Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Metaphysical Questions and Answers 13

Subjects: False flag events, ways of targeting free thinking countries, Jesus´ miraculous cures, Rosicrucians, reds´ spiritual future, money from reds, deals made in connection with burials and funerals, Jesus´ mission and deals, the purpose of reincarnation, accepting money from darks, dark religions, God´s theoretical destruction, dark alternative therapies, soul retrieval, how to help sceptics, repetitive deals.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

God, the Antigod and the False light

Lucifer, Satan, the devil, Samael, the fallen archangel of harmony… Do all these names correspond to one entity or are we talking about different ones? This is what I found out in channelings, the Armageddon, meditations and masonic readings about Creation and man´s primordial enemy.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Metaphysical Questions and Answers 12

Subjects: The Armageddon, fatigue, dark tendencies in the world, graphene, 2012, change of soul, how the dark elite operates, life´s purpose, dark genes, sterilization, reds, attacks on God, dark guides, climate change, the Masonic Millennium, switching people with clones, animal´s soul mission, past life influence and karma, artists and devil pacts, deal breaking, the consequences of major deals.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Metaphysical Questions and Answers 11


Subjects: Deals, red stores and brands, non-vegetarian supplements, soul loss symptoms, products connected to human sacrifices, poisoned food, Nephilim and Reptilians, adrenal fatigue, God, light and dark music, the covid vaccine, mRNA technology.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Hypnotherapy and Personal Growth





 What is hypnosis?

Although the word “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word for “sleep”, when we are in a hypnogogic state we are not asleep, on the contrary, we are in a state of increased lucidity and concentration. In hypnosis so-called alpha waves are formed in the brain. They are of a lower frequency than beta waves, the ones that prevail when we are alert. Alpha waves have a range of 7 to 13 cycles per second and they bring us more in tune with our psychic abilities. Some people are able to reach even lower levels, theta waves (between 4 and 7 cycles per second). They go down to a very deep hypnotic state where they totally lose awareness of their surroundings. However, we don’t need to get to that level in order to come into contact with the info that we want.

Hypnosis was used in Ancient Greece for self-knowledge and healing, thereof the phrase “know thyself” from the Delphi oracle. In more recent years, Anton Mesmer was the pioneer. In the 18th century he revived this ancient technique and performed countless psychological and psychosomatic healings. That phenomenon was called mesmerism or magnetism, but it was dark, since there was no deal breaking or soul retrieval. He couldn’t explain very well how hypnosis worked and he attributed it to some sort of “animal magnetism” that human beings possessed. Scientists didn’t take him seriously at the time, albeit many others followed on his footsteps, and hypnosis staid in the dark until the 20th century when modern hypnotists emerged.

With hypnosis/hypnotherapy we can achieve the following:

-Overcome a physical challenge if the origin is psychosomatic.

-Discover things we ignore if allowed by our guides.

-Explore past lives, starting with the one that has the most bearing on us.

-Communicate with our spirit guide and get answers, as well as find out the karmic reasons behind our experiences.

-Explore our relationships with our loved ones and the source of our problems with them.

-Find out who is in our soul group, i.e. who are the people we incarnate with over and over again.

-Find out who our twin soul is and which soul level we’re at.

-Speak with a deceased loved one, as long as they didn’t cross over too recently or are not involved in an important mission which cannot be interrupted.

-Help a deceased loved one who´s stuck on the lower astral plane move on to the Light.

-Improve ourselves with the appropriate suggestions, regressions and exercises, overcoming negative emotions and addictions.

-Get over phobias and blockages.

-Find out if we are carrying some sort of negative energy or entity that blocks us or affects us (in which case it’s removed).

-Break witchcraft and curses.

-Retrieve the soul fragments that we lost in some emotional shock (soul retrieval).

-Do most of the above for someone else who cannot or won’t do it themself. However, the results will be partial.

Some people seem to be afraid of the procedure. This is due to the fact that we have few images of hypnosis and most of them negative. We may have seen some stage hypnotist who makes people bark or do other dumb things he orders them to do. Or we may have seen some movie or TV show from the seventies when the cold war was at its peak and hypnosis was used to make people obedient puppets in the hands of spies. However, hypnosis is highly beneficial if used for healing and self-growth. And what is even more important is that there is no physical danger, unless someone has a serious heart problem. Of course there’s always a chance that someone does have a problem and doesn’t know about it, which is why I never guide people into the moment of their death. If they happen to see it (or some other traumatic experience) at an unpredictable moment, they are given the instruction to see it as by-standers, without fear or pain. Another potential danger exists if the hypnotist doesn’t have the necessary knowledge. This is why you want to go to a licensed hypnotherapist. I always ask God for protection and I call upon the person´s guardian angel to be with them from the start. If there are psychic attacks, I also call upon the archangels before dealing with the problem. 

