Subjects: Deals, Deal breaking, Black and White Brotherhood, covid-19, the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, unforgiveness, lack of control, mental attacks.
Q.How do I send the entities from my broken deals to the Armageddon? I have made lists of deals from this and past lives and broken these deals for a long time without killing the entities. Can I just gather them all and pray that they will be placed at the battlefield?
A.Yes, or just send them there with your thought and intention.
Q.Also I sense I have two snake-like beings “working” with me. One big bit me in my face (astrally) and I could not pray it away. Another one dwells in my pancreas. Both get aggressive when I pray “too much”. I feel like they are responsible for my obsessive-compulsive thoughts. I could be wrong, of course. They could be holograms or representations of my dark DNA,- I’ve heard each fifth human has some reptilian DNA. Yet, I have sensed these “beings” for almost two years.
If they are real and they don’t go with a prayer, can you please look up which deals give them the right to stay with me?
A.Snake entities come from lives we disrespected or went up against God in any way. They are being dealt with in the Armageddon.
Q. I have prayed a lot and discovered some deals. When I spot deals, I cannot know for sure if they are real or not, but I can break the deals anyways, right?
A.Of course. Usually the first thought we get comes from our guide, so you should trust your intuition on that.
Q.Does it matter if I break an imagined deal, a deal my imagination told me I have? If it doesn’t matter, I can just meditate and break the deals even if these are not real…
A.No problem, we can’t be sure either, but we break them and it always works, we feel relief. Of course afterwards darks activate another Armageddon life deal, a new one we get connected to…. That’s because our souls get upgraded all the time and if we were in the fourth generation El group, we now are in the 3rd, 2nd, 1st, an archangel, an Elohae, etc. So we clean up the deals our parallels from those levels made.
Q.Yet, I was somehow confused about the following statement: “If you take all your karmic reds to the Light, dark ones will put new souls in those bodies, souls who aren’t related to you and won’t have the right to harm you.”
Does it mean that this ritual removes souls from bodies?. It sounds pretty brutal. As I am -4 I am sure, I am a karmic red to somebody and you have gathered my soul parts so I become whole again, so I would not appreciate if somebody did this above mentioned ritual for me, thus robbing me of my soul.Can you please explain?
A.You understood correctly, this ritual does remove red souls from bodies. These souls go to the Light, so they’re thankful someone did this ritual for them! They were trapped in darkness and in lies as reds. Since you have finished the cleansing, you’re not a red any more, so nobody can switch your soul -unless you make a major deal with an ET.
Q. Hydroxychloroquine, an old antimalarial drug may still be helpful, since the doses they used in the trial of the drug in the UK were much higher than a normal dose, hence the trial may not have been helpful. It is not currently used in hospitals as first line treatment.
People do not seem to be getting re-infected.
I think less than 25 % of the UK population is estimated to have already been infected.
It seems some people have some sort of prior immunity to COVID19, maybe through having other, recent, similar viruses in the past.
This is one hypothesis as to why some people's immune response is automatically defending itself, as if it recognises the virus.
It may explain why children are getting less sick as well, since they have had more recent exposure to other pathogens (through first time exposure and through early years vaccinations). It is a hypothesis.
It seems that the smaller the viral dose, the less likely a severe symptomatic response - hence mask wearing and social distancing is still encouraged.
People are encouraged to take vitamin d supplements to help the immune system.
This can be from sunlight, but the UK, in Autumn and Winter and in the perpetually cloudy parts, may struggle to get enough Sun.
The hospitals are not full.
A.I don't think hospitals are full here either. Covid-19 has been unpgraded so many times that it should be called something else by now... I hope we will stop this madness in time before darks proceed with that Mark of the Beast vaccine....
Q.The UK news channels are focusing more on the American Election now than the COVID19 situation.
The protests and shootings and fighting in America are troubling.
I genuinely think, and I have evidence to prove, that a lot of the rioting is being caused by infiltrators who want to create chaos and create division, possibly organised from outside the USA and also internally.
