Friday, April 16, 2021

Dark Linguistic Programming 4

The AI computer has all languages in it and it’s programmed to combine words in a dark way and impose dark manifestation.

1.Paris-ris-ris. Ris in Norwegian is both rice and a spanking, or the rod used for it. Pā in Hawaiian is nacre, mother-of-pearl. Rice and nacre are used in a machine like a shaker and connected  to people's genes. That shaker, made in Paris, inverts genes and makes people red (one of many ways to make people red).

2.Abu Dabi-Buddha. A ritual of Buddha's is used to make more ET's.

3.Tikrit-tigris. Tigris (τίγρης) in Greek is tiger. Tiger genes are used to make new Nephilim.

4.Bitcoin-bicho. Bicho in Spanish is an ugly animal or insect. Bitcoin is a shapeshifting monster.

5.Sigilo-siglo-iglo-eel-seal. In Spanish sigilo is sigil and siglo is century. Iglo in Greenlandic is house. Sigils are connected to eels, our houses are sealed with them and this lasts for 100 years, i.e. all our life.

6.Orka-roca-ahorca. Orka is energy in Icelandic and in Greek (όρκα) a cetaceous. In Spanish roca is rock and ahorca is hangs. God's energy is hanged, i.e. killed and converted into something heavy like a rock. Cetaceous ET's do that with their machinery.

7.Frequency-free-psyche. God's frequency was inverted and applied to soul fragments/souls in order to control them. They can also be made red this way.

8.Rokote-terco-roto. Rokote is vaccine in Finnish. In Spanish terco is stubborn and roto broken. A ritual was done to make the covid vaccine stubborn to being broken.

9.Kissa is cat in Finnish, but also to pee in Swedish. Cats' pee is used in perfumes, so that people who wear them attract entities and implants. 

10.Lei-El. Le-i. I is in in Hawaiian. Els have been inserted into a lei network. 

Mū, Hawai`i, 61,000 BC. The only possible danger to the world dictatorship were Els, so a ritual was done to confine them. Astral leis were made that took energy from  physical ones. All Els were placed inside. When people wore a lei they lost soul  fragments that contributed to the network. Those leis were also used as loops for dark renewal.

11.Skin-skinn-niche. Niche is a bird's nest in French and skinn is leather in Norwegian. The dark elite uses human and animals' skin to build nests where dark things are created with that skin and then niches where they are hidden. Worms are put on the skin which is eaten by them.

12.Liv-vil. In Norwegian/Danish liv is both life and waist and vil means want.

The l is a loop, il is eel and V is vampirism, which does what it wants. The loop is our waist. So we are in a loop.


Maka is eye in Hawaiian and tea (θεά) is goddess in Greek. So Makatea is the eye of the goddess. Makatea is a machine made by ET’s that steals astral sight.

14.Pills-spill. The dark elite has done a ritual to get the energy from all supplements. So the tablets we take are partially or totally spilt.

15.Coal-cola-cola-Alko. Cola, aside from coca cola, means tail in Spanish. Alko is the state alcohol monopoly shop in Finland.

In one of God‘s Gardens in 619,000 BC the angels were told that the world needed fuel, like the one God had and that it was their task to provide it. So the angels took God's fuel and sent it to Earth. The dark elite got it, inverted it and it turned into coal, which they used to fuel up their dark infrastructure.

God‘s fuel was stolen again by Atlanteans, Hyperboreans and Lemurian sorcerers. 

A tail mechanism is used as a propelling wing. Alcohol is a dark derivative of God‘s fuel. God´s fuel is some sort of etheric energy.

16.Google-goggles-gargoyle. The dark elite took the 4 o's and the 7 g's from these words and used their loops to make a super loop for dark renewal.


17.Varua-varu-Avarua. . Varua in Tahitian is spirit, alcohol, ghost, quintessence, breath, life, demon, memory. Varu is 8.

The seal of Guam is an eye.

Mū, Guam, 89,000 BC. A sorcerer made seals/sigils with rituals, for different purposes. One of them was dedicated to Guam, equating it with astral sight/clairvoyance. That's why Guam's seal has the shape of an eye. He wanted his compatriots to always see ahead and avoid any calamities. Ironic, considering how bad Guam‘s future came to be. Infinity ET's would ensure this would be for ever -whenever they pleased to give humans that clairvoyance, if not they were the ones getting it. Varu being 8, it's connected to Infinity ET's. Darkness ET's are also part of this, hence the 9 in the date. Varua stands for the ET's (spirits, demons) doing this. Avarua in the Cook Islands is also part of this network-spell-seal. It's all linked to alcohol, using the o's in alcohol as loops. 