Each session lasts for about two hours. Beyond the two hours, people usually get drained and it’s best to resume. In difficult cases we do go overtime. It will prove useful to write down the issues you seek an answer to. It will be best if you don’t come depressed, stressed out or sick, because you may have difficulty relaxing. There’s no reason to be afraid, since altered states of consciousness are every day phenomena. When we are reading a book and we are emerged in it, when we are watching a movie and we forget where we are, when we go to sleep and relax, when we reminisce about a happy moment in our past, we are in a light hypnotic state. All you have to do is relax, get rid of irrelevant thoughts in your mind and follow my instructions. It’s not something you have to try hard to achieve, but something you allow to happen. The biggest mistake is to constantly worry if you’re going to make it or not. Your worrying will obstruct all success. Those of you who have meditated or used visualization will find the procedure more familiar. Other factors that may make success difficult is a total lack of imagination or an overdose of square thinking. Some people discover that their third eye is totally blocked and they are unable to see anything. In such cases it’s best for them to have the session with my co-worker who serves as a medium.

I use a special recording to induce Alpha and Theta waves into my clients. Each session is recorded onto a data CD and is given to the client or I send them a link to the recording.

You don’t have to believe in the metaphysical phenomena I mentioned before in order to heal. That is to say that even if you don’t believe in reincarnation, if you have some phobia or suffer from false guilt that was caused in a past lifetime, you will see the event, get your lost soul fragment back and overcome the trauma. The key is usually forgiveness for those who have harmed us as well as self-forgiveness and deal breaking. As soon as we achieve that, we are free. This is highly important in cases of attached entities from past lives, curses and witchcraft. And if you have an attached entity, it will leave you whether you afterwards believe it was there or not. 

One session is usually enough to do the ground work so as to overcome simple phobias, negative feelings or blocks. The client is given the list of possible deals, makes a list of their own deals and breaks them with the Renunciation of darkness. If after some time they still have residues of the problem, or if the first session is dedicated to a spirit releasement and there are other issues to deal with, we have a second session. If it’s a complicated case with many entities, alien attacks/ implants or serious emotional issues we will need more sessions or a karmic cleansing. I sometimes keep the contact up with a client for months. But under no circumstances will a client have to have regular sessions for months or years, as is the case with psychologists. Psychology may help some people to sort out their thoughts better, or to understand their reactions better, but it can’t uproot the problem. With the help of hypnosis I got all the answers that I needed. In regression therapy and spirit releasement therapy healing and self-knowledge start practically immediately, but it´s a gradual procedure. Healing comes from removing the entities, getting back one´s soul fragments and breaking one´s deals. The hypnotherapist helps the subject become psychic for a while and get the necessary information from their spirit guide so as to heal. The hypnotherapist is just a guide and a teacher. That is not to say that the therapist’s job is easy. The therapist must remain alert to each reaction of the client or the entity he or she speaks with and constantly come up with pertinent and intelligent questions and arguments. After heavy sessions I often get headaches.

Clinical hypnotherapists have a different system which is based on suggestions. They suggest to the client to believe and follow the desirable suggestions. However, this system often leads to deals with dark entities and these entities are the ones that remove the problem -in exchange for the person´s soul. In many cases, no amount of suggestions will ever drive an attached spirit away or make it stop its negative behavior. Neither can suggestions erase past life traumas. Even when the problem appears to go away, it’s only an illusion, as it will reappear again in another fashion, or another problem will come up. Clinical hypnotherapy can do away with habits and symptoms, not the illness itself. Behind a vast majority of cases lie metaphysical causes and usually people don’t in their wildest dreams suspect any of this. They usually come to me for some minor reason when the real one is something entirely different. They are used to having problems and obstacles or feel a certain way and they think it’s normal. Anyway, I prefer to help people learn how to take care of their own spiritual wellbeing than to use a mechanical method in which they are passive. I do give some suggestions at the end of each session, but if one doesn’t go back to the source of a problem, the effectiveness of any suggestions will be limited. I do need to warn everybody to be very careful when you visit a hypnotherapist, because many have as their primary goal personal benefit and overcharge their services. There are also those who lack ethics and use their knowledge to keep people going back to them again and again. I’ve even heard of cases where clients were turned into neurotic robots. When in doubt, ask for a recording and even better, go to the session with someone else. The hard part is to discern who does dark work and who does light work. There are a few musts for the work to be light:

A.Asking God/the client´s guardian angel for protection before the session or during the inductions

b.Asking for a spirit guide from the divine Light

c.Asking the spirit guide who comes if they come from the divine Light and expecting a straight answer.