A.I think the riots are caused by hired people who work for Trump's enemies. They'll try to do everything in order to stop him from being reelected.
Q.It is interesting that you say that the riots might be by Trump's enemies, since from what I read, the word is it is from Trump's friends !
The hypothesis is that the rioters make the genuine protestors look bad, and it damages the image of the Democratic Campaign, hence removing votes.
A.There's a lot of disinformation about D. Trump because he's with the Black Brotherhood (Republicans), while the rest of the White House is with the White Brotherhood (Democrats), and they are enemies. He's an ET, just like most politicians, but if the Democrats win now they will bring WW3. And they are no democrats, but satanists.... If Trump wins he will mitigate somewhat the damage the Democrats have caused bringing some balance... Of course if you let him rule for too long, he will cause just as much disaster as his enemies have... In any case, the White Brotherhood needs to win in order to implement the rest of the plan (WW3, Antichrist, Mark of the Beast). So they have every reason to try to make Trump look bad.
Q.In that scenario, you mentioned that the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast.
But who is the AntiChrist ?
Also, do you believe at all in any vaccinations ?
I think there is a quite a lot of people who think that if we stopped giving measles vaccines tomorrow, to every child, we would have measles outbreaks yet again across the world.
Also, could we not argue that vaccination as we currently know it, is a technologically refined version of something that nature does by itself quite naturally ?
In other words, we see animals lick each other's butts and sniff urine and lick their own wounds, and in doing so, ingest pathogens, and develop immunity that way.
Couldn't we also suggest that the reason why human pandemics occur with increasing frequency, is largely due to the fact humans keep animals in very confined, unventilated and unhygienic spaces all together (which most people believe spread disease very rapidly - for our global meat consumption.
And these livestock (chicken, pig, cow, goat) diseases spread to humans easily because they are our close genetic relatives (they are mammals like us) - hence why plants are less likely to spread their plant pathogen to humans (because their genetic code is more dissimilar than a mammals).
Evidence to support this would be Ebola outbreaks often occurring in areas where chimpanzees are hunted by humans, where humans are therefore in contact with chimpanzee blood and saliva.
Also, I believe there is less evidence of human pandemics in areas of the world where there was little or no livestock animal husbandry.
Take the Americas (aka the New World), before Columbus arrived there.
Those indigenous settlers (now called Native Americans) did not bring cows or pigs or chickens with them.
There were lamas and alpacas and turkeys, but the lamas and alpacas were not readily domesticable.
So they mainly ate fish, learned to cultivate the local wild foods, like potatoes, corn, squash.
Due to the up and down terrain of mountain and valley mountain and valley, each with a small patch of fertile land, this kept the size of the communities limited.
Having smaller sized human communities lead to less chance for pathogens, when they arose, to spread through a community.
Meanwhile in Europe, animal husbandry was the trend, and large dense human settlements grew.
The cold harsh Winters meant people relied more on the milk of the cow (that just needed grassland) than on agriculture of vegetables.
This brought the cow closer to people's lives.
But eventually, in about 1850's I think, people started to get really sick - and it seemed contagious too.
They called it smallpox.
Weirdly, the milk maids, the girls who milked slightly sick cows every day were immune.
They theorized that the milk maids, through small grazes on the cow's udders, coming into contact with small grazes on the milkmaid's hands, had passed an infection from the cow to the milk maid.
And that this infection similar enough to smallpox, yet mild enough to not cause death, was somehow protecting the milkmaids against smallpox.
They called this mild disease of cows and humans cowpox.
So then some experimental dudes went around taking pus from these slightly sick cows that had cowpox, and then they made small incisions in willing members of the human population's arms, enough to draw blood.
Then they put the cow pus into the incision site in the volunteer's arm.
This was a really basic form of vaccination or inoculation - I think they call it inoculation when you actually put a live pathogen into someone's tissue).