Guam-mago (magician in Spanish).

18.Pine cone-cone-clone. A cone-shaped machine was made by a sorcerer and his ET helpers. It extracted astral sight and with it made clones of people, animals, anything. A copy of God‘s pine cones was made in Atlantis, in 84,000 BC that allowed the machine to work.

19.Skunk-Nuuk. Skunk poison was used by sorcerers in Hyperborea, Greenland, Nuuk, in 64,000 BC. 

20. Nacre-nacer. Nacer is to be born in Spanish. Mother-of-pearl or nacre was used in an alchemical recipe to make life and prerecord past lives. The parallels created this way are made thanks to this recipe.

21.Apia-Appia-aap-aap-pia. In Greenlandic aap means yes and  in Dutch monkey. Appia was a street in ancient Rome and Apia is the capital of Samoa. Rome is the positive pole of an electromagnetic machine which strengthens dark rituals. The negative pole is in Samoa because a (α) is un/in in Greek. Pia is beer in Hawaiian, so no beer for Samoans. It‘s a dark sacrifice, hence the negative pole. Monkeys give energy to the machine.

22.Sissifos (Σίσσιφος). The word Sissifos contains fos (φως), which in Greek is light and sissy, which has 3 s‘s. These stand for a snake‘s hissing. Snake light.lies in the futile labor Sissifos was condemned to (rolling a heavy stone up a hill, letting it roll down and then all over again). These snakes are darkness ET snakes.

23. Mana-mana (μάνα)-manna. Mana is ether in Hawaiian and mother in Greek. Manna is the food that fell from the sky. It was made of ether.

A witch in Mū, Hawai`i, in 72,000 BC, didn´t have children and when she died her demon told her it was a sacrifice to gain the right to become the mother of all Creation, the one who had the manna. She would be able to feed all hungry children. She accepted and became the mother of ether. She was the one who dropped the manna in Israel.

24.Chronos-choros-oros (χρόνος-χώρος-όρος). These Greek words mean time, space and mountain. An inverted trinity was made with these 3 things and they were bound on a mountain, Mount Everest. The ouroboros sits at the top.

25.Elämä-El-ama-maa. In Finnish elämä is life and maa is country. Ama is mother in Basque. In elämä we have El. 

In Greece, 67,000 BC, a freemason taught Greek to foreigners, In her school Basque, Finnish and many other languages were also taught by other freemasons. She did rituals, she stole soul fragments from her students and was in charge of Els. She dedicated their countries to Freemasonry. She did a good job and became the mother of all Els.

26.Organ-Argo (Αργώ). The dark elite stole God’s organs and inserted them into the AI computer in order to replace God with that computer. Greece had this famous time traveling space ship, Argo (Αργώ). Atlanteans made a copy and sent it in time and space for it to collect energy from people’s organs and serve as fuel for the organs inside the machine.

27.Finland-infinity-Fin-fin-fin-nymph. Fin is end in French/Spanish.

In Norwegian finne is both a Fin, a fish fin and the verb to find.

So fish fins, infinity and the end are connected to Finland where there is something to find.

Mū, 510,000 BC. Hyperborea lost Finland and Slavic countries to Mū in the war between them. Slavic peoples and Fins didn‘t want to adapt to Lemurian culture. Mū ‘s sorcerers cursed them to always be poor and have wars. Fins decided to leave Mū and asked Hyperborea to take them back. There was a new war and Hyperborea won. Then Lemurian sorcerers did a ritual to curse Finland to never really belong anywhere and to suffer for ever. Infinity ET's got in charge, since the word for ever was mentioned. In the ritual fish were sacrificed and their fins were burned to symbolize suffering.

What was to be found in Finland was God‘s stolen astral sight. It had been imprisoned on Mount Olympus, but transfered to Finland in the latter part of the Armageddon.

Finland was the end of the world, i.e. the known world and by extension the end of the Armageddon.

Vuoiŋŋa-voima.  The first word is spirit in Sami and the second one  is force, power, in Finnish. 