A good medium can do a lot a hypnotherapist does (past-life info, self-knowledge, spirit contact, future insight, spirit releasement), but we may not feel the same security as to whether what they told us is real. Moreover, we won’t get to experience the past life ourselves, and won’t heal from any past-life traumas. But even with mediums you must exert caution. Many will say that they can break witchcraft and curses or find your past lives but few really can. And what is worse is they’ll ask for a fortune. You also have to know that most people feel they made up whatever they saw under hypnosis. It’s mostly those who get some unknown info that can be double checked that are convinced it wasn’t all a figment of their imagination. Doubt is understandable, but what we perceive are not random impressions. it’s exactly what we need to see in order to overcome our negative feelings. However, in order to achieve healing and spiritual growth we have to work on ourselves. Things cannot change overnight without personal effort. In case you don’t wish to have a hypnosis session, I can get info on your past lives from my guide.

Can everyone be hypnotized in a light way? The answer is no. Most reach a light hypnotic stage, but there are exceptions. Some people were programmed in a past life so as not to be hypnotized to prevent them from finding out deeply guarded secrets. Or they could have been programmed/ brainwashed in this lifetime. A very deep-seated fear originating in a past life could prevent some people from going down. Such people aren’t very likely to seek hypnotherapy. 

Once under, can everyone see a past life or communicate with their guide? The answer is no, since on top of the blocks already mentioned an attached discarnate entity will often prevent people from seeing anything but darkness.  These entities can be thought forms, astral parasites, human and animal souls, demons, aliens, elementals, fragments of living humans, shadows, etc. Most people have karmic entities, but these don´t always create blocks. Dark force entities will sometimes allow people to get information, but it is partly false as their goal is to deceive them.  Earthbound entities will show their own life, not the subject’s life. Others see a fog or feel pain, cold, hot, or have a choking sensation. If they can perceive information, I go ahead with the spirit releasement and after the session my guide checks out if the info was right. If they don’t receive enough info we interrupt the session and we schedule one with my co-worker or a remote karmic cleansing. In case you wish to know if you have an attached entity I can run a karmic check-up. After the cleansing it´s easier to do a hypnosis session.

Can someone be hypnotized against their will into doing things they wouldn’t otherwise do? The answer is yes. A specialist can indeed make somebody, even from a distance, do things they wouldn’t normally do, as long as they don’t go against their moral or religious beliefs or don’t constitute a threat to their health. The margin left is quite wide and unfortunately this practice is pretty common in some places. The hypnotists who claim this cannot be done are lying or ignorant. There are many methods to brainwash people, including transmitting special frequencies from electrical equipment. Moreover, if hypnotism is combined with black magic, a person can be turned into a mere robot, perfectly capable of committing suicide or killing others. Reversing such influence is very difficult and time consuming. Moreover, victims are unwilling, not realizing they are influenced. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used for good and bad purposes. It’s up to us to use it to help humanity. Anybody who uses spiritual tools like hypnotism or witchcraft to intervene in other people’s free will is saddled with bad karma and will find themselves answering to it either in this lifetime or in a future one. Every person’s free will must always be respected, as we learn from our mistakes. I would also like to warn you to be alert when you go to spiritual seminars, organizations and channeling of archangels or other supposedly evolved spirits. Many of my clients found themselves in trouble, picked up an entity/implants or found they wasted their money. Everybody is not what they let on.

Some people ask me if I do remote hypnotic suggestions to change someone’s opinion or decision. I don’t, but there are countless psychics and parapsychologists who do. The money they ask for it is exorbitant and the results doubtful. And of course it brings bad karma. The thing to do is ask one’s spirit guide for guidance. Those who ask questions about others must know that they won´t always get an answer. Many times a question about oneself won´t be answered, if it’s not in our best interest. Finally, those who want to put their mate under so as to find out if they are unfaithful to them should know that hypnosis isn’t a truth serum. People can pretend. These persons should have a session of their own and their guide just might tell them. Or not, but if they have such lack of trust they might want to find out what’s causing it.

Another service we don’t provide is finding lost items or persons. The reason is that it’s not included in our guide’s duties. But you’re free to look for anything you wish in your own hypnosis session. 

Hypnotherapy is therapeutic hypnosis. It can be used for many purposes, from a mere relaxation to a past life regression, spirit releasement or spirit guide contact, according to each person´s needs.



Saturday, July 23, 2022

Metaphysical Questions and Answers 10


Subjects: Ho' oponopono, dark New Age therapies, ET‘s implants, deals, Qi Gong, Reiki, chakra balancing, gurus, salt sprinkling, opening of the third eye, oaths, weddings, voting, deal free diet.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Fruits and their spiritual benefits

During the astral Armageddon we were given an astral fruit tree by God that helped us stay alive despite the fierce attacks. Its fruits cleansed our bodies which were filled with poison from black magic. Here are the properties of some of the fruits. These fruits also help us the same way if we eat them physically. There are surely many fruits missing, so if you want me to look for their properties drop me a line!