Friday, October 23, 2020


Reincarnation is the soul’s descent into a material world where it “wears” an etheric and material body. While on the spiritual plane, we remember and study our past lives. But when we incarnate, we forget about them. We must go through challenges which will enable us to become better and stronger and balance negative karma. If we knew our past and our future they wouldn’t be challenges any more and we wouldn’t grow. Moreover, the emotional weight of all those memories would be too much for our everyday life.

Most religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism or Native American religions believe in reincarnation. At start also Judaism and Christianity did. There is strong evidence (through studies of the scriptures, historic evidence, secret societies, channeling, hypnosis and mediums) that Jesus Christ mentioned reincarnation many times, but those texts were altered or destroyed by the translators and copiers of the scriptures. The first Christians had a strong belief in reincarnation, but Emperor Justin, supported by his wife Theodora, forbade belief in reincarnation in a church convention in the 5th century A.D. That knowledge wasn’t part of the plans of the church, which wanted power, money and people unable to have their own mind, destined to be led by a leash. There lies tremendous power in knowing that we are the masters of our own spiritual progress. So the church altered the word of Jesus, which was based on love and forgiveness, manufactured a punishing God and built a religion based on fear, shame and guilt. However, if we read the bible thoroughly, we will find parts where reincarnation is mentioned indirectly. In Ancient Greece the belief in reincarnation was very much alive, thanks to Orpheus and Pythagoras. 

With the establishment of Christianity as an overall religion, belief in reincarnation inevitably became underground and was preserved within secret societies and religious orders, like the Cathars and the Templars, who suffered vast persecution in France. Now that we are entering the age of Aquarius, the age of progress and renewal, the trend known as “New Age” brought back to the surface belief in reincarnation. This new tendency started out at the end of the 19th century with theosophy (a movement that studied spirituality and metaphysics) with cutting edge people like Charles Webster Leadbeater, Papus or Stanislas de Guaita. The theosophical movement was enriched by magnetists, hypnotists and parapsychology researchers like Mrs Blavatsky, who founded the International Theosophical Society. Seances and other methods of spirit communication became the in thing to do among bored high society members. Spiritualism was born and later a spiritualist church emerged. It doesn’t constitute a religion, but a set of beliefs and ethics. However, no matter how open-minded the new age movement may be, it does have its limitations. The one limitation that I can think of, is its vision of the spirit world, being exclusively made out of good spirits. The new age movement doesn’t see or believe that there could be forces of darkness. This possibility is seen as a mere superstition or self-delusion that people in the Middle Ages, in their ignorance and Christian indoctrination, believed in. So what the New Age movement is doing here is the exact opposite of what was done in the Middle Ages: total denial. Back then evil witches were burned along with good witches and non-witches. Now black magic is left undetected or laughed at, at least in the so-called “civilized countries”. I guess we need to experience extremes for balance to be restored. Unfortunately, by leaving out part of reality, one becomes the victim of the same dark forces one does not believe exist, for one denies their soul mission, which is to seek and uncover the truth. So all these people's work was governed by dark spirits and thus partly false. The central point in reincarnation is whether a soul reincarnates from the Light, after having died deal free or from darkness, after having died with a major deal. In this case the demon of the deal takes the soul and inverts its DNA, turning the person into its instrument.

Thousands of researches and reports on reincarnation have been made in modern times. A section of those reports are about psychic visions and spirit communication. Another one are the reports that hypnotists have been writing ever since the onset of the seventies. Their main focus is on their clients’ impressions of past or future lifetimes. Many a time they depict detailed historical events with names and dates which with a little research can later be verified. More evidence is supposed to be the phenomenon of xenoglossy, i.e. foreign and oftentimes ancient languages that are spoken by people under hypnosis, languages that in their current life they ignore. However, this is no evidence of reincarnation, because the one who really speaks those languages is not the person under hypnosis but a demon that comes forth. The third section are children’s testimonials about their previous lifetime. The first one to research this phenomenon is Dr Ian Stevenson. He first went to Middle East countries, like India or Pakistan, where the majority of the people believe in reincarnation. Parents there pay attention to their children, when they talk or hint about a previous life, and whenever they detected such signs, they invited the US researcher who was working in that area. There have been many cases of children who could come up with exact information on their whereabouts, the names of their previous parents, friends and nabors, even objects they had hidden. Those children were usually people who had died prematurally in some accident or murder and were unable to realize their plans. Most of them made a deal to come back and they were reborn very quickly in the same country as reds. The children were transfered to their old family, who set lots of traps to test whether their claims were real. No matter what they said or did, the children always knew when the info was wrong. They were still carrying the same feelings they had in their previous lifetime for the people they knew and they treated them the same way. When the child used to be a married woman, they would treat their husband in the exact same way as in their previous life. There was even a case where the dog, which was still alive, recognized its owner, albeit in a new body! In many cases the child maintained contact with its old family and thus had two families. Ian Stevenson’s first book on this subject is called “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation”. Though the proof is often unshakable, as the scientist that he is, he likes to think of it as merely suggestive, not conclusive of reincarnation. At a later point he wrote more books, including one on European and American cases.

Plenty of respectful hypnotherapists have recorded their clients’ impressions and much has been written on the laws of reincarnation. Among the famous pioneers are Dick Sutphen, Bruce Goldberg (who specialized in future lives) and Michael Newton who studied the life between lives portion, describing the soul’s itinerary from the moment of death until its new incarnation. Although I do not agree with everything they say, their work is still important and worth reading. Nowadays parapsychology and spiritualism are taught in some universities. There are lots of books and guides on how to access our past lives or communicate with our spirit guides and angels. What is unfortunately missing is information about what is light and what is dark. So this movement is dangerous for naive, ignorant people who accept everything without doing any research or questioning of their own, or ask God ask for protection when doing exercises.

The veil between the physical and the spiritual realm is getting thinner by the minute. We are soon to become something like the New Age children (the indigo, crystalline and rainbow children) who recall their past lives and heal themselves and others (but who are actually dark ET’s). Many old souls have come over the past few years to help humanity rise in vibration. This shift was foreseen by ancient civilizations like the Mayas and the Hopis, as well as prophets, psychics and saints. In August 2015 the astral Armageddon started and is still going on (January 2019). If the Light wins, the Light millennium will start and will last 1000 years. During that period humans will be in direct communication with God and there will be no evil of any kind, because everybody will know the truth. Our DNA and everything about us and the physical world will become pure and light. From Homo Sapiens we will become Homo Spiritualis. Then dark forces will be born again and culminate in the physical Armageddon, in 3866. After that the physical world will be abolished and everyone will live in a world made by God. If dark forces win, we will go into the global deal with ET’s and our planet will turn into another one like the millions and millions and dark planets. At first we won’t know, because we will be deceived and we will experience an easy, leisure life, but as we run out of energy, our planet will have to struggle in order to survive, or conquer other planets, enslaving their inhabitants. Let’s all pray for the first option!

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