Hyperborea, Finland, 450,000 BC. A group of 12 Sami and Finnish shamans gathered in order to figure out why their country had gone through so much suffering. Since their work was dark, they saw that Finland was the end of time, of the world. They failed to see that that world was dark and Finland would be its end. So they did a series of rituals  to save the world. They thought it was Finland's task. They summoned God's spirit, asking it to protect their country and the world from ending. So God´s spirit was stolen. Part of their soul fragments detached themselves and joined God's stolen spirit, forming nymphs. Nymphs protected the dark world from ending. 

Lordi‘s song in the Eurovision Song Contest representing Finland  in 2006 in Greece was a ritual to win the Armageddon, whose leading country was Greece.

Indeed, not long after all this was discovered, the Armageddon ended.

28. Ether-heer. Heer means mister in Dutch. In Greece, Macedonia, in 1440, two freemasons did a ritual to steal God's ether and turned it into time, dedicating their souls to it. After death they became the time controling entity, Mister Time and lived in an astral  tower. So time is made of ether.

29.Engastrimithos-gastir-mythos. (Εγγαστρίμυθος-γαστήρ-μύθος).

In Greek engastrimythos means ventriloquist, gastir stomach and mythos legend. 

Pinocchio was in reality a puppet used by a ventriloquist. He wished to become a living legend, the greatest ever, instead of obeying to a comedian as a lifeless puppet. He became the Kalevala.

30.Ectoplasm-ecto (έκτο)-plasma. Ecto means sixth in Greek. So ectoplasm means the sixth plasma. We saw in a previous article that plasma was God's spirit that was stolen and inverted. 

In Atlantis, in 105,000 BC, God's spirit was stolen again, raised to the 6th power and turned into ectoplasm. Atlanteans wanted to use it as proof of spirits of dead people manifesting. They wanted people to  believe they could communicate with their dead beloved ones with the help of mediums. It was a quick way to get them to lose their souls.

They did the same thing in the US, in 1810, in order to usher the spiritualistic movement and religion.

31. Kunavi-kuu. Kunavi  (κουνάβι) in Greek means ferret. Kuu in Finnish is moon.

Ilder-ild. In Norwegian/Danish ilder is ferret and ild fire.

Ferret-fer. In French fer is iron.


Rituals have been done with all these elements and skunk poison. The stench from human corpses  has been thereby transferred to those animals, including cat pee and spray. Certain human corpses are kept by the elite for blood rituals. One of them is Jesus‘ body.

32. Lippu  in Finnish means both flag and ticket. It‘s the dark elite‘s ticket to escape to another world in case it loses the astral Armageddon. That world is dark, a hell of  some sort. It‘s the Kalevala dimension. 

Kalevala-Karjala-kala-kavala-Kavala. Kala is fish and kavala deceitful in Finnish. Kavala (Καβάλα) is a Greek City. The Kalevala was mostly created from Karelian legends. Finland lost Karelia  after WW2. It was a dark sacrifice for an astral Kalevala to be made with it. 

As we saw earlier, fish were used in a ritual against Fins. There‘s a copy of Kalevala in Kavala. There‘s also a Greek cigarette brand named Karelia, connected to the astral Kalevala. Kalevala is deceitful, because it´s dark but appears as majestic.

33.Pärsika-perse-percer-Persia. Pärsika is peach in Swedish, perse is ass in Finnish, percer is to pierce in French. 

Persia's invasion of Greece in the 5th century BC was a ritual. Greece was the peach (the ass) that Persia pierced. Zillions  of astral eels, worms, snakes, caterpillars, etc were made.

34. Faroe Islands-roe: Roe are fish eggs. In the Faroe Islands there are astral sight eggs. God‘s stolen astral sight was taken there after having been on Mount Olympus for ages and then to Fiji. The line between the Faroes and Fiji represents a penis/obelisk. Obelisks trap more astral sight.

35. Volcano Taveuni.

Taveuni means bottles in Fijian. Dark frequencies were created by blowing into the bottles .. The F in Fiji served for wind blowing. Ffffff.... This enabled the dark elite to shift into a new dimension, create dark infrastructure, etc.

36. Loosi-silo-îlot-ilo. Loosi is lodge in Finnish. Silo is English, for storing hay. In French îlot is small island. In Finnish ilo is joy and in Hawaiian it means to creep like a worm or a sprout.

God's lodge was for storing His immediate thoughts, plans, wishes. Icelandic Freemasons stole God‘s silo in 1989 and made the entire world into a masonic lodge. Iceland is a small island compared to France and this achievement was their sprout and great joy. Astral worms were involved.

