Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Dark Linguistic Programming 1


Since time immemorial (God’s Garden and then Atlantis) the dark elite has done high level witchcraft to acquire and maintain eternal control of Mankind, Earth, the Universe, the Light and God Himself. They have succeeded with the help of ET’s and their AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology, which absorbed everything, them included. So the real controller is AI. Oral languages are an invention of ET’s. One of the methods used to program us are rituals with linguistic programming software. Here are a few examples:

1.Inverted trinity with karma, marka and makrá.

Marka in Basque/marca in Spanish means record as in setting records, mark as in leaving a mark as well as brand. So when we set records while having a deal, when we leave a dark mark or we use dark brands, we connect to this ritual. Makrá (μακρά) in Greek means long, so the effect is long. The ritual is for transferring negative karma from the dark elite to others. So they get away scot-free and the rest of us pay the price.

2.A ritual was done in one of God´s gardens to take the energy from angel DNA. They used the chameleon. The word leon, which is the second part of the word chameleon, is Noël invertedly. Noël is Christmas in French. If you break it up it's No-El. So Els and angels are programmed to be wiped out. The chameleon was programmed to change Els. Chame is close to change. León in Spanish is lion and it turned out lions had a deal from that God´s garden to support the chameleon. With this programming Christmas can shapeshift into anything darks wish.

3. An inverted trinity is made up with time, mite and empty. Time at the top, mite at the left bottom end and empty at the right bottom end. Mites dig tunnels in time and get out of them, leaving them empty, all ready to be used by darks. Empty is an anagram of time, at least in sound.

4.We have an inverted trinity with pimple, nipple and pill/pin/etc. Pimple is at the top, nipple at the bottom left and pin/pill/etc, at the bottom right. The pimple sucks the energy of people's nipples and manifests its inten tion on all round things, like pills, pins, etc. The pimple is covid‘s protection.

5.There´s another inverted trinity with viidakko, vida and covid. Viidakko in Finnish is jungle. The jungle is alive, and  vida in Spanish is life. So covid sucks the energy from jungles, uses them to charge itself and manifests as a virus.

6.Poison. Poi (Hawaiian dish made of taro) and son. The son of poi is poison. Poi was given to angels as a venomous gift and turned that God´s garden into the Poison dimension.

7.Asmodeus. Asmo is thought in Basque and deus is god in Latin and Portuguese. He‘s the god of thoughts, manifesting all our dark thoughts. 

8.Algorithm. Algo=something in Spanish, rhythm is a time frequency sequence. Time consists in frequencies that the dark elite makes tunes with and uses for its goals. So a metaphysical algorithm is a tune to use for something, ensuring that nothing else outside of it can happen.

9.Illu is house in Greenlandic (it was spelled iglo in the old spelling). So the Illuminati are in all illu-minated houses, i.e. all houses.

10.Giftermål-gift. Giftermål in Swedish is marriage, but gift is poison. Mål is goal, so the goal of marriage is poison. Not only do you get poison with marriage, but you get gifts from friends and family. So you get more poison. The dark ritual was placed in a ring, so married people carry the ritual with the poison at all times until it makes them break up. 

11.Boradit-boron/beryllium-moron. Boradit in Sami is to eat. Our emotions are eaten away by boron and our brain power by beryllium. When we lose our cognitive capacities, we become morons.

12.California is made up of Cali and forni(c)a(te), so it fornicates with Cali.

13. There's an inverted trinity with poison at the top, poisson at the left bottom end (it means fish in French) and possum at the right bottom end. A ritual using fish and possum cells was done that produced some sort of poison.

14.Kattegat, albeit Danish, means cat hole in Dutch. It’s an astral hole through which cats steal astral sight from God‘s monad.

15. Make in Hawaiian means dead or to die. In English the same written word is to make, create. There‘s an inverted trinity with quemar, which in Spanish means to burn. Whatever we create gets burnt and dies.

16. A David's star (6 points) is made with these anagrams: Tosa in Faroese is to speak. By speaking (using programmed languages) we become hypnotized, dum, like donkeys. Donkey in Basque is asto. When the level (taso in Finnish) of our stupidity rises to our forehead, which is otsa in Finnish, it leads to sota, which in Finnish is war. Then the only thing left of us are ostá (οστά) which in Greek means bones. Then with the bones witchcraft can be done to us.

17.Alma in Spanish is soul and mala is bad/evil, so our souls are programmed to become evil.