From what I understand, now, we rarely ever inoculate with live pathogens. So most stuff nowadays is vaccination - all dead pathogens, due to safety concerns of injecting live pathogens into people.
Even more primitive and natural forms of vaccination could be like breastfeeding - where the Mother passes her antibodies on to the child via the milk. The child is not getting a pathogen per se, but they are getting some defense molecules against pathogens.
A similar modified form of that might be transfusing blood from a person who has immunity (like the milk maid), into the bloodstream of someone who is sick or yet unexposed, and hoping that the antibodies from the milk maid would usefully transfer to the recipient.
Dogs often roll around in other dog poo. Is there some immune system rationality behind this ?
I cannot say I know for sure, but I think if all countries stopped giving polio, tuberculosis, and MMR vaccines tomorrow for all the newborn infants, we would end up with mass amounts of painful deaths of infants, and all the hospitals flooded within a few months.
I understand, or I believe, that vaccines have allowed a lot more human beings to live than the planet, and natural selection, would normally allow for, and this has helped drive massive population growth worldwide, but I don't see the argument for stopping vaccines.
I would suggest birth control or sex education might be a more ethical way of trying to stop population expansion.
Of course there is extra-planetary colonisation, but we are probably quite a way away from that yet.
I understand that ''adjuvants'' are added to the vaccines sometimes.
These can be aluminium.
I understand from botany that aluminium is a tricky atom because it is quite stable and hard to separate once it has formed with oxygen or hydrogen or both, and therefore it might be hard to ''cleave away'' the aluminium from the O or H by an enzyme-capture-to-disposal mechanism, although I don't understand exactly how it damages human bodies, other than it is difficult for the body to excrete and get rid of.
I read that the justification for using adjuvants in vaccines, adjuvants like Aluminium for example, is to give extra stimulation to the immune system with a slightly toxic substance in a small quantity, in order to increase the chance that the immune response will actually respond.
I think that same logic is why many vaccines are sometimes given simultaneously - e.g. to provoke the immune response and make sure the immune system with its immune cells, the T cells, and the antibodies, actually get to work and ''record'' and ''sample'' the virus.
Many people live in highly sterile environments nowadays, and there seems to be evidence that this can actually be damaging, because it seems to switch the immune system ''off'', whereby it is not stimulated or provoked, and then starts to lose its natural ability to fight infections when they finally do come.
There is evidence that kids reared away from nature, tend to have more dust and pollen allergies in later life.
The is evidence also that kids who don't get breastfed, are more likely to get certain autoimmune diseases in the future.
I think autoimmune diseases are also a fear of those who are afraid of vaccines, though I don't know the data.
I have seen so many cats, and pigeons, suffering from sickness in their early years in the last 2 years, that I can only see the benefit of antibiotics and vaccines in these live saving cases.
I don't agree with pre-emptive, and chronic antibiotic use in factory farmed animals.
I would simply prefer to see people eat less meat, and the animals let outside to graze again.
Antibiotic resistance - we are lucky to have so far dodged that bullet on a global scale, via new antibiotic creation mainly - but that cannot go on indefinitely.
On a positive note, I read that in a study where they stopped giving a sample of cow livestock chronic antibiotic doses pre-emptively, (pre-empting infection), after 6 months, the antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria in the cows' guts disappeared !
One theory is that the really resistant strains of bacteria are hypermutated (to the point they either move slower, reproduce less, or need more food to survive), and in the absence of a dose of antibiotics, after a few months, they actually get outcompeted by other bacteria in the gut.
So the antibiotic resistant bacteria often simply disappear, once the antibiotics disappear !
And of viruses, I have also seen there is also the idea that it is not in a viruses' ''interests'' to wipe everyone out, for if it does so, it runs out of hosts, and the virus requires host cells to survive.
So if a virus evolved to become that potent, and contagious, it would make itself extinct rather quickly, instead of becoming like the common flu, which doesn't really bother us (unless we are very sick), but spreads among us year by year in a slightly new and mutated form nonetheless.
