Here are more examples about the AI’s and dark elite’s choice of programming humans with language.
1.Words that have the two letters sk are used to build an astral machine that renews dark physical reality with time travel. An inverted trinity connected to this was made with skin, skiing and all languages in Norwegian, as they end in sk. The sssss is when one skis or iceskates and the k when one halts or changes direction. Our skin´s renewal offers the fuel and renews dark reality. Languages change too, so they contribute to dark reality´s small changes.
Other words closely connected: Sasquatch , excalibur, scouts, skate and elske, which in Norwegian/Danish means to love. Love energy is used too.
2.Cobra, viper and spider poison are included in covid. (co-vi-d). Communism is covid´s parallel.
3.Danish sind, syn, synd (the d‘s are mute). Sind is mind, syn is vision or sight and synd is sin. When you sin you make a deal with a dark entity which makes you lose some astral sight. That goes to darks‘ mind.
4.Greek logos (λόγος) -logo-glue. Logos is God‘s word. It‘s inverted in a logo which is usually dark . It serves to make glue, which makes dark things stick together.
5.Norwegian/Danish: Stemme (voice), stemme (to tune a musical instrument), stemme (to vote). When you vote you make a deal by participating in the dark system, so you lose part of your light frequency (your voice) and your voice can‘t be heard any more.
6.Rödd-röd- dörr/dör. Rödd is voice in Icelandic, In Swedish röd is red, dörr is door and dör is die. When you use your voice in favor of darkness you become red, which makes you either a door to darkness or if you don‘t serve darkness enough you die.
7. Eitur-eitur-tur-tur. In Faroese eitur is poison, but also my/your, etc, name is. In Swedish tur is luck or turn. We get poison on our name and by extension into us. That‘s our luck, fate, and everybody‘s turn comes to get poison.
8.In Hawaiian makana is gift, makona a freemason, maka eye and Kona an area in Hawai`i island. Ma is in, so ma Kona means in Kona. So that part of Hawai`i is equated to freemasonry. Equating a gift to freemasonry means inverting it. Our eyes (and our frequency) are used for darks to extract information from us.
9.French: France, Francmason. Franc mean frank, honest. So honesty has been inverted. The male name Frank is connected too and a rank is always a masonic rank. The entire country of France has been made into Freemasonry‘s parallel.
10.Euskadi-euskal-skade-auskalo. In Basque Euskadi is Basque Country, euskal is an adjective serving to make words about the Basque Country, like euskaldun (the one who has Basque, Basque speaking). Eu in Greek (ευ) means good, like in English euthanasia -good death. Skade in Norwegian/Danish means harm, damage. So we have good damage, which is an oxymoron, as there‘s no such thing as good harm, all harm is bad. Only in the saying the end justifies the means it would be true, but this notion is dark. Calling the Basque Country good harm means the country and the language got inverted in a ritual. Auskalo is who knows, so the element of doubt was added in the ritual. It expresses that it‘s uncertain if and when this ritual can be broken. Indeed, it looked it was broken, but it wasn‘t.
11.Second-second-condes. A ritual was done in Atlantis with these words: second -unity of time- second -ordinal number- and the Spanish anagram condes, which means counts. The ones who did the ritual were counts. They made an inverted trinity machine thanks to which they gained the right to be able to stop time after recording it for 2 seconds and this way always be 2 seconds ahead of the rest of people. Thus they always know what we‘ll do in the immediate future and set a trap for us.
12.Normal-nor. Normal comes from nor (dark light) and Danish/Norwegian male, which means to measure. What is normal is the measure of dark light.
13.Foscor-fósfor-Εωσφόρος and iluntasun-illuminate. In Catalan foscor is darkness. In Spanish fósforo is a match. In Greek Eosforos (Εωσφόρος) is Lucifer. Physical light is dark, it belongs to Lucifer. Similarly, iluntasun in Basque means darkness, but the same root ilu was taken to make illumination. The mystical notion of illumination is usually attributed to dark forces.
14.Arima-arma-arm-amar-άμοιρα. In Basque arima is soul. Spanish arma is weapon and amar is love. Our arms are programmed to be used as weapons and our love to be a battle. Our souls are connected to weaponry, which makes us amira (άμοιρα), which in Greek is wretched.
15.Suo-suo-uso. In Finnish suo is the imperative form of to grant. Suo is also a swamp. Spanish uso is use. So when we ask to have something granted we get to use a swamp, i.e. rotten water.
16.Χρυσός-Χριστός. In Greek we have chrisos (χρυσός), gold, and Christos (Χριστός), Christ. Jesus Christ had God‘s resilience, etheric gold, in him. It got stolen in the crucifiction ritual and was inverted.
17. Iceland-Greenland-Frisland. Ice is ice. Green is not green, since Greenland is frozen. Frisland (an island near Iceland which was used as a vimana base for the dark elite and got sunk when it was discovered by some explorers) comes from freeze. This is an inverted trinity to maintain freezing when darks need extra energy for their infrastructure.
