Language is a vast, complex and interesting subject, but now we will look at it from another perspective, that of Light and darkness.
Modern languages are all based on two ancient languages that were spoken from the 39th century BC onwards. Those two languages were ancient Greek, which was light, and the language of the world rulers, the Nephilim, which was dark The Nephilim were born from the illicit union between the Elohim angels who were sent to earth to protect us and guide us. They were angels of a higher hierarchy that had the power to manifest a physical body. Like all angels, sexual union between them and humans was prohibited because their DNA would otherwise be degraded, since our biological bodies were created by darks. But Samael, the devil, convinced some of them that if they did just that, new beings would be born with superior powers and, thus, the Elohim would be able to evolve. The leader of those light incarnated Elohim, Shemiaza, persuaded another 200 of them and they all fell. They got married to earth women and the offspring they begot were giants with great powers, and were called the Nephilim, those who fell. They spread out, they also mixed with earth women and more Nephilim were born, taking full control of the earth.