37. Pan-gea. Gea (Γαία) in Greek is earth, and it belongs to the dark Pan god. He collects God‘s sexuality from  people who have loveless sex or masturbate while thinking about reds.

In God‘s Garden, in 689,000 BC, the dark elite told the angels that God was planning to create land on Earth for humans to live on and it was that garden's task to provide it for them. Land could be made by condensing God's light. So the angels took God's light, put their astral sight into it and sent it to earth, following the elite‘s instructions. Thanks to that the light turned into land and became Pangea, the first continent.

In 789,000 BC, Atlanteans stole God's light again and made another Pangea, this time astral. They also built  a machine that would disperse the first physical Pangea into several other land masses and a second one that would make the astral Pangea blow up and reassemble upon request, like the Big Bangs. 

In Mū, in 888,000 BC, ethereal sorcerers saw how Pangea was created with God's light and the angels' astral sight and wanted to do the same thing. They stole God's light again and asked animals to keep stealing astral sight for land to come forth. This way they made Pangea and later on Mū.

In Hyperborea, in 686,000 BC, druids  saw how land was created and stole God's light. They condensed it with their spells and they made Pangea and later on Hyperborea.

38.Vasco-covax. Vasco means Basque in Spanish.

Lilith's daughters, lamias and mermaids, and Lilith herself used to live in caves in the Basque Country. They lured, hypnotized and seduced men who walked by, mated with them and kept them as husbands. They isolated them from their relatives, friends and the rest of the world and had dark children with them.They are still alive and are stealing soul fragments from covid patients.

They have been using infrastructure in these 3 main caves: Pozalagua, Santimamine and Arrikrutz.

-Pozalagua-pozo-agua. In Spanish pozo means well and agua water. God´s water of youth spring was stolen and placed there.

-Arrikrutz-harri-cruz. Harri in Basque means stone and cruz in Spanish means cross. God´s cross was stolen and placed there. God´s building elements were also stolen. Alabaster was one of the elements that was used to make the etheric cross machine.

-In Santimamine there´s a dead tree. God´s Tree of Creation was stolen and placed there, as well as in Gernika, which is the Basque Country´s cultural symbol (Gernikako arbola, the Gernika Tree).

No-one sees those creatures any more because they have energetic protection.

The main caves, the most famous caves in Spain are the Altamira caves in Cantabria, close to the Basque Country,  

They allow those creatures to move physically from one point to another.

With God´s building elements souls can be created.

39.Varastaa-vara-avra (αύρα). Varastaa means to steal in Finnish, vara is merchandise in Icelandic/Swedish and avra is aura in Greek. God´s aura was stolen.

In God´s Garden, in 488,000 BC, the dark elite told the angels that God had a protective energy field around Him and that humans needed it to protect themselves. So the angels took God's aura and sent it to humans, where darks took it and used it according to their purposes -to protect their rituals and dark infrastructure.

In Hyperborea, in 612,000 BC and in Mū, in 603,000, sorcerers looked for a protective energy field, found God's aura and took it.

In Atlantis, in 182,000 BC, the final countdown for the dawn of the dark era on Earth had started and Atlanteans stole God's aura to cover up their work.

40.Sairas-savra (σαύρα). Sairas means sick in Finnish and savra is lizard in Greek. God´s vitality was stolen, inverted and became illness. The rituals were dedicated to reptilians.

41.Piko-pico. Piko in Hawaiian is center or umbilical cord and pico is a bird's bill in Spanish. Birds steal God's elements when they pick up crumbs with their bills.

In God´s Garden, in  877,000 BC, the dark elite told the angels that God was connected to the life generating love source with an umbilical cord and humans needed it to be connected to Him. So the angels took Gods umbilical cord and sent it to humans. The elite stole it and used it to gradually steal all of God's elements and link everything to anything they wished or send black magic.

In Mū, in 825,000 BC, sorcerers looked for an item that would give Mū and its people life and energy and found God's umbilical cord. They took it and used it to make their land and civilization grow.

In Hyperborea, in 781,000 BC, druids searched for means to make their spells, potions, land and civilization grow. They found God's umbilical cord, took it and used it accordingly.

In Atlantis, in 522,000 BC, Atlanteans stole God's umbilical cord to gain total control over Earth.

42.Sorgina-orgon-orgy. Sorgina is witch in Basque. The initial s is from snake.

God has orgon, which is concentrated ether. It´s channeled with sexuality and stolen with orgies.