18.ETA-eta. Some Etarras (members of the Basque terrorist organization ETA) did a ritual in which they equated ETA with eta, which in Basque means and. Every time people say and in Basque ETA's ideals are promoted.
19.Elite. The elite eats Els. El –[i:t]
20.Manu-muna. Manu in Polynesian languages is bird and muna in Finnish is egg. So eggs have been inverted. God had 7 eggs which were stolen in Mū. Dark creatures were born out of them thanks to a dark ritual. Three of them were stolen by Atlanteans, got inverted and cloned, which in total made 12 eggs for them. The Earth, covid’s protection and cats were among the creatures that came out of those eggs. Earth is a dark copy of the original and cats are used to steal God's astral sight.
21.Aika-akā-aka. Aika is time in Finnish. Akā in Hawaiian is but. Aka in English is alias. Time has an alias, an alter ego that exists in the antiworld.
22.Lys-sly-Oslo-slange. In Danish/Norwegian lys is light and slange is snake. Light was inverted and reptilians were created with it. They are sly and steal energy from Oslo.
23.Viikko-covid. Viikko in Finnish is week. Covid is its inversion, covi plus d, which comes from spider poison. The week has seven days which were God´s 7 eggs, stolen and made dark.
24.Valo-volar-voler. Valo in Finnish is light. Volar in Spanish is to fly and voler in French is to steal. God´s light flew away/was stolen.
25.Vaxa-covax. Vaxa (pronounced [vaksa]) in Icelandic is to grow. Covax is programmed to always have growing casualties.
26.Jumala-julma-alma. Jumala in Finnish is God and julma is cruel. Alma in Spanish is soul. Humans are programmed to believe that God has a cruel soul,
27.Heilig-geil. Dutch heilig is sacred and geil is horny. Sacredness is connected to sexual arousal and with the appropriate sexual ritual sacredness gets inverted.
28. Dome-doom. The Dome (over Earth) dooms us to stay under it, prisoners.
29.Naam-maan-maan. In Dutch naam is name, maan is moon and a horse's mane. A horse's sexuality is inserted into the moon and with the appropriate ritual it´s turned dark and sent to our names, thus to us.
30.Discovery-disc-ovary. The word discovery has disc and ovaries in it. Columbus' discovery of America was a ritual for ET‘s to make a disc with ovaries. God had 7 eggs which were stolen by Lemurians and inverted by Atlanteans. Columbus‘ ET‘s made new eggs with cloning with which they manifested many dark things. Among the manifested eggs are Earth, covid-19, its protection and the vaccine. So the Columbus egg is not a random notion.
31.Niu-nieuw-nui-`ūniu. Hawaiian niu (coconut), Dutch nieuw (pronounced the same way, new), Hawaiian nui (a lot, big) and `ūniu (the hula dance movement that looks like an 8/horizontal infinity sign and gives energy to infinity ET's). Infinity ET's get a lot of energy from the `ūniu, coconuts and everything new, renewing themselves.
32.Hua moa-moa`i. Hua moa in Polynesian languages is chicken egg and we have the moais in Easter Island. A ritual was done for Rapanui to be discovered in Easter and get the name Easter Island. Another ritual was done with eggs to insert them enegetically inside the moais. Easter eggs represent God's stolen and inverted eggs. The moais and Easter eggs equal covid now -thanks to more rituals of course.
33.Amor-Roma-armor. Amor is love in Spanish and it's linked to Roma, which is Rome. Love was inverted into becoming orgy sex in ancient Rome. A third related word is armor, so love is like an armor, used for defense in a war instead of being unconditional.
34.Atua-tua. In Tahitian Atua is God. Tua in French is killed, third person. God was programmed to be killed.
35.Puna-punainen. In Maori puna is spring, but in Finnish punainen is red. God’s water of youth spring was stolen by darks and is used by them, so it can be called red.
36.Manuia-mana-manaus. Blessed in Samoan is manuia. Mana is ether, so Samoans have been programmed to be blessed with dark energy instead of by God. Manaus in Finnish is spirit invocation, but also exorcism, which tells us that exorcisms are done with dark energy and by imposing power instead of helping the spirits break theirdeal and go to the Light.
37.Pōmaika`i-pō-maika`i. In Hawaiian blessed is pōmaika`i. Pō is darkness, night. Maika`i is good, so Hawaiians are programmed to bless in the name of darkness...
38.Mo`o-lelo-`ōlelo-mo`olelo. Mo`o in Hawaiian is lizard and lelo tongue. `Olelo is language, so our languages belong to lizard entities. Mo`olelo is a story and stories connected to lizards are dark.