A.That was quite a dissertation!
What you're saying about vaccines is not invalid, but the reason why people get ill and die is due to karma, their deals and attacks by darks. So even if they dodge a disease thanks to some vaccine, they will get another illness or injury or calamity or die in another way...
In any case, our bodies are made to be immune to illnesses. What makes us vulnerable is the fact that we live in a world made by dark forces whose agenda is to kill us physically and spiritually...
The Antichrist is whoever show the rulers of our world they deserve the title. When the time comes, the soul of the Antichrist will get into the right body.
In a nutshell: I don't disagree with the scientific stuff you presented to me, but it's only the physical manifestation of something much bigger.
Q.It is hard to believe, or accept, that people die only because of karma.
I assume you will say that if someone who lives a very helpful and ''good'' life dies young, that it is due to karma from a past life, or perhaps some bad energy from someone else, right ?
A.Yes, or more likely a dangerous parallel, but it's mostly because of deals they've made in this life. So darks gain rights over them.
Q.And if so, those 2 types of things are hard to prove either way.
A.Spiritual things are not proven, there are only signs and inner knowledge. One has to ask God for the truth and work on one's intuition and ability to connect the dots.
Q.I personally often struggle with my feelings towards people.
For example, when I am focused and working hard and engaged - I tend not to think of negative memories.
But if I spend a lot of time idling, or sometimes I might have a bad dream, or it just enters my head - and it reminds me of the negative memories of someone - and then I might find myself thinking negative thoughts about them, since, quite logically, I am remembering a moment where they were being very negative towards me.
In my experience - people, are inherently 2 sided (or a spectrum).
I think there has to be a line drawn between simply having an argument with someone, and on the other hand, silently simmering, brewing, and never letting it out.
I think the latter is the more dangerous of the two.
For me, I simmer, usually when I am so angry about something that I do not trust myself to confront someone without losing my emotional stability.
I have to often convince myself that all I really want is a rational discussion, or that I simply seek a rational explanation - in order to approach the person.
In other cases, I might be able to simply stop the simmering, and throw the pan of hot water down the sink, because I realise that I don't really owe the person any time of day, and don't need to.
I can sometimes tell when it is worth my time to actually confront someone, compared to the other times when I can tell that the person is simply looking for a conflict, and has no intention of actually finding some common ground.
But catch 2 people in conflict at the right time, both in the right mood, and common ground seems to be something that sometimes, both parties want.
When I lost trust in someone, sometimes through some actions or words said, I often lose the will to engage with them and the will to reach out.
I feel this is natural, although somewhat scornful, and sometimes, I think I am playing into their hand by doing so, by sort of ''choosing'' to feel offended.
A.I think you should try not to dwell on negative thoughts. Darks send them to you in order to extract energy from you. They won't be able to if you ignore those mental and emotional attacks.
Q.I talk about these things because when you talk of ''darks'', well, my mind looks through moments in my memory that I might subjectively associate with ''darkness'', which I take to mean negativity, cruelty, nastiness, hatefulness, and unprovoked malice or mockery, or betrayal. All the juicy Shakespearean themes.
A.Yes, those are dark manifestations in human behavior. But Darkness as a concept is any activity that drives us away from our soul mission and whose deepest aim is to wipe God out.
Q.And I am sure, when some people think about ''darks'', maybe a memory of me appears in their minds too, for I have been cruel or unnecessarily hurtful at times in my life too.
Sometimes, I guess, reminding myself that I too have been capable of acting in ''dark'' ways, makes me less angry when I think of those who have been ''dark'' towards me, and the potency, or outrage, or intensity of the emotional conflict recedes somewhat.
A.What will really help is the knowledge that people who act negatively are either red or under heavy influence of entities, so it's not really their fault. If they're red, it's actually their job to mistreat others.
Q.That said, I still believe in pursuing social justice. If someone wrongs me - I might seek to punish them with the law, or with public trial, or simply to try to do something to make them see their wrong. This may even involve simply expressing to someone that they made me feel hurt.