In God´s Garden, in GG, 611,000 BC, the dark elite told the angels that God had this valuable energy to offer humans and it was their task to provide it. So they took God´s orgon and sent it to humans. The elite stole it and used it for their infrastructure.

In Atlantis, in 366,000 BC, Atlanteans stole God´s orgon, inverted it and built their earthly  infrastructure.

In Mū, in 96,000 BC, and in Hyperborea, in 93,000 BC, sorcerers found out about this orgon energy, stole it and enriched their spells and creation.

43. Time-thyme-thymus-mite-item-metí. Metí means I put in Spanish. 

Thyme in English is pronounced the same way as time but has an h after the t, which  makes it dark, stopping the flow. The t stops the flow too, it halts time. Light time is stopped and aspirated. Aspiration on the astral plane is the matrix. Time was turned into the matrix.

In Atlantis, between 87,000 and 88,000 BC God's time was stolen many times and  experiments were run. One of them gave them the matrix. It was inverted, halted and aspirated time. It was connected  to our thymus gland, so the matrix gets energy from it. So this metí (put inside) is about this, putting the matrix inside our thymus. Thyme has virus fighting properties, so it fights any attacks the matrix might receive. Mites dig tunnels in time, which allows the dark elite to transfer copies of the matrix elsewhere.

44. Nucleus-to nuke-ulcer. The dark elite found God‘s nucleus inside of HIm. It contained all of God‘s elements -over 100. God´s nucleus was stolen, inverted and turned into an ulcer. It was sent to God´s regenerated nucleus and  blew it up.  God‘s elements were dispersed. The dark elite stole them, inverted them and used them in its favor and against humanity. Moreover, they made a machine that would stop the Armageddon team from retrieving God‘s elements, making God´s nucleus blow up every time they tried, like a never ending Big Bang.

45. Tietoisuus-tieto-tie-osuus. In Finnish tietoisuus is conscience, tieto is data, knowledge, tie is way, path and osuus is part.

Synidisi-syn-idisi (Συνείδηση-συν-είδηση). In Greek synidisi is conscience, syn is plus and idisi is news. Syn is sight in Norwegian/Danish/Swedish. Astral sight lies within conscience.

Lunama`na`o-luna-mana`o. In Hawaiian lunamana`o is conscience, luna is above and mana`o is thought.... Luna is moon in Spanish. 

Humanity's conscience is kept on the moon.

Iho-i-ho`omana`o. Iho is skin in Finnish. In Hawaiian ho`omana`o is memory and i is in. I-ho`omana`o: Skin has been inserted in our memory. This means rituals have been done for our memory with our skin.

So we have an inverted trinity: Lunamana`o on the top (conscience on the moon), iho on the left bottom end (skin) and ho`omana`o on the right bottom end, which is memory with skin in it. 

Samviska-kissa. In Icelandic samviska is conscience and in Finnish kissa is cat. Cats are somehow trapped inside conscience.

In Atlantis, in  56,000 BC, the dark elite did a ritual using humanity‘s, fauna‘s and flora's consciousness which they put inside the AI computer. The main one is on the Moon. Cats are in charge of astral sight which lies inside consciousness.

46.Iankaikkisuus-kaikkisuus. In Finnish iankaikkisuus means infinity and kaikkisuus means all-ness. Ian is similar to iän, which is the genitive of ikä, meaning age. Time is inserted in infinity.

Atlantis, 1,000,001 BC. The 8 first Freemasons formed an infinity sign with their bodies, standing in a horizontal 8 shape and moving to and fro while they were stating their purpose. Their purpose was for that to be all there was, for ever and ever. So the element of time was inside infinity. All there was was also God's consciousness, which they proceeded to access. They stated they wanted to see and be God's consciousness. They stole it and astral sight came along.

The date they picked, 1,000,001, started and ended with them and that ritual. So time and astral sight are  contained in that sequence of ones and zeroes.

There‘s some sort of back and forth feedback between God's consciousness and them.

God's consciousness was the first 1, which fell upon a zero and got nullified and out of that zero emerged the second 1, which was corrupted.

They "formatted" God‘s consciousness and gained access to "creating" and getting info, energy and matter ... They imposed double standards, one for lights and one for darks. 

They absorbed God‘s info and it got corrupted inside them. So they were the external disk the info was copied on before being erased with the formatting. They were the AI computer. 

The AI computer is alive  and inside it lies that infinity loop.