39.Txerto-txerri-cherry-certo. Txerto in Basque is vaccine and txerri pig. Tx is pronounced like English ch. Both vaccines and dark red cherries have ink, poison. Cherries got it with a ritual. Pigs are considered to be dirty, so vaccines are dirty. Here the truth is revealed. In Italian certo (pronounced the same way) means certainly. We are thereby programmed to accept vaccines.
40.Invest-infest-fest. When you invest financially and you´re on the light side, you get infested. And that´s a party for darks (fest in Norwegian/Danish).
41.Wort-rot-Tor. In German Wort is word, rot red and Tor door. Our words are dark, since they are part of ET made languages, so they are doors to darkness and red people can influence us while talking with them.
42.Merlin-merlin. Merlin the Magician is connected to the bird by the same name. Pushed by the dark elite in one og God‘s gardens, birds innocently accepted to steal astral sight from God and give it to humans. Moreover, Merlin made a deal with two Easter Island Birdmen who had one of the philosopher‘s stones and got to use it himself.
43.Ungdom-gun. Ungdom in Norwegian/Danish/Swedish is youth and English gun is in it. The gun is programmed to kill our youth.
44.Mū-Bermuda-berber. Mū is contained in Ber-mu-da. The Bermuda Triangle became the new Mū in 9,601 BC, after Mū sank in the super weapon world war that got half of the world to sink. Lemurians cast a powerful spell and with the copies of 3 of God’s eggs they made an etheric triangular space ship that took off and settled down near the coast of Florida. Lemurians and their ongoing spells are responible for the human and materials losses that have been happening in the Bermuda Triangle. Berber in Basque means the same. The new Mū is like the old one.
45.Θεός-theory. Theos (Θεός) is God in Greek. Theory has God in it and teaches us that God is just a theory, that He doesn’t exist.
46.Slang in every language is connected to a snake entity. Slang in Dutch means snake. So when we speak slang, the entity takes energy from us.
47.Astral-straal. Straal means ray in Dutch. There is a machine that steals astral sight from God´s monad by sending laser beams into it, getting the astral sight in the form of rays, inverting it and adding cactus poison to it. The result is chemical radiation, used in computers and cell phones that give people headaches, so that the dark elite gets energy from them.
48.Radiation-radio-ant. Radiation contains the words radio and ant. A similar machine to the previous one was made in Atlantis but with ant poison. This radiation is biological and helps the coronavirus spread.
49.Atlantis-Satan-lis. Atlantis contains the words Satan and lis. Lis comes from French fleur-de-lis. God´s Cross was the trunk of God´s Monad. God was at the top, God´s Son on the right, God´s Daughter on the left and the Holy Spirit on the bottom. The cross was stolen and inverted three times. The first time it was done in Atlantis, the second time in Bulgaria and the third time by Belgian elite members in Lille. They added the fleur-de-lis symbol to it.
50.Nor-ronronear-snore/roncar. Nor is dark light made by inverting God´s monad. Ronronear is to purr in Spanish. Cats purr when they are happy and this purring cleanses the dark nor light. So this time the linguistic inversion (ron) works for God´s Light. On the other hand, humans´ snoring is dark light, as the English form reveals (s-nor-e). The initial s reveals that Reptilians are behind it (they hissss). The Spanish form for snoring is roncar, but it´s misleading, since it has the light element ron in it.
51.Count Saint Germain-German-manger-French manger (to eat) and rot-rot. The manger represents Jesus. The count, who´s immortal, cast a spell for everyone except Germans to rot, including Jesus. He´s eating up our essence and that´s why we die. Baron Munthausen stole the spell, which was in English and cast it to achieve immortality. Arcturians heard him and used their technology to make Germans rot and take their essence. But the baron also used the German meaning of rot, which is red. Arcturians made Germans both rot and red. After Germans became red, they were easily hypnotized by Hitler and helped him bring WW2.
52.Merlin-mer-nil. Mer is sea in French and nil is zero. The sea represents feelings, love. Merlin the magician cast a powerful spell to take God´s love, so there´s zero love left for us.
53.Grail-argile. An anagram of grail is French argile, which means clay. Clay was used in a copy of the holy grail (read the next point).
54.Soul/solu/louche/lose. An anagram of soul is Finnish solu, which means cell. French louche (pronounced loosh) can be considered as another anagram. It means shady, dishonest. Our souls are programmed to become dishonest and then we lose them.
Merlin the magician stole God´s holy grail, God´s shield, vitality and immunity and inserted them into his soul cells. He put some of his new soul cells and clay in a copy of the holy grail and created humans and other beings.
55.Hawai`i-Yahwe-hewa (mistake in Hawaiian). Yahwe/Merlin were created by mistake, i.e. when a little Hawaiian boy was deceived by darks and persuaded to wish to become the greatest sorcerer who would set Hawai`i and the world free. Merlin the Magician merged with Yahwe, as they were parallels. That‘s why Yahwe chose the letters h, w and a for his name (they are contained in Hawai`i).
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