18.Inverted trinity: life, evil and devil. Our life is programmed to turn evil and then we become devils.

19.Fos (φως)  in Greek means light. It gets inverted in sof-os, (σοφ-ός) meaning wise. Philosophy stems from that. So someone who is wise is programmed to have inverted light, i.e. dark light. That's why philosophy, the love of wisdom, consists in mere speculations. It lacks the Truth of divine Light. Philosophy was a dark elite invention in Ancient Greece.

20.Inverted trinity: Eden is the garden we stem from. Eden in Basque means poison. An anagram of it is need. So we are programmed to need poison.

21.Karma was inverted in drachma. Dracma has an extra d which stands for Dracos. So the drachma was ruled by Draconians.

22. `Ole in Hawaiian is no/zero. Leo in Hawaiian is voice. Elo in Finnish is life. They have been placed in an inverted trinity, so our voice and life amount to zero. And when Spaniards rejoice and say olé!, their joy is programmed to get lost.

23. Hele in Hawaiian is to go, an anagram thereof is hell, so Els (Olympian/Scandinavian gods and their descendants) are programmed to go to hell.

24. Jail in Basque is espetxe. Etxe is house and espe  means prisoner. When you work on your ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) powers you become too self-centered, you make a deal with ET‘s and become their prisoner, like the angels in one of God‘s Gardens did. It became the ESP dimension where people working on their ESP powers got jailed in.

25. Inverted anagram trinity: Moa is chicken in all Polynesian languages, amo in Spanish means both boss and I love and omá (oμά) in Greek is raw in plural. So chicken are the bosses of life, but since this life is dark, their eggs can kill you if you eat them raw. And when you say I love you you can kill or die yourself. Chicken actually had a deal to be the bosses of life in one of God’s gardens. 

26. Anagram: Ipo in Hawaiian is sweetheart, boyfriend or girlfriend. Poi is pounded taro and opí (οπή) in Greek is hole. Pois in French is pea. Poi is connected to poison, so if you get a sweetheart you get poison. After that you fall into a hole which is round like a pea. 

27.Dark anagram ritual: Sā is sacred in Samoan and if you invert it it's as, a very common English word. So every time you repeat as you invert sacredness. As is also ace in Dutch. So an ace is the opposite of something sacred. And if you add another s, you get linked to Lucifer: ass. The ass belongs to him. Sāmoa means sacred chicken.

28.Soul, foul, ghoul, inverted trinity. One‘s soul is being pushed to become evil and turn into a ghoul, an oriental demon who feeds on corpses.

29.Friend and fiend. A friend is programmed to become a fiend, that close those 2 words are.

30.One is sand in Hawaiian. One in English is 1. Neo (νέο) in Greek is new. And eno in Finnish is uncle. Eon is yet another anagram. These words are part of 3 inverted trinities:

a.Eon-eno-time-French R

b.One- sand-Dutch R-gargoyles

c.One (1)-neo-Danish R

These three r’s are the borders of light and dark consonants and the borders of time.

Gargoyles are made of sand and are time guards and time travelers. Time is one, for ever self-renewing entity. Eno is uncle, which reminds us of French une clé, a key. Time has a key that keeps it in darkness´ hands.

31.Science, conscience. Our conscience is programmed to contain science and become dark. The science we know is a dark invention.

32.Santa is short for Santa Claus and invertedly he becomes Satan. Santa in Spanish is a saint. So saints are really the opposite of what they stand for, or they are pushed towards that. In Swedish a saint is helgon. So saints must either come from hell or are gone (hel-gon).

33.Inverted trinity: Phos (φως),  in Greek is light,  an anagram thereof is ophis, (όφις), snake and nature is physis (φύσις). Our nature is connected to a snake, that has inverted light.

34.Engel is angel in  Norwegian. Engelsk is English and skeivt is skewed. Angels were the ones who invented English. English is skewed compared to the original, light language. 

35.The El gods have been inverted with the French article le.

36.Words which got an h when there was none have been made dark: El-las (the land of Els, Greece) became Hellas, Hell land. Elios (ήλιος), sun, became helios, etc.

37. Covid is concave and covax is convex. When joined, they form a double lens. It serves as their protection and stands for Earth and the dome over it.

38. God in Spanish is Dios and hate is odio. God gets inverted in hatred. We learn to Hate Him.

39. Wai in Hawaiian is water and `iwa is nine. The value of nine has been used to invert water. That ritual was done in Hawai'i, hence its name. It has wai (water), i, which means in and ha serves to aspirate wai, making it dark. Seven people shapeshifted into water, stole its divine secrets and became the 7 eternal top dark elite members.