A.There‘s nothing wrong to try to show people they have harmed us, but punishment is a waste of time and a serious deal. Laws are made by darks, the entire system actually. Sending to jail someone is a serious deal that gives darks the right to make you pay in the same fashion. High level reds won't see their wrong, but will try to justify it. Better focus on yourself and your own development instead...
Q.And I guess, I hope that if I wrong someone, and I don't at the time realise it, that they too, will remind me that I have wronged them.
Because to me, the most ''dark'' energy that I sense in my personal life, is from those who I have at some time wronged, who claim that I have not wronged them - but I can on some level - at least I believe - that I can sense that they are holding onto that wrong, as if meditating upon a past pain, and they simmer, and brew, but very quietly, and secretly.
I did that for some years myself.
When I released, and confronted, and made dialogue, I did feel somewhat better.
I didn't necessarily fully trust that person again - but I felt I had somewhat conquered something.
I was lucky that they were willing to listen.
It is bad when someone isn't willing to listen.
I hope those around me who feel wronged can feel they can conquer me, in the sense of approaching me.
This often of course means reaching out, or at least, maintaining contact with those where the final chapters were messy.
It is probably not always possible to do this.
Some things are too painful to return to.
These things about life, to me, make up life's hardness, its edges, its coldness.
They are to me, amongst the most important things to bear in mind.
I of course fail consistently and repeatedly to remain in states of mind that keep me willing and open, and that keep my tongue loose and unbitter.
And quarantine and COVD19 have really made it somewhat harder to avoid thinking about the colder seasons of the past.
But a bit of music, to break the monotony of doom and gloom cycles of bad ''news'', does really somewhat help.
As does walks.
As does phone calls.
As does emails.
As does again meeting the neighbour's dogs after two years of being away from them.
I feel on some level, though it often seems like a sour joke, that forgiveness is a major thing in all of this light/dark business.
I have to feel that sometimes, otherwise the onslaught is really too overwhelming.
With the online world now, words are sort of very hard to delete, and thus hard to forget, and easily thrown about as if they were cheap things - and as such, these tools often encourage our more petty and cowardly sides.
Having these on display hour after hour, ineradicable - well - I think it makes the brain panic and go deeper into that area of the mind.
These things I feel are true for me.
The desire for anonymity gets greater in such a merciless environment of social media.
And anonymity can make one even more ostracised, even darker, even more extreme.
You can still challenge someone and still forgive them I think.
I think that is probably the basis of a frank discussion.
Of course it is easier said than done.
I often seem capable of that type of humility when I think back to moments in my life that were life changing.
When I chose a path that sent me one way or another.
Where my mental course altered so much due to a single event.
Those moments remind me that my sense of self at all times is often imperceptibly woven into those moments in the past, that I tend to forget about most of the time, but yet they are the root of so much of where I find myself, and how I feel about myself.
But when I remember these pivotal moments, I feel free somehow.
As if I can forgive who I have become, because I can suddenly remember and understand and explain how I became who I feel I am now - and in that moment of calm reflection - I finally have a choice about who to become again - I finally have something like free will again.
And the anger leaves, the bitterness fades.
And warmth for self and all returns.
A.Yes indeed, forgiveness IS a major factor in this darkness v. Light thing. You'll be breaking many deals by forgiving others and you will improve your karma, plus feel better.
Personally I hardly ever use social media. Waste of time... And by clicking Like under a red's post people make deals... There are much better ways to invest one's time. My forum is packed with interesting videos in English if you're interested...
The latter part of this conversation consists in an e-mail exchange between myself and an incarnated ET. They‘re so programmed that they can‘t really go around their instilled patterns. The minute I made him see that forgiveness is the way out of his loop, his ET boss made him disappear, i.e. stop writing to me. They can do that by either directly erase their memory, or create a big problem for them to keep them busy until they forget or change their mind.
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