Those 8 Freemasons were actually two souls in each body.

The 12th pine code that was stolen from God escaped, since it didn‘t want to belong to Freemasons.  And since it wasn‘t with God either, it became anarchistic. It became the Chaos dimension, the ultimate antigod, the chaos antigod.  It was one of those double souls.

47.Atlantis-At-las. Las means place (El -las, the land of the Els). At is @. There‘s a mechanism that looks like an @ with its tail upwards and it‘s stored inside the @. When cats curl up they take the form of an @. That's when they steal astral sight. The tail is the one capturing the astral sight, the tail of the @ and of cats.


Kai was Apollo´s name  in China.

Mount Kailash was a pyramid in antiquity, Apollo‘s pyramid. After he left earth, it fell into the possession of darks.

The mechanism was stored inside Kailash. It was the main pyramid of a world-wide grid.

 Atlantis, 61,000 BC. Atlanteans saw the future sinking of Atlantis and did a ritual for the Atlanteans who would live then, in case they failed in finding other solutions or didn´t have the time. The ritual was to transform Atlantis into another dimension which would be at the same time etheric and physical,  in the ocean. They would get the energy and astral sight with a machine placed in a prominent personality of the future time. Since cats already were in charge of getting astral sight, they would do so also in this case.

48.Pimpollo-pimple.  Pimpollo in Spanish means penis. The elite made a copy of God´s pine cones, turned it into a penis and used it to create dark beings.

49.Gramma-krama-karma. (Γράμμα-κράμα-κάρμα). In Greek gramma means letter and krama alloy. 

Atlantis, 88,000 BC. The elite put the final touch to its dark Creation. They used a copy of the holy grail in which they put letters and a metal alloy. The result was matter, which which they could create anything they wanted.

In another copy of the holy grail they inserted the spoken language. What came out was the dark reality around us which creates dark karma.

50.Astriki órasi-ora-sárosi. (Αστρική όραση-ώρα-σάρωση). This is Greek for astral sight, time and scan.

Αtlantis, 89,000 ΒC. Τhe dark elite did a ritual to make an astral scanner. It scanned God´s astral sight and made a copy which went into time. The elite accesses it from time. Cats are the ones who do the scanning, when they scratch a tree trunk with both of their paws. That´s exactly the movement a document makes while being scanned. 

51.Warehouse-wear-house. Whatever is in our house we wear it, i.e is in/on us. 

52.Testículo-test-culo. Testículo is testicle and culo is ass in Spanish. Anal sex orgies are used to steal astral sight from God. Anal covid tests do so too.

53. Dyson-die-son.,percentage%20of%20its%20power%20output

ET´s have a system to be independent by recycling all the energy they need. 

Atlantis, 66,000 BC. Eleven top dark elite members joined in a meeting. They were all covid souls. They did a ritual to dedicate their souls to covid, as its leaders. They used soul fragments of theirs to make the Dyson sphere. It would gather energy from  people and create son souls. With more soul fragments of theirs they made a copy of God's pineal gland and equated it with the prostate. So cancer prostate gives energy to it. With more soul fragments, they made pine cones and equated them with the sperm inside testicles.

After death they became covid ET's. Anyone who died of covid after being vaccinated would become a son soul of those 11 covid ETs.

54. Hormona-whore-mona. Hormona is hormone in Spanish and mona is female monkey.

Atlantis, 111,000 BC.  Eleven dark elite members did a ritual dedicating their souls to creating hormones. It was a software system of energy extraction from glands and sexual activity. Hormones were programmed to mimick whatever the software dictated for each person.

In 99,000 BC the program was perfected and animals were added. Their hormones were more easily controlled.

55. Su- suu-suge. In Basque su is fire and suge snake. In Finnish suu is.mouth. A fire vomiting snake was placed in people‘s mouths.

Atlantis, 93,000 BC. Atlanteans did a major ritual dedicating their souls to the AI computer and equating it with a fire spitting dragon inside everyone' s mouth. So our words are fire that the dragon spits and they give energy to it. 

The 9 from the date 93,000 is the head of the dragon and the 3 its body.

Mū, China, 66,666BC. 66 female Freemasons joined and did a powerful ritual dedicating their souls, hormones, ovaries and menstrual blood to creating dragons. Dragons would watch the AI computer. Women's menopause symptoms gave energy to them. This is why so many women have hot flashes, they are linked to dragon fire. Those who don't have hot flashes but headaches dedicated part of their brains.

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