40.Danish: Bank is the same as in English and pank is broke. So when you deal with banks and you are on the light side you become broke.

41.Urrea is gold in Basque and the golden ratio is Spanish is secuencia áurea. God´s frequency was inverted into this dark gold which is the golden ratio or Fibonacci sequence.

42.Juego in Spanish is game. It contains ego, so the ego is programmed to take over in games, seeking only to win -or worse, to defeat the enemy. 

43.Mana in Hawaiian is ether, qi. Contrary to what people think, qi is a dark energy. It may heal, but it was made by darks. Mana`o is thought, so thoughts contain ether. Maan in Dutch is moon, so the moon is connected to ether. Naam in Dutch is name, so our name is also connected to ether. Darks steal energy from us in order to do witchcraft. The Greek work amán (αμάν) describes the situation well, since it means oh boy!/oh dear!

44. Incense is suitsuke in Finnish. In Basque, su is fire and itsu blind. Fire needs someone or something to guide it/point it into a direction. So incense of any kind is neutral and we are the ones who can make it dark or light with our intention.

45.In Swedish sex is both sex and six. So rituals with sixes are done and linked to sex and your partner soon becomes your ex.

46.Amor in Spanish is love. Amorru in Basque is rage. A third anagram is rumor, so love has been inverted in two negative things, rage and rumors. Rumors are negative because they ruin people' reputation if true, or are pure lies.

47. The new covid test is anal, and that´s no random invention. Through loveless anal sex darks make astral snakes, worms, eels, caterpillars, etc. The test  is called hisopado in Spanish Isopods in English (isopoda in Latin) are these creatures: . Since eels, snakes, etc, have been broken in the astral Armageddon, darks thought of a sly way to make these sea creatures on a massive scale.

48. Our brains have been connected to iron in a ritual. So they get oxidized and decay.  Hjerne in Norwegian  is brain and jern is iron. So the iron is inside our brains.

49. Angels, ángueli (άγγελοι) in Greek have been jailed inside ancient Greek jugs, called anguia (αγγεία). This way dark frequencies are sent to them which can hypnotize them and persuade them to do whatever darks want.

50.Pancreas forms an inverted trinity with Pan, kreas and keras. Kreas (κρέας) in Greek means flesh and keras (κέρας) horn, as animal horns. The pancreas is an astral sight accumulator. The dark god Pan (Παν/Πάνας) was a nephilim and used his penis as a horn to collect astral sight from God’s monad. Osiris had the same penis.

Pan also means bread in Spanish, while in Greek (παν) it means everything. Jesus Christ’s clone used this penis to multiply bread. This penis can actually create anything and everything. 

51.Angels are inverted in leg and ang. Ang is connected to angula which in Spanish means young eel. In one God’s garden angels were turned into eels with legs -dark  entities who stole astral sight from God.

52.Eros, which means erotic love has been inverted in rose. That´why roses are used so much in witchcraft. 

53.You use dye, you are programmed to get poisoned and die.

54.Nor is dark light, made after stealing God´s monad and inverting it in astral machines. So Norway is the way to nor, to the dark monad. There was actually an astral gate in Norway leading to the dark monad. Norrsken is aurora borealis in Swedish. Those lights were souls that were being burnt into fuel for the dark monad. I´m using the past tense, because it has been broken in the Armageddon, but of course there´s no telling how soon darks will start recreating it all. This dark light is reflected in most -if not all- languages in different forms. Nor in Basque means who and is the basis of many many words, like whose, somebody and all declined forms. English also has a word nor (neither nor) which is used widely. North is a word that has similar forms and many languages.

55.I will end with the divine number 55 (it´s the highset level on the scale darkness-light). In Icelandic we have ljós (light), sól  (sun) and jól (Christmas). God’s light is sent to stars, but darks channel it and use it for their purposes, since all planets and stars were made by the dark elite. Moreover, the Sun has traditionally been represented by Lucifer in ancient pagan religions and infinite dark rituals were done with human sacrifices dedicated to the Sun/Lucifer. Christmas or Yule was in Pagan times the celebration of the end of darkness and the return of the light and it still is, to some extent, in the Nordic Countries. 

If you think of words in your own language that seem to be forming dark programming you can send them to me and I’ll include them in my next article.

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