rituals go on and all these connections can be renewed. I wouldn´t worry too much about it though.

Q.Personally I don't see it that way, as we just reunite to talk about the deceased with our loved ones. 

 A.I agree, and you wouldn´t make a deal about that, but in general, when there are dark rituals associated to an event, our participation in it is a deal.

 Q.I read your article where you mentioned Jesus´ miracles. So people don't know the truth about him, as the clone was the one who did the miracles and was put on a cross. It makes sense to me now, as I was always sensing that religions were missing crucial parts.

A.No, the one who was crucified was the authentic Jesus. It was a sacrifice to make up for failing his mission. He was waging the astral Armageddon and because of his many unconscious deals he wasn’t allowed to complete it, as darks gained the right to kill him. They had the same fate in store for me (to be tortured to death), but when it looked inescapable I accepted it and I was allowed to find more info and deals, that bought me time. The difference with me was of course that I knew more about deals.

Q.Oh I see gosh, this is the issue, if Jesus made unconscious deals, it is so easy for humans to do so too. I hope I haven't made any in the process of my karmic cleansing...

Wow, but how did you realise what it was? 

Was it the same for Buddha? 

A.I found more dark past lives, we got more info in the investigation relating to the Armageddon, I connected dots, in a nutshell things kept moving and revealing themselves. 

Yes, the original Buddha died and was switched with a clone. The clone did rituals involving dark entities and buddhism was based on that.

Q.OK, that is horrific as it is shown as a peaceful and neutral religion, compared to the other ones.

When did reds stop being red, in 2012?

A.Reds stopped being red in May 2021. However, their behavior hasn´t changed. Although their DNA is not what it used to be, they are still heavily influenced by their demon.

Q.The elite managed to destroy God at some point, right?

A.Technically yes, but God remade Himself, so He wasn‘t really destroyed.

Q.So all religions are dark? Hinduism, Islam, judaism, sects… Are there clones there too? 

A.They are dark, but I don‘t know if clones were made of their representatives. It wasn´t really necessary, since those religions were totally dark to begin with, as their gods  were demons, ET‘s and Nephilim.

Q.Could your guide tell me what my mission is?

 A.Guides don‘t answer that, as they can‘t tamper with your free will and choice. If they reveal it to you, it will influence you and your decisions might be different.

You need to ask God for signs and figure it out for yourself. 


Q. I have asked the Light, but I don't seem  to be doing it properly. 

A.You must give it time and wait till the cleansing is over. Ask for help to recognize the signs.

Q.I studied homeopathy, I did yoga and other practices and  therapies. I was  doing massages during the summer season. I did 2 levels in Reiki,1 level in Tesla metamorphosis and 2 levels in Theta healing. Hare Krishna philosophy helped me to find out about reincarnation and other lives. I´ve been chanting this Hare Krishna mantra and I believe in God.

A.Almost all of these are dark therapies and practices, so you need to break the deals. From reiki you get implants, you need to take them off. Only theta healing is light.

Tesla metamorphosis I´m not familiar with, but it´s surely dark, since Tesla was red. Hare Krishna was also red, his philosophy is dark.

Q.OK, how long does it take for soul retrieval to be completed? 

A.It depends on the case. The fragments are usually gathered two or three weeks after the entities go to the Light and then they need one month in the Light to get homogenized. After that people start getting them back, bit by bit, and this goes on for a month.

Q.And the karmic entities?

A.About a month or one and a half month, depending on the case.

Q.My son has mental issues, he has panic attacks and he´s very anxious around people. I just don't know how I can help him, as he is the one who needs to help himself. He has tried and failed. 

It seems that something has blocked him all these years, he has been struggling for 8 years trying to go back to college but always stopped, the same with jobs....He has difficulty fitting in, he doesn't feel comfortable around people. He got some help, counselling sessions. However it wasn´t enough, as the support stopped after 12 sessions. He got some from another service, but it stopped way too early.

He was improving, going to the gym, feeling much better with himself and then the whole covid thing happened. Ever since the lockdown he hasn't been able to become active again. I don't know what to do, it has been too long......I am trying to advise and support him as much as I can, but it´s still not enough, it´s too hard.

I think he has entities or deals from past lives that blocked him, but he doesn't believe in it, so he wouldn´t seek any help from that direction.... How can things move or improve? 

A.I can't see how he can improve if he doesn't believe in spiritual things. He should at least break his deals from this life. Does he believe in God?

Q.He doesn´t, he only believes in science. He thinks my belief in spiritual and metaphysical things is ridiculous and doesn´t accept anything I tell him on any such topic.

A.Then the only thing you can do for him is to pray to God that he get unblocked and start seeing the Truth.

Q.You said the entire soul retrieval process takes about three months. Will I see some result or effect in myself after that?

A.Yes, but it differs from person to person. Some become more focused, others more peaceful, others more efficient.

Q.I understand it´s not good to break the same deals again, as it becomes another deal to do so.

A.You misunderstood, this only applies to deals you keep making and breaking, but don´t bother to change your behavior and stop making them in the